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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Maternal and Child Health Episodes; Preventive Health 2

# Many times I had thought about mothers. It takes crossing many huddles to attain that position. Mothers and children take two-third of any human population. There must be special healthcare for them.
# Out of more than 135 million women that give birth every year, about 20 million of them are estimated to experience pregnancy-related illness after childbirth. Most of the problems are psychological and lack of support. Every new mother around us must be supported.
# The moment a woman becomes a mother, her role is divided, and her attention is drawn from her husband to her child. This often gets men crazy, but it's logical. The child needs his mother's attention. The husband needs his wife's attention. She has become two in one. Dear fathers, take it easy on mothers.
# If you think for a second if there are no human beings on earth, think for a minute if there are no women on earth, then think for some moments if there are no mothers on earth. Mothers deserve preferential treatment as babies demand parental influence.
# About 16 million girls give birth every year. Many of these teenage pregnancies are unplanned for. Complications from those pregnancies and childbirth are the leading cause of death among teenage girls. Parents, help your teenage girls.
# A nursing mother is bondly tied to the health of her child, especially if she is new in motherhood. She's just gaining experience in mothercraft. She faces a lot of challenges as her baby undergoes different stages of growth and development. There's need for support from older mothers. That will go a long way.
# We know motherhood is not only physical. But it could also be spiritual. Now that you have decided not to give birth. And it's not your calling to be Mother Teresa or Apostle Paul. But somebody else gave birth to you. Don't waste those precious eggs inside of you. They are God's investment. Kindly do well to be a blessing to others too.
# A sister of mine told me about a pregnant woman who was at the point of labour how she was maltreated by the attending nurses. Despite her condition, those medical personnel won't want to listen to her. But everything should be with care and tenderness when it comes to pregnant women, because they are in a state that only people in that stage can understand.
# Evidence shows that women who are better educated tend to have healthier children. They can attain high financial and social status which can help them with good healthcare services. Women must be empowered.
# Jesus was an embryo. Yes, he was a fetus. He stayed in his mother's womb for 9 months. He became a newborn. His mother breastfed him. He crawled, grew teeth and stammered with words. His mother had so much to do, just as other mothers would do. Jesus grew up and eventually fulfilled purpose. Thank God for mothers. Thank God for Mary.
# She has feelings that can't be explained. She gathers a lot of saliva in her mouth every morning, coupled with some tiredness and tenderness. Her appetite is not stable and she's not sure what's happening. hCG and other tests have confirmed. She's pregnant. Happy pregnancy dear expectant mother.
# Pregnancy lasts 9 months. There are 3 trimesters. Each trimester lasts 3 months. The 1st trimester is for the formation of the conceptus. The last 2 trimesters are for the development of the conceptus.
# A man ran away after hearing his wife gave birth to triplets. He said "who told her to give birth to 3, I'm only looking for 1". But he has forgotten that she didn't impregnate herself. Only irresponsible men make their wives responsible for their irresponsibility.
# Globally, 40% of pregnancies are unplanned. Half of unplanned pregnancies are aborted. The remaining half becomes miscellaneous. Babies are thrown away. Mothers are neglected. And the society becomes haphazard. Women need good practical knowledge on birth control. I think they are more organized. *An article is coming on birth control.
# All is set. It's time for baby shower. Let's celebrate the baby and the mother. Come with your gifts and surprises. You know gifts gladden women's heart. It's been an amazing journey. The mother can't wait to deliver. The date is fixed. The time is here. May all women who wish to be mothers one day have their prayers answered.
# For a newborn, breastfeeding is good (at least 6months). It helps the child with good nutrition, growth, fighting of infections and mental development. For the mother, breastfeeding helps her to lose pregnancy weight, strengthens maternal bond, reduces risk of breast and ovarian cancer and a form of birth control. Let's thank our mothers, they breastfed us.
# The health of one child is as important as the health of 10 children. The health of one mother is as important as the health of 10 mothers. Caring for one mother and her child is as important as caring for one nation and its societies.
# Malnutrition among children and breastfeeding mothers in Africa is a major concern. Bad nutrition exposes them to infections and illnesses. But children of the rich enjoy overeating and later suffer obesity. There must be balanced distribution of wealth, otherwise there will be problem with both parties. That doesn't help. Let's feed hungry mothers and children.
# What could make a woman forget the child of her womb that she will not put him to remembrance? Though she may forget. But the Lord will not forget you. He's closer to you than you think. He's your breathe. His eternal love is stronger than your maternal bond.
# Milestones of babyhood; sitting, rolling, crawling, blabbing, teething, walking, talking and playing. People see babies grow so fast. Only mothers see babies' growth so far.
# When you see Presidents, And you see Doctors, And you see Business moguls, And you see world changers. It's because the child did not die and the mother did not abort the pregnancy. Let's take good care of our mothers. Happy mothers produce happy children. My regards.

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