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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 7) –The Non-Conventional Way of Writing A Great Story


How do you tell your friend a story? Or how do you gist with your partner? Naturally, yeah? And sometimes unprepared or impromptu. No faking it or pretense, Yeah? That’s the point. With all the excitements and fun. And you will agree with me that that’s the kind of story you enjoy. It’s the kind of story you easily relate with and understand. No formality or rules. It just flows. That’s the way it is. That’s the way we are. And that’s how we are designed. Our system doesn’t always operate by rules and regulations, but by the nature of who we are.

I don’t like going by conventional rules or follow the crowd. Because I know it’s already common. Everybody is doing it. And it doesn’t allow me to do my own thing. I want to bring my own uniqueness to everything I do. And actually I don’t mean I break every law or become weird because I want to standout. But just to put something different to what I do. To bring out my own style and concept. Maybe you feel like that too. 

Now, when it comes to writing a story, I’ve found a trick - Just write the way you’ll tell your friend, Period! Have you ever read some interesting stories before? What did you notice about those stories? They are super relatable. You can feel the emotions and the words come alive. The writing is so captivating that you hardly believe you are reading. It’s like someone is seated before you talking to you. You catch all the fun and excitements. That’s because the writer also had you in mind while he/she was writing. He/she was also writing as though you were seated before him/her. That’s why you could feel the energy and enthusiasm.

Writing a story shouldn’t be as difficult as many of us have thought. It should be natural and flow. I know at first, it may be hard. But the secret of writing a good story is to write. If you are not sure of how to start, think of how you will tell your friend a story. Do you rack your head on where you’re going to start? Or you wait for 10 minutes before you start? You know the story just jump into your mouth as soon as you want to tell your friend. You don’t need to spend minutes or hours organizing the story in your head, but you just start anyhow. That’s the point. That's the same way you want to do with writing. Because as a matter of fact, writing is not different from speaking and shouldn’t be (in terms of content). People will only enjoy your writing if it sounds like you are speaking. Nobody wants a boring moment. And trust me, nobody wants to read a boring or too formal story. There should be some element of fun and emotional captivation to it.

Now, in this, you know what I’m saying. I’m not saying you shouldn’t make sense with your story or organize it. Just as the way your story will make sense anyway to your friend when you are saying it, that’s the way you should write it. That’s the secret of the best story telling that I mentioned in the previous article that – show, don’t tell. (Read it up here : When you show, you let your readers imagine what you write and absorb the emotions associated with it. 

For instance, if you want to describe that someone is afraid, show it and don’t tell. Showing it would mean that you describe everything associated with fear without mentioning it, so that anybody will understand what you’re talking about. This is just an example. It may not be about fear. It could be anything. And it’s actually not every time you’ll be describing every emotion. But the rule of thumb is – any emotion or expression that is key to what you are discussing should be shown and not told.

Therefore, it’s important and interesting to make writing your story as natural as possible, without too much formality or strict following of rules. People who follow the rules best are those who know how to break it. This makes them to establish new rules and upgrade the old ones. Nothing should make you afraid about writing your story. With the picture of your friend seated before you in mind, start writing your story as though you are telling him/her. 

Also, you can go by audio recording if you are not so good with writing. You can tell the story, record it, and later transcribe it. Anyway is good. The most important thing is that you are able to write and share your story. And if you want you can later publish it or turn it into a book. I see you becoming the great author that you had always wanted to be.

If you'll need help with writing a book, write to us at We’ll be glad to help you.

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