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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 10) –How to Change Your Story


Is there any situation you are going through right now that you would like to change? Is there any story or event that has been playing in your head and you’ve been thinking of how to delete, change or remove? For practically everyone of us, there’s always something we want to change, or maybe get better or improve on. From changing our life, to our work, to our habits, to our actions, to our finances, family, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, standard of living, daily activities and so on – there are numerous things we would like to change. And any of these things could be the story we want to change in our lives.

However, the change is not always easy to make, or rather it doesn’t come the way we expect it. And sometimes the demand of change is scary or heavier than we can handle and we may sometimes want to give up. But is that the solution? Not really! Barbara Kingsolver said - "The change we dread most may contain our salvation." So, while you are afraid of the change, there is something you can do. And that’s what we want to look into.

First things first, believe you can change your story!

There’s no point wasting time on what you know or believe that it’s not going to change. "All things are possible to him that believes." The corollary is also true. “Nothing is possible to him that does not believe.” This means that even the most easiest thing would not be possible for him that does not believe. While the most difficult thing would be possible for him that believes.

That’s the power of belief.

You must believe that your story can change no matter how intractable it is and you have the power to change it. Then, the next thing is to take responsibility. Yes! Go ahead and take action. Don’t just believe, follow your belief with action. One of the greatest habits of highly successful people is taking action. They don’t shift blame on anyone. They take responsibility for whatever happens in their lives.

They don’t waste their time waiting or hating on people. They just do what they have to do. And that’s the point! You too must do what you have to do. You must take charge of your life if you want to change your story.

Enough of all the blame game. Focus on your life and take action. Remember that faith without work is dead.

The next step is finding out what you want or where you want to be. There is a place where you are now. And there is a place where you want to be. Find out, so that you can start working on it.

To change your story, you must know exactly what you want to change. If your old story is about your bad habit or lifestyle, what is your new habit or lifestyle? If your old story is about your job, finances or something you are going through, what is your dream job or something you would like to have.

It is not enough to want to change your story, you must know what you want to change it with.

Next is to take the steps bits by bits. One step at a time gets the job done. Have a plan and put it into chunks that you can follow through daily or regularly till you achieve your goal. Don’t sit back and wait till everything will fall in place. Make them fall in place by your actions. Take a step forward. And keep moving.

In as much as you are moving in the right direction, you will get to your destination.

The change you desire will come and you will eventually achieve your goals. I see you making change in your life and turning your situation around.

I wish you all the best!

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