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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Be An Author Challenge (Part 8) –What Story Do You Want to Believe?

I ask you today, what story do you want to believe? The story of hopelessness, or the story of a bright future? The story of failure, or the story of success? The story of sickness or the story of health? The story of fear or the story of courage? The story of poverty or the story of abundance? I ask you what story do you want to believe? 

You can always decide the story you want to believe. You have the choice! I know there are so many things around us that speak negative. There are many possibilities of believing negative things than positive things. But you know what, you have a choice. And you have power over your mind. You can choose what you want, and decide on what you want to focus on. Marcus Aurelius once said - "You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength."

When you hear people talk about poverty around you, do you believe them? When you hear them tell you the story of lack and scarcity, and all the economic crisis and breakdowns, and all the poor people in the society, and how there’s so much hunger and poverty in the land, do you choose to dwell on those stories or you will decide to focus on another story – the story of abundance. The story of how there’s so much abundance in our world that we cannot exhaust it. The story of how there’s more than enough to go around.

Let me ask you again, what story do you want to believe? The story of hopelessness or the story of a bright future? 

When everything looks gloomy and doomy around you. When there seems no way out of the difficult situation you are going through. When there’s nobody around to help or support you. When all hope is gone and no one faith is left. When the whole hell is breaking loose and you’re almost thinking of giving up on life or committing suicide. Would you believe that story? Or you will believe another story – the story of a bright future. The story of how your life is being planned and organized from the beginning even before you were born. The story of how the challenges and difficulties that you go through now will become your stepping stones to greatness. The story of how blessed and great you are.

Which story do you want to believe? Ruminate on it! 

Again, do you want to believe the story of health or the story of sickness? The story that your entire body is working for your health and nothing will go wrong in your body. The story of how well, and pleased, and comfortable your body cells and tissues are. The story of peace of mind and joy in your soul. Would you believe those stories? Or you will follow the crowd and believe another story – the story of diseases and infections. 

The story that you will always fall sick no matter what you do or don’t do. The story that sickness is already in your genes and you cannot escape it. It’s already in your family lineage and it’s generational, you cannot avoid it. Would you believe that story? 

Would you believe the story that the politicians have embezzled all the money in your country? They’ve looted all the public funds and available resources, and there's nothing left for the masses, including you. Would you believe that story? 

Would you believe the story that you cannot make it in your country until the government do the right thing? Or you would believe the story that it is you that determines how great you will be and not any government or politicians. Would you believe the story that you can always change your location and create any kind of environment that you want for yourself and your loved ones (sooner or later)? You decide on what you want to believe. 

Again, you have the choice. You are not limited by one story. And you can always choose the story that you want. Remember that whichever story you believe, that’s going to be your reality.

When Leon Brown said it all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, will eventually have power over you, I understood what he was talking about. All of those stories that you believe all began in your mind. Any one that you give power to (by believing) will eventually have power over you (by becoming your reality). You must pay attention to the story that you believe in your mind, if you want to change your present story. I see you making difference in your life. 

Best regards

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