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Thursday, November 8, 2018

What Is The Bible?

Couple of weeks ago I was in a conversation with someone, then all of a sudden the tone of the conversation changed, I just got an answer to an important question in my spirit. What is the bible? I’m sure many will want to give religious answer or become fanatic about it that they lose out of the simplicity of the question. This is not to be religious or want to defend God, but to understand something important. The bible, though over the years has been attached to religious settings or only for Christians or believers, but for me, it’s a book of life, a life guide, and a book of principles and laws.

Now, how can we simplify this in a way that we can understand? Let’s illustrate it this way; The bible is a set of alphabets of a particular language, in this case, heavenly or kingdom language. When you want to study a language, usually you start with learning the alphabets. Everything you would ever need about the language is predicated on the alphabets, all the words are from the alphabets, the phrases, the sentences and everything about the language come from the alphabets. Now, you don’t stop at learning the alphabets and say you've known everything about the language, even though everything about the language is from the alphabets, but you go ahead and start learning the words, the sentences, the grammatical rules and constructions. You go ahead to learn the language words from simple to complex. The alphabets might not make sense on their own until they are used to form words, and then sentences. 

Every word in a language comes from the alphabets of that language. Now, one thing about language is if you studied the alphabets well, you will know when you see a word from another language. However, someone can learn how to speak a language or just know it without necessarily starting from learning the alphabets. But such person might not be able to differentiate the language from other languages because they didn't start from the alphabets. That might be what happened with people who know the truth but can't differentiate it from falsehood because they've not studied the bible. All the matters and issues of life have their origin from the bible. Whether one is a Christian or not, it doesn’t matter. The blueprint of life is in that book. Science, technology, inventions, business, arts, communications, music, and so on all originated from that book. You may wonder how, but that’s the truth. 

All the foundation of whatever is being created, innovated and produced today all came from the wisdom of that book. It’s a book of all the alphabets of life. People use it to form different words and sentences. Those are products, ideas, services, skills, innovations and so on. They all came from that book of alphabets of life, the bible. If you don’t believe, check anything around you right now, and you’ll see that the principle that produced that thing is from the bible. For instance, a chair or table; the furniture came from wood, wood came from plants. When you read the bible you know where plants came from. Everything we’ll ever found here are made from the earth; plants, animals, minerals and every other things here on earth. When you read the bible, you know where the earth came from. 

Now, to succeed here on earth, you can’t stop at knowing the bible and think you’ll succeed here on earth. You must move to learning the words, the sentences. That’s why you don’t read the bible to become a medical doctor, but you go to medical school, even though we understand that all the knowledge came from the bible, the book of alphabets, but we’ve got to advance and begin to put the alphabets together to form words and sentences, that’s only when it has become meaningful and useful. 

Imagine if you don’t have clothes on your body. Imagine if you don’t have shelter. Imagine if there’s no means of transportation from one place to another. Imagine if you can’t eat good food. All these products came from people who have mastered their skills, crafts, professions and so on to produce something good for humanity. They could use the raw materials from nature to produce beautiful things that are now valuable to us today. That’s why you must also advance your knowledge. But we know the basis of all knowledge came from the book of all alphabets, the bible. The bible is the book of foundation of life and everything about it. Peace. 

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