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Friday, February 4, 2022

What Would Happen If Russia Invades Ukraine – The Inside Story (Part 2)

I recently watched a documentary where the narrator described how invading Ukraine would look like. He said Russian troops would surround Ukraine borders that are close to Russia and Russian allies and use military power to win the state, and gradually penetrate inside to win more states till it reach the capital city, Kiev to install a pro-russian President. 

By that means, Russia would make Ukraine a Federal Republic where each state would be independent and power would be decentralized from the capital city, Kiev. And so, Ukraine would no longer be a sovereign state, but each state would have its own sovereign leadership and if it is overruled by Russian army, it would be pro-russian. 

So, Ukraine would be split into parts. Some part would belong to Russia, and some part would belong to Western Europe. 

Though, that might sound like a herculean task, it is not impossible. 

Perhaps, what Russian troop would most likely want to do is to make the western community realize that they are overstepping their boundary. And it’s better to keep to their business. And don’t think of Ukraine, joining NATO or EU, because they don’t want them as their neighbors. 

But NATO and EU kept insisting that every nation has its own right to decide what it wants. Probably, Russia might not have bothered if Ukraine wasn’t its neighbor or share some crucial ties with it. But that's not the case. NATO and EU want to play Ukraine into the hands of Russia. Instead of them settling the matter amicably, they are showing their egos and Veto powers and threatening Russia with sanctions.

I'm not pro-Russia or pro-EU, but I'm pro-justice. Let there be justice and fairness in everything. We need to understand from the two sides if we want to solve the problem. Everybody is selfish in their own way, but we can manage that selfishness to let it not harm other people. 

The matter is not yet late. Again, what we hope is that, the matter would be resolved amicably, and both parties would reach a comprise that would favor the citizens of both countries and the entire world. 

We don't need war against each other. We need war against poverty, pandemics and pollutions in our environment, which is causing serious climate change. 

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