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Saturday, May 26, 2018

19 Reasons Why Sex Should Only Be In Marriage

"Tell me you don’t know about what is going on these days", "How can you wait till you get married before sex", "How possible?" "For what?"...and so on. But general opinion will not make what is wrong right. And popular rejection will not make what is right wrong. Civilization has exposed us to many things. Girls and boys mature faster these days than before as early as 10, 11. They leave their parent covering for boarding school and higher institutions. They experiment a lot of things. Internet is available. Everything is there. What else? But the feelings and urges are also there. Peer pressure and social blending among young people enthuse their massive interest in sexual matters. Gone are those days when ladies are scared of unwanted pregnancies and STDs. These days, people can declare marathon sex without much heart attack. Marriages are delayed these days; ladies pursue career, and guys don’t want committed relationship or responsibility since they can have sex outside marriage, coupled with the fact that there are no serious consequences of sexual affairs outside marriage in many countries of the world. So, why should we wait till we’re married before sex? More so that we can’t just avoid the feelings and the urges. Alright! So, we don’t need to be religious. Let’s just consider these reasonable points.

*1. Most people became addicted to sex outside marriage. Addiction of any kind damages the brain reward system and personal judgment. 

*2. There’s low mental productivity with people who engaged in sex outside marriage as their main focus would be sexual pleasure. 

*3. Memories of sex engage the mind and draws one’s attention from other important things. 

*4. It’s easier to relate with your spouse if both of you are virgins or better still on the same page about sexual matters and learn sexual acts together than comparison of sex with past sexual encounters.

*5. Sex goes beyond physical attraction, it involves some emotional attachments. Sex outside marriage can damage some people’s feelings and make them cynical or abhorrent to the opposite sex.

*6. Most people who engaged in sex outside marriage have problems with sex inside marriage. 

*7. Some people who are sexually abused or have bad sexual experience with the opposite sex change their sexual orientation and become gays and lesbians.

*8. There’s feeling of guilt and condemnation in people who engage in sex outside marriage because of its unacceptability by God and people. 

*9. Sixty-seven percent of teenage girls and 53% of teenage boys who have had sex said they wished they had waited. 

*10. There’s mostly feeling of deep regret later in life by people who engaged in sex outside marriage as many would connect their sexual problems in marriage with their past extramarital affairs. 

*11. People who don’t have sex outside marriage are saved from bad memories and wrong sexual fantasies. 

*12. Sex outside marriage makes us lose value and purpose for sex. Sex is not only for pleasure. It is a treasure that must be cultured. 

*13. Sex outside marriage waste your resources; you spend a lot of money (buying contraceptives, sex  materials and accessories, drugs, and other miscellaneous expenses), you spend time (for sex, for planning, for recuperation and so on), you expend energy on sex and your body to satisfy your sexual partner and keep flicking sexual pleasure till it dies off your body within minutes. But resources have been wasted. 

*14. People don’t value each other and marriage anymore because of high rise of sex outside marriage.

*15. It's only in marriage that the purpose and functions of sex are fulfilled; for Relation (bonding), for Reproduction (giving birth) and  for Recreation (therapy). They are '3 Rs' in case of mnemonics.

*16. There’s problem with self-esteem, self-value, and self-worth when we have sex with someone or people we are not married to.

*17. There’s social defamation and low reputation with whoever engage in extramarital sex, especially if the person is occupying a social position.

*18. The use of contraceptives do not totally rule out the consequences of extramarital sex.

*19. The One who created sex said it is not good outside marriage. Obviously, He has His reasons.

From these points and many more that you could think of, you can decide for yourself what you want. I believe sexual abstinence should be a personal decision and not a general coercion. However, you sure know that the benefits of whatever choice you make will definitely be yours without anyone taking it from you. Another related article is "How to control and channel your sexual energy", Check it out on this link: Have a healthy, stress-free life.