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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Let's Run Through These Facts

* You only know the day you were born. You didn’t know the day your egg was fertilized.
* If God didn’t create sex, what else could have been an alternative to it? I'm not sure anything can mimic its purpose.
* Women check their body 36 times everyday to find any spot or blemish.
* Women are more sexually kinky than men.
* Sex occurs 120 million times everyday.
* Men don’t take sex as ceremonious as women do.
* Women express more sexual plasticity than men.
* Most times, men have sex with whom they are physically attracted to. But women have sex with whom they are emotionally attached to. 
* Men become automatically talkative when they are with a woman they are in love or physically attracted to. 
* Testosterone is the culprit behind men’s strong sexual desire and activity. 
* Twelve to 17-year-olds are among the largest consumers of online pornography.
* Clitoris (in females) is equivalent to penis (in males). It’s the most sensitive female genital organ. It has thousands of sensory receptors. 
* Labia majora (in females) is equivalent to the scrotum (in males).
* Sixty-seven percent of teenage girls and 53% of teenage boys who have had sex said they wished they had waited.
* Couples who do not cohabit before marriage experience lower rates of marital conflict, infidelity, and divorce.
* Adults who delay sex until marriage report the highest levels of sexual satisfaction.
* Sex outside marriage kills love. Sex inside marriage keeps love.

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