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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Miscellaneous 2

1. Sometimes we think we've worked too hard that we want to play or we think we've played too hard that we want to work. Either ways, balance is essential in life.

2. I have seen it over and over again; nothing happens except you make it happen. 

3. "Everybody is writing a book", Yes, everybody should write their book. The only way we know you live on earth is to keep your word in a book. If you have not written your own book, you can start planning one. I've written two books already available on Amazon, and more are still counting.

4. To maintain a girlfriend is more expensive than to marry a wife. Guy, go and marry! Advice from an experienced brother.. Lol

5. Don't only do physical work, do mental work. Don't only do mental work, do spiritual work. Don't only do spiritual work, do fulfilling work. Fulfillment is the end game to every work.

6. I often wondered why many African leaders always boast of how much money they have but not how much value they add. Money without value is rubbish.

7. We will soon realize that most things that we pursue in life are not necessary. Only smart people will know things that matter in life. 

8. When you think too much about enemies, you end up becoming enemy yourself.

9. Before, I didn't know why women carry mirror and makeups in their bags. But now, I know. If you know, you know.. lol

10. No human technology can turn 9 month pregnancy to 9 days. No invention can make 30 storey skyscraper in 30 days. We need time.

11. The earlier you separate yourself from the world system, the better you start living your life.

12. A lady has no business running after a guy. If she does that, she's lost him. A man doesn't want you to run after him. He wants to chase after you. So it can be part of his achievements.

13. There are times when we need some words of encouragement, some words of hope and love. We may be going through ups and downs in life, and difficulties and challenges. But He that created us is with us. He didn't leave us alone. You will come out of those situations.

14. Before, I didn't know why fathers love their daughters, but now I know. If you know, you know.. Lol

15. When we do too many things at the same time, we end up doing nothing at the end of the day.

16. Religion has taught us to remember God on Sundays and Fridays and to see some as believers and others as unbelievers. But God said - I am The Life that you live. If you are alive, I am.

17. If I make money to make others unhappy. How am I sure that the money will make me happy?

18. Many people run with passion. Only few people run with vision. 

19. Before, I didn't know why women love pictures. But now, I know. If you know, you know.. Lol.

20. About 450million people in the world suffer from mental illness that could easily be prevented. You and I can help.

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