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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"I’m So Hungry Right Now!"

What if I tell you I'm so hungry right now? I just need to put something in my mouth to resuscitate those dying taste buds in my tongue. It was yesterday I ate so well that I overloaded my tummy till I went for bowel movement, not knowing that today has nothing to do with yesterday. At that time, I wouldn’t ever imagine that I would ever be hungry again. There’s just something about food that would keep us connected to it no matter what. Yes, we gain energy and nutrients from food, but apart from that, the desire and the feeling are so enormous that nothing else matters again when we are really hungry. Couple of times, I had hoped that no matter what, I would control my hunger, I would wait till I’m back from my trip or whenever I want to, not because I was fasting but just to control the desire to eat. I was so shocked at what I saw. I realized it wasn’t the way I had thought about it. I know significant part of hunger is psychological, and we can manipulate it. But that’s at the beginning part, not the later part when the feeling is so intense. The moment the feeling is getting more and more crazy, you probably might not have control over it again unless you want to starve yourself to death. 

The strong feeling of hunger is important for our survival because that’s how we can search for food and get the appropriate nutrients and energy into our body. Next time you are hungry, don’t be angry, just get something to eat if you are not fasting. But, what if you don’t have anything to eat? You can meet people who have or can help. There’s no crime in asking for what you don’t have, and you don’t need to feel ashamed about it. Better still you can talk to your close friends or family members who can help. It’s better to stay alive and live your dreams than to kill yourself because of hunger. If you don’t have resources, you can make a short and long term plans. You already have the big resources with you- your time and life

Short term plan is to offer yourself to help people. A lot of people around us need help in one way or the other. With the time you have, you can offer yourself to help people, and with that, people can give you something back in return. But don’t let your focus be money. Let it just be to add value or help people, you will see how things will work around for you. The long term plan would be to think of the area you are good at and start working on developing yourself in that area. If you develop your gift well enough, people will come and buy it at any cost only you can give it. I hope you are no longer hungry. Enjoy!

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