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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Be An Author Challenge (Part 21) —Shocking Ideas About Sharing Stories

“So you are talking about sharing stories, is that what we need now? When people are hungry and looking for what to eat. Nobody cares if you share story or write story. What is affecting most people now is not that. It is getting solution to their incessant problems. And the economy and situation of things in many of our countries now are not so good and highly devastating and annoying, why should you say people should be sharing their stories?”

If you’ve ever had this thought or just thinking about it, it’s a good way to challenge my thoughts and actions. Let me take this little time to explain further and build on my previous article (if you've not read it, read it up here First of all, understanding what I’m doing is very important and its relevance to our present day world. Of course, I’m aware of those facts pointed above and I’m not insensitive to the current needs of our people. But you know what? This thing I’m doing is important and I will show you how. 

Imagine someone has financial challenge right now and he’s looking for what to do or how he’s going to solve his problem, if he’s opportuned to read or hear someone’s story of how they solve their own financial problem, probably that may help him in solving his own problem. Or in another way, if he shares the story of what he’s going through, probably someone might come to his aid. I know you might say –“but that doesn’t work all the time.” Yes! But the fact still remain that the story has been shared, and if it has been shared, it has been half-solved.

I remember sometimes I was in a fix, and it looks like solution was difficult to achieve. I thought - "what would I do?" Then, I picked my phone and called my friend. I shared the story of what I was going through with him and how much I believed solution would come. Lo and behold, before the next day, I had got solution to that problem. I was shocked. I didn't know it would come that fast. I subsequently repeated that same thing and had the same results. 

Many don’t know the secret of sharing a story. They think it’s just the usual thing or for the sake of formality. They don’t know it’s a principle. Every story you share is every story you half-solved. For the fact that you release it from inside and make it known to the universe makes its power available to you, and help you. You don’t need to worry about who you tell (if it’s not an issue for you) or who hears it. All you need is to be genuine in your heart and be opened enough to receive solution. If you have any problem you are going through, you want the universe to hear by sharing it with people. There is power in your voice. And there’s power in sharing your story. 

What many of us don’t understand yet is that story is still the number one factor that is holding every belief system in our world. Let me say that in another way, our world only exists today because of stories. Human species would have gone out of relevance and would have been subdued by wild animals and nature if not for story. Story brings man together. Story makes man do great things together. In fact, story puts all the structures, the institutions, the organizations, and the societies in place. I wish you know the power of story, let alone the power of sharing it.

If I ask you to share your story or share with you other people’s stories, I’m contributing to helping you see more lights and understanding life from other people's perspectives, and how to solve problems learning from others, and also getting the motivation you need to share your own. I’ve realized one thing, human beings are essentially the same on the level of nature. Many things that we think are personal are not. We humans are absolutely the same in many ways. We all have the same human feelings and we basically go through the same situations and experience.

Just the fact that you’ve not heard someone mentioned your story before doesn’t mean nobody has gone through what you are going through. Many people would have gone through it, but because they didn’t share it, you couldn’t benefit from it, and if you don’t share yours too, it will remain elusive and unbeneficial for those who might have the same situation later in future.

No matter what you are going through today, I’ll like to encourage you that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Though you may not see it now, because of where you are, but I promise you that you will see it if you keep moving. And that is the value of hearing other people’s stories. You will know what you don't know. Because they've gone through what you are going through, sharing their story with you will benefit you.

Relax, it’s not as difficult as you think, and solution would come at the end of the day. You will know the right thing to do, and walk in the right way. I see you making your life better and moving forward in the journey of purpose. Sit back, and enjoy the journey of your life. Thank you for your time. 

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