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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Be An Author Challenge (Part 19) — My Story of 2021

First of all, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022. Talking about the past year 2021, there were a lot of things that happened. For me, it was an extraordinary year. A year that made some landmarks in my life. I started off the year by pivoting a little bit from my food business and focused on writing. I was sometimes taking food orders but put most of my time to writing and studying. 

You may wonder why? I realized two things. First, I needed to document some important things (in form of ideas and knowledge) I’ve got in certain areas. Second, I had a great spur to create an awareness about writing and documenting our lives. I’ve noticed that life is only lived once and many people have lived their lives undocumented. The result? they were quickly forgotten and remained elusive and unappreciated in the book of history.

There were many people that have lived that we had no idea about their lives, especially in Africa where I came from. Their path on earth was like a snake moving on the rock that made no landmark. So I knew I had an assignment to let people know how crucial it is to document their lives and share their stories. 

If you’ve been following my posts on social media, you would see many of my posts focused on documenting your life and sharing your stories. I created a "BE AN AUTHOR CHALLENGE" where I share why you must be an author and share your stories. Because I believe everyone is an author. (Being an author means you have something to share).

In the first month of the year, I released my third book- 13 Opportunities In Ukraine; An Inside Scoop to all that Ukraine has got to offer. Many people told me they loved the book. Subsequently, I wrote 7 more books; 4 for myself, and 3 for people. In all of these, I found 2021 fulfilling and awesome. Though I had couple of expectations for the year, some were achieved, and others I’m looking forward to their fruition. Notwithstanding, I thank God for how far I've gone.

I can’t wait to see what this new year has in store for me, and for you too, my dear reader. I hope this new year will be a year that will bring you to a new level of success and progress. You will do well this year, better than last year and all of your dreams and visions will get more clarity and purpose. You will be fulfilled in all you do and continue to be happy and live in health and wealth. I wish you all the very best in the new year. Hearty cheers!


Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed with all your post about the author challenge, very inspiring.
No doubt, God is using you to impact your generation.

S.O PIENS said...

Thank you so much.