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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Keys To Productivity

Productivity is about adding value, contributing your own quota to the system to have a better life. It’s an economic measure of rate of outputs per unit input. Input involves labour and capital. Outputs are measured by revenues (income) and products (goods). Everybody has got to produce what they have. What do you have? You can’t be here doing nothing. You’ve got to do something, no matter how small. It’s not enough to have capital (money or other resources), labour is required. Everybody must work. Except you are underaged or incapable, if you are not working, you are not worthy to live. Work gives you worth. If you are a student, it’s not enough to pay your school fees (capital), you must study well (work). Learning and studying are priority for you above any other thing. If you are not doing this, you are not doing well, and you are wasting your life. On the long run, you won’t be able to add value. There are too many young people these days who have been distracted by so many things. No time to read. No time for self-development. No time for productive thinking. It’s activities all over, a syndrome common among people from undeveloped countries. They are lazy with their studies, but hazy with all kinds of activities. And I wonder who will bale these ones out of journey to poverty. Work is never a curse, God commanded it. Labour is never a sin, scriptures make it clear. God has blessed you, but you must work. God has given you all the riches on earth, but you must do what you suppose to do. It’s not enough to confess, you must go ahead to possess. If you are a student, you must be committed to learning. If you are a business man or woman, you must know how your business is adding value to people and meeting their needs. If you are a civil servant, you must know how you are adding value to government and have good returns as your salary. If you are a servant of God, you must know how you are serving God and his people. Let’s have a new generation of people who are productive and can change nations with what they’ve got. Blessings.
You can watch the inspiring video below by Dr. David Oyedepo.
Kindly drop your comments below.

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