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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Physical Environment

How much can we say about physical environment? Should we start from the air that we continuously breathe in? Or we take it from the water that we forever drink that takes a huge percentage of our body weight? Or we begin to dive into all the varieties of foods that we eat that have so much effect on our health and many more things like atmospheric temperature that directly affect our body temperature whether we’ll be cold or hot, or where we live, where we work, and where we meet people or buy things and so on? So much to say. 

Anyway, the journey has already started. All those were mentioned to trigger some thought processes and give you a tip of an iceberg of things that go on around us that we most times lose consciousness of but are very vital to our health. The physical environment essentially comprises all the things around us that are not living but affect our living. They are things that we can see or we cannot see with our naked eyes. Just as mentioned, though the air cannot be seen, it's impact can be felt on our body and it’s important for our health. The atmospheric temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation, waves, geothermal heat and other forces and energies around us, that can’t be seen, but their significant impact on our health can't be denied. 

Have you ever been outside in a cold weather, unprepared and you found yourself inappropriately dressed? If you had to stay long, your plan would immediately change and you will want to find a way out because you wouldn’t want the cold weather to have adverse effect on your health. Likewise when it’s summer time, the weather is so hot that you could feel like staying inside cold water. But these are just manipulations of temperature around us, yet have so much effect on our health and lifestyle. What about the water you drink? What about the clothes you put on? What about the food you eat? What about the place you work or study? And what about the places you meet people for events and so on? All these and many more form the components of our physical environment. There's so much to say, but let's take a pause here. Be healthy where you are. Be healthy with what you eat and drink. And be healthy with where you go. Have a great moment.

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