Saturday, October 30, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 10) –How to Change Your Story


Is there any situation you are going through right now that you would like to change? Is there any story or event that has been playing in your head and you’ve been thinking of how to delete, change or remove? For practically everyone of us, there’s always something we want to change, or maybe get better or improve on. From changing our life, to our work, to our habits, to our actions, to our finances, family, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, standard of living, daily activities and so on – there are numerous things we would like to change. And any of these things could be the story we want to change in our lives.

However, the change is not always easy to make, or rather it doesn’t come the way we expect it. And sometimes the demand of change is scary or heavier than we can handle and we may sometimes want to give up. But is that the solution? Not really! Barbara Kingsolver said - "The change we dread most may contain our salvation." So, while you are afraid of the change, there is something you can do. And that’s what we want to look into.

First things first, believe you can change your story!

There’s no point wasting time on what you know or believe that it’s not going to change. "All things are possible to him that believes." The corollary is also true. “Nothing is possible to him that does not believe.” This means that even the most easiest thing would not be possible for him that does not believe. While the most difficult thing would be possible for him that believes.

That’s the power of belief.

You must believe that your story can change no matter how intractable it is and you have the power to change it. Then, the next thing is to take responsibility. Yes! Go ahead and take action. Don’t just believe, follow your belief with action. One of the greatest habits of highly successful people is taking action. They don’t shift blame on anyone. They take responsibility for whatever happens in their lives.

They don’t waste their time waiting or hating on people. They just do what they have to do. And that’s the point! You too must do what you have to do. You must take charge of your life if you want to change your story.

Enough of all the blame game. Focus on your life and take action. Remember that faith without work is dead.

The next step is finding out what you want or where you want to be. There is a place where you are now. And there is a place where you want to be. Find out, so that you can start working on it.

To change your story, you must know exactly what you want to change. If your old story is about your bad habit or lifestyle, what is your new habit or lifestyle? If your old story is about your job, finances or something you are going through, what is your dream job or something you would like to have.

It is not enough to want to change your story, you must know what you want to change it with.

Next is to take the steps bits by bits. One step at a time gets the job done. Have a plan and put it into chunks that you can follow through daily or regularly till you achieve your goal. Don’t sit back and wait till everything will fall in place. Make them fall in place by your actions. Take a step forward. And keep moving.

In as much as you are moving in the right direction, you will get to your destination.

The change you desire will come and you will eventually achieve your goals. I see you making change in your life and turning your situation around.

I wish you all the best!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 9) –The Power of Written Words

Can you count how many words you’ve spoken ever since you’ve been born? Or maybe you can count how many words you’ve written? Maybe not. But why is that important? It is important because spoken and written words are the two major forms of words that have shaped our lives hitherto. They are the two forms of words we’ve received knowledge and understood many things that we’re now aware of. We’ve learned practically everything through these forms of words. But let’s discuss the power of written words today, and we’ll discuss about spoken words sometimes later.

Why do you think we have to write some things down rather than just saying them? Or why do we have written documents instead of just focusing on spoken words? It's because of the value that written words provides.

You cannot go to school without having to write something down. If you are a student, you’ll surely have something to write down. Likewise if you are a business person, civil servant, politician or any worker. Writing is absolutely necessary! 

Before we go to the power of written words, let’s look at why we write in the first place. Humans only started writing about 10,000 years ago. They made marks on the sand, then on the rocks and surfaces, then on tablets and then on papers. When paper and pen were invented, humans found it more comfortable to write down their thoughts. Then as technology progresses, humans now write on computers, phones and electronic tablets. Writing has now being made super easy, thanks to technology and advancement of humankind.

The primary reason that drove humans to start writing was the fact that they wanted to find ways to communicate, especially those who were not able to speak and those who were living at far distance. Writing words down makes it convenient for the sender to put down his thoughts one time without having to repeat himself again. And this is one of the most important reasons why we write. To make sure our thoughts and words are documented once and they can be read over and over again over thousands and millions of years. 

Written words are by far long lasting than spoken words. Yes, with the help of technology today, we can keep our spoken words for a long time. But there are obvious limitations to it - if there's no device for recording or if there is no electricity to run the device where the spoken words are kept. Any spoken words that is stored would only be stored in electronic form. Whereas, a written word can be stored in both electronic and hard copy forms. Most written words that have been written for thousands of years that we have in our world today are printed words. They are in form of books, journals, newspapers, different publications and so on. Kingman Brewster, Jr. said - "While the spoken word can travel faster, you can't take it home in your hand. Only the written word can be absorbed wholly at the convenience of the reader." Exactly the point!

Written words are so powerful that they bring freshness to our memories. We can understand the mindsets, philosophies, ideologies, and opinions of great men and women in the past, thanks to their written words. Though these people are not physically with us, their words are still with us. And because words are spirits. They are with us. No wonder we can feel them as though they are still with us. When we read their words in books, we are challenged, inspired, motivated, and encouraged. We understood the world they lived in and how they coped with life.

We know the journey to greatness is not always straightforward. There would be some hurdles and obstacles on the way. But when we learn from those who have gone ahead of us through their books and different publications, we are encouraged to move forward and go get our own dreams. We feel at ease knowing fully well that someone has gone through what we are going through and so we can sojourn easily and come to a place of rest and have peace of mind.

I love what someone said- "The reason is that till date, in spite of advances in information technology and strategies of information, the written word in the form of books still remains one of humanity's most enduring legacies." That's right! Written words have added so much value to us. They’ve changed our mindsets and ideologies. They’ve motivated us, inspired us, challenged us and encouraged us into doing great things and making our lives better. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 8) –What Story Do You Want to Believe?

I ask you today, what story do you want to believe? The story of hopelessness, or the story of a bright future? The story of failure, or the story of success? The story of sickness or the story of health? The story of fear or the story of courage? The story of poverty or the story of abundance? I ask you what story do you want to believe? 

You can always decide the story you want to believe. You have the choice! I know there are so many things around us that speak negative. There are many possibilities of believing negative things than positive things. But you know what, you have a choice. And you have power over your mind. You can choose what you want, and decide on what you want to focus on. Marcus Aurelius once said - "You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength."

When you hear people talk about poverty around you, do you believe them? When you hear them tell you the story of lack and scarcity, and all the economic crisis and breakdowns, and all the poor people in the society, and how there’s so much hunger and poverty in the land, do you choose to dwell on those stories or you will decide to focus on another story – the story of abundance. The story of how there’s so much abundance in our world that we cannot exhaust it. The story of how there’s more than enough to go around.

Let me ask you again, what story do you want to believe? The story of hopelessness or the story of a bright future? 

When everything looks gloomy and doomy around you. When there seems no way out of the difficult situation you are going through. When there’s nobody around to help or support you. When all hope is gone and no one faith is left. When the whole hell is breaking loose and you’re almost thinking of giving up on life or committing suicide. Would you believe that story? Or you will believe another story – the story of a bright future. The story of how your life is being planned and organized from the beginning even before you were born. The story of how the challenges and difficulties that you go through now will become your stepping stones to greatness. The story of how blessed and great you are.

Which story do you want to believe? Ruminate on it! 

Again, do you want to believe the story of health or the story of sickness? The story that your entire body is working for your health and nothing will go wrong in your body. The story of how well, and pleased, and comfortable your body cells and tissues are. The story of peace of mind and joy in your soul. Would you believe those stories? Or you will follow the crowd and believe another story – the story of diseases and infections. 

The story that you will always fall sick no matter what you do or don’t do. The story that sickness is already in your genes and you cannot escape it. It’s already in your family lineage and it’s generational, you cannot avoid it. Would you believe that story? 

Would you believe the story that the politicians have embezzled all the money in your country? They’ve looted all the public funds and available resources, and there's nothing left for the masses, including you. Would you believe that story? 

Would you believe the story that you cannot make it in your country until the government do the right thing? Or you would believe the story that it is you that determines how great you will be and not any government or politicians. Would you believe the story that you can always change your location and create any kind of environment that you want for yourself and your loved ones (sooner or later)? You decide on what you want to believe. 

Again, you have the choice. You are not limited by one story. And you can always choose the story that you want. Remember that whichever story you believe, that’s going to be your reality.

When Leon Brown said it all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, will eventually have power over you, I understood what he was talking about. All of those stories that you believe all began in your mind. Any one that you give power to (by believing) will eventually have power over you (by becoming your reality). You must pay attention to the story that you believe in your mind, if you want to change your present story. I see you making difference in your life. 

Best regards

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 7) –The Non-Conventional Way of Writing A Great Story


How do you tell your friend a story? Or how do you gist with your partner? Naturally, yeah? And sometimes unprepared or impromptu. No faking it or pretense, Yeah? That’s the point. With all the excitements and fun. And you will agree with me that that’s the kind of story you enjoy. It’s the kind of story you easily relate with and understand. No formality or rules. It just flows. That’s the way it is. That’s the way we are. And that’s how we are designed. Our system doesn’t always operate by rules and regulations, but by the nature of who we are.

I don’t like going by conventional rules or follow the crowd. Because I know it’s already common. Everybody is doing it. And it doesn’t allow me to do my own thing. I want to bring my own uniqueness to everything I do. And actually I don’t mean I break every law or become weird because I want to standout. But just to put something different to what I do. To bring out my own style and concept. Maybe you feel like that too. 

Now, when it comes to writing a story, I’ve found a trick - Just write the way you’ll tell your friend, Period! Have you ever read some interesting stories before? What did you notice about those stories? They are super relatable. You can feel the emotions and the words come alive. The writing is so captivating that you hardly believe you are reading. It’s like someone is seated before you talking to you. You catch all the fun and excitements. That’s because the writer also had you in mind while he/she was writing. He/she was also writing as though you were seated before him/her. That’s why you could feel the energy and enthusiasm.

Writing a story shouldn’t be as difficult as many of us have thought. It should be natural and flow. I know at first, it may be hard. But the secret of writing a good story is to write. If you are not sure of how to start, think of how you will tell your friend a story. Do you rack your head on where you’re going to start? Or you wait for 10 minutes before you start? You know the story just jump into your mouth as soon as you want to tell your friend. You don’t need to spend minutes or hours organizing the story in your head, but you just start anyhow. That’s the point. That's the same way you want to do with writing. Because as a matter of fact, writing is not different from speaking and shouldn’t be (in terms of content). People will only enjoy your writing if it sounds like you are speaking. Nobody wants a boring moment. And trust me, nobody wants to read a boring or too formal story. There should be some element of fun and emotional captivation to it.

Now, in this, you know what I’m saying. I’m not saying you shouldn’t make sense with your story or organize it. Just as the way your story will make sense anyway to your friend when you are saying it, that’s the way you should write it. That’s the secret of the best story telling that I mentioned in the previous article that – show, don’t tell. (Read it up here : When you show, you let your readers imagine what you write and absorb the emotions associated with it. 

For instance, if you want to describe that someone is afraid, show it and don’t tell. Showing it would mean that you describe everything associated with fear without mentioning it, so that anybody will understand what you’re talking about. This is just an example. It may not be about fear. It could be anything. And it’s actually not every time you’ll be describing every emotion. But the rule of thumb is – any emotion or expression that is key to what you are discussing should be shown and not told.

Therefore, it’s important and interesting to make writing your story as natural as possible, without too much formality or strict following of rules. People who follow the rules best are those who know how to break it. This makes them to establish new rules and upgrade the old ones. Nothing should make you afraid about writing your story. With the picture of your friend seated before you in mind, start writing your story as though you are telling him/her. 

Also, you can go by audio recording if you are not so good with writing. You can tell the story, record it, and later transcribe it. Anyway is good. The most important thing is that you are able to write and share your story. And if you want you can later publish it or turn it into a book. I see you becoming the great author that you had always wanted to be.

If you'll need help with writing a book, write to us at We’ll be glad to help you.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 6) –How to Write A Good Story

After you’ve selected a theme for writing your memoir, (Check the previous article here: the next thing you want to do is how to organize your story that buttresses the theme. Your story doesn’t have to follow a particular order. But it should be organized and make sense to your reader. It should be able to communicate the message you’re trying to pass across.

When you want to write a story for your memoir, you should focus on five things, viz; the character, the setting, the plot, the conflict and the resolution.

The character involves you and any other person you are discussing in your story. The setting is the location or scene of the action. The plot is the arrangement or organization of the story – the description, the sequence of events and the interplay between the characters and the settings. The plot also describes how a character handles the conflict and resolves it. The conflict is the issue or problem that the character is trying to deal with. And the resolution is how the conflict is settled. When the conflict reached the peak before it is resolved, it is called climax. The more you can make your story reach climax before it is resolved, the more interesting it will be to your reader.

To take cognizance of these components of a story makes your story comes out organized and appealing to your reader. So, examine your story and see how each component fits into it. It’s not enough to have a good story, you should make it well thought out and planned.

Meanwhile, your memoir can be short written like an article or long written like a book. (I just finished writing a book by the way. It’s for one of our clients – it's such a powerful and interesting book). Anyway, let’s continue our discussion. So, as we’ve earlier established that when you are writing a memoir, you are focusing on the lessons that your story portrays, so that people can benefit well from your story.

While writing your story, this is how to engage your reader. First, start by introducing your character as soon as possible, and describe his/her personality or identity (in memoir, it is you). Second, plunge him/her into a problem or situation, also as soon as possible. Third, make him/her enter more problem, and as he/she tries to get out of the problem, he/she gets more plunge into more problems – till it reaches climax. Fourth, let him/her finally get his problem resolved and show how what he/she has gone through has helped him/her to get solution to the problems.

In all of these, make sure you show and don’t tell. That is the rule of the game. And write as if you are talking to someone or people. This allows your thoughts to flow easily. Create a tension in your story through the conflict that your character has and let it be prolonged (not too prolonged in order not to discourage your readers). But prolonged enough to put them on suspense and anticipation to see the end result. Then, finally bring a resolution. Let the solution be revealed by what the character has learned and gone through.

There’s no particular order that your story must follow. What is important is that it must be organized and should communicate the lessons that you want it to. And let your readers know that you have a big cheese at the end of the story to build the anticipation and desire in them to read through.

If you are thinking of writing a story, don’t be discouraged by what I’ve shared if you are not familiar with those terms or this is your first time. Writing a story can be as fun as writing a letter to your friend or even gisting with your partner. So, don’t worry about writing a perfect story. Just start. Start anyhow. Start anywhere. You get better at writing by writing. So, keep writing and you’ll find it more fun to do.

If you need help in any of these, write to us at We’ll be glad to help you.