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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Capitalizing On Our Strengths As African People

For many years, we haven’t capitalized on our strengths. As African people, we have been waiting for others to validate us and tell us that what we do is good or right. But we’ve got to validate ourselves. We must justify our actions and the things we do. We are no longer puppets or slaves to these white folks.

They have been able to capitalize on their strengths and make use of them, often at our expense. Why shouldn’t we also capitalize on our strengths and make good use of them without exploiting others? As Africans, our strengths lie mostly in the physical and spiritual realms. We have both physical and spiritual strength.

Our physical strength is evident in how strong we are physically. We are energetic, resilient, rugged, agile, enduring, and resistant. When it comes to physical activities, we thrive. We excel in physical labor and physical expressions that might be challenging for others. We make use of different parts of our body to excel in physical activities. We dance a lot. We sing a lot. We engage in sports frequently. We play musical instruments. And we do all these creative and amazing things.

When it comes to spiritual matters, we are vast—highly deep and spiritual. As I have said in many of my posts, Africans are spiritual. Our spiritual antennae are far more sensitive than those of any other race in the world. Our spirituality, which some foreigners have demonized as voodoo or black magic, is often misunderstood.

Our traditional religions have been bad-tagged. The foreigners have ridiculed and derided our spirituality, even to those among us who follow contemporary religions. They say we are fanatical and bigoted. But they don’t understand that spirituality is our strength. They don’t know that – that’s what keeps us above and beyond. That is what makes us shine and flourish.

The resources and nutrients on our land are innumerable. They are uncountable, giving the world wonders. As they keep extracting the resources, they keep multiplying. Our resources are unlimited. And that is part of the evidence of our spirituality. Because our treasures are not ephemeral, but they are deeply rooted in the spiritual.

This doesn’t mean other people don’t have physical and spiritual strengths; it just means we function best in those areas, and we should let the world know that’s what makes us shine.

Go around the world and you’ll see the fastest growing spiritual centers are by Africans.

Moreover, our devotion and commitment to spiritual matters are second to none. We are spiritually focused and sensitive, with many of us believing in God, even if we are not religious or fanatical.

When it comes to mental strength, that’s a different dimension we’ll discuss in another article. 

Let’s start making use of our strengths. Let’s not allow anyone to ridicule or undermine what we have as Africans. We are strong. We are genuine. We are great human beings created to manifest the glory of the Creator.

Let’s function in this knowledge and begin to do great things for ourselves and our continent. God bless Africa.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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What Exactly Do We Need to Start Doing Now? (L3)

Having discussed the type of government we need in Africa (check hereThe Government that Works for Us), it's clear that significant change must take a gradual process. Change itself is not easy to achieve, but it is surely worth it in the long run. We know Africa has been robbed for many decades, and to liberate it, time and effort are required. Meanwhile, it is not impossible to implement those changes.

The first thing we need is planning. We need to be deliberate about what we want and begin to pursue it. 

What do we want? 

We want freedom. We want good leadership. We want an environment where we can live happily without fear or prejudice. To have this, we must plan it. Planning is not a herculean task; it’s basically mapping out how we want to achieve our goals.

Creating a massive sensation and orientation among ourselves is crucial. Whatever we want, let’s keep talking about it—among ourselves and with others. Whatever is a top priority in our minds should be what we talk about. 

If we want freedom, let’s keep talking about it. If we want good leadership, let’s keep talking about it. There is power in our words. We can’t keep silent and hope things will change. Nothing will change without us taking action.

We have the power to liberate and deliver our continent from the hands of wolves, even with the words of our mouth.

Next is to push all the agendas and activities that will establish the changes we want, starting from each of us as individuals. We must know and appreciate the value of each and every one of us. 

As individuals, we have a crucial role to play. We are not voiceless or hopeless entities. We have power within ourselves, and when we combine this power, it’s massive and profound. We can make all the changes we want if we are willing to do it. Again, change doesn’t happen on its own. We make it happen.

Next, it’s important we keep learning and developing ourselves. Knowledge is vital for empowerment. Whatever we know can be an advantage in the battlefield. We must understand this is a warfare against corrupt minds and injustice—a fight against the powers of darkness and wickedness in high places.

From this, we go spiritual. Let’s engage the spiritual weapons in our arsenal. 

First is our faith—by faith we know this world was created by the word of God. If it was created by the word, then it must listen to the word of God in our mouths. 

Let’s control things in the spirit and commit the hearts of the wicked souls into the hands of the Lord. Let the Lord remove them if they fail to repent, and let massive transformation begin to take place. Let people’s hearts be ignited, and let there be strength and willingness in the hearts of the people. 

Let there be revival and lasting revolution all over our continent, and let people come to the knowledge of the truth. Let the light shine and dispel every darkness, and let the Spirit of the Lord rule over the earth. 

Let wickedness be crushed and injustice buried. Let there be true freedom and liberty for the people of God (Isaiah 61:1-3). Let the hearts of the people be ready and willing to give it all it takes to win this battle. 

We pray for strength, courage, boldness, and resilience in the face of adversity and difficulties.

Let good things happen on the soil of Africa and let there be a lasting change.

Finally, at our place of work, at our place of worship, at our place of rest, let’s keep doing what will liberate our continent. Let’s use all the platforms and resources we have to promote what we want. We can start in our own (little or big) way and see how little things snowball into big things. 

Whoever can do anything, let them do it. As long as it promotes what we want and brings us freedom, let’s pursue it.

I see us achieving greatness and delivering our continent from the hands of wolves. God bless you and thanks for reading.

If this post makes sense to you, give it a like and share it with your family and friends. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Nothing We Have that We Have Not Received

Whatever you have, you have received. So, don’t brag about yourself. Don’t feel proud of yourself. The abilities you have, the intelligence you have, the wisdom, the ideas, the knowledge, the skills, the resources, the time, including the life that you have, were all given to you. 

Nothing is your own. You didn’t make or create them. You were only given them to multiply and make life beautiful with them.

I have said it before: human beings are essentially transducers. We are objects that convert one form of energy to another form. We don’t and can’t create energy. Neither can we destroy it. But we can convert it from one form to another. That is essentially what we do in life. That is who we are.

If you see anyone bragging about their ability, saying - they can do this, they can do that, without acknowledging the source of life, they are ignorant. They will soon realize they don’t have anything of their own. They will soon realize their inability and incompetence.

Life is given to us as a gift, and we must see it as such. We must not be arrogant or feel pompous about what we are given.

Let’s celebrate life and enjoy it while we have it. Let’s acknowledge the Giver of life and the Source from whom all good things come. This is the only way we can increase and multiply life. Shalom! 

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1. How to Get Shit Done

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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How to Fight

We’ve been taught many things, but maybe not how to fight. We’ve been taught how to make money. We’ve been taught how to be successful. We’ve been taught how to relate to people, and so on. But not how to fight. The fight I mean is not fisticuffs. It’s not a street fight or taekwondo. The fight I mean is the one inside, the abstract one. The one you engage with your mind and soul, not with your hands.

Learning how to fight is very important. Why? Because there are many situations in your life that will call for it. There will always be an attack from enemies and adversaries. There will always be those who don’t want you to succeed and want to stop you from achieving success or doing something meaningful with your life. If you want to become great or achieve anything meaningful in this life, then you must be ready to fight.

There are also situations that will want to discourage or frustrate you from achieving your goals and dreams. How do you handle these situations? What do you do? You don’t want to be on the defensive side of life. You want to be on the offensive because that is the only way you can win. You can’t win by being defensive. You will be at the mercy of your opponent. They will take advantage of your weaknesses and mistakes.

You want to be proactive and strike at your enemies before they even realize it. You want to prepare ahead, guard your loins, and locate the hideout of your adversaries.

I know some people think if they are good, people will be good to them. Yes, some people will be good to you, but not all people will be good to you. There are those who will be unhappy because you are good. There are enemies of progress. There are those whose job is to attack the success of other people. When they see people who are progressing, it saddens them and makes them combative. If you are not prepared, they will attack you unawares.

I know it’s good to be nice, but not in certain situations. I know it’s good to be kind, but not to some people. Until you realize there are wicked souls in this world, and those who will give it all it takes to bring you down (even without you knowing them or doing anything bad to them), you will not understand the gravity of this message.

You’ve got to prepare for war. And to prepare for war, you’ve got to learn how to fight. Now, you know this is all about preparing yourself on the inside. Engage your mind, acquire the right information, educate yourself, and grow every day. Knowledge is important for sharpening your mind and showing you exactly what to do in any difficult situation.

Also, you’ve got to learn from those who have won. You learn how to fight by watching those who have fought and learning their strategies. Get inspiring stories of those who have won. If you can have access to them, ask them questions. Learn the secrets and strategies they used to succeed. You will also learn from their mistakes and failures. That is a good way to learn. By doing so, you will prevent any future occurrences of such incidents and know how to handle situations better in the future.

Also, create the right environment for yourself. Let the atmosphere be saturated with positive energy. Surround yourself with positive-minded people, people who are success-focused and mission-driven. People who know how to fight, people who know how to win. Because, ultimately, the idea is not only to fight, but also to win. So, learning how to fight and win is an essential ingredient of succeeding in life.

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

What Is the Value of Life?

At times, I used to wonder, what is the value of life? Why are we even in this life, struggling day and night to make ends meet, only to die the following day? 

When you look at what is happening in the world today, with so many wars and conflicts, tragedies, bad economy, bad government, bad systems, and so on, your heart is disturbed and demoralized. You wonder where is the world going.

Now, when you look at all these things and see how everywhere is chaotic and people are dying in huge numbers every day, you ask - What is the value of life? What makes life worth living or valuable?

Human life is so thin and absolutely delicate that you just need the tiniest thing to take it off. No wonder it’s just a breath. A breath of air that can just fade away in a split second. At times, I think we actually need at least three lives to survive this planet, so that in case you take one mistakenly off, you can replace it with another, and another. But that’s not the case.

With all the struggles we make every day, planning, executing tasks, preparing for a family, working hard to be financially free, and so on, all of these involve a lot of risks that make it highly possible to go through life without any sort of protection.

When we lose one life, we lose everything. Everything is gone. There is no coming back or spare life. We just have to give up all we’ve struggled for to other people.

That’s why it’s vital to take cognizance of things that truly matter in our lives. We can’t afford to waste this life that we are given the opportunity to live. We’ve got to celebrate and appreciate it.

Start from the primary reason why you are here—the very purpose of your existence on this planet Earth. Discover your purpose as early as you can, and start working on it.

Next, focus on getting resources. You need money to fulfill your purpose. And you also need purpose to make good use of money. Many people don’t know money has a purpose. They think it’s just for them to buy luxuries. But the purpose of money goes beyond that. The primary purpose of money is to fuel your journey to your ultimate destination.

When you discover your life purpose, you will have vision. Vision gives you direction to your destination. You don’t go to another man’s destination because you have a vision that stems from your purpose. So, money is the fuel inside your car that takes you to that beautiful destination.

With this understanding, you know what you are pursuing. You are not pursuing mundane things or going after things that don’t contribute value to your purpose.

When you acquire resources that will help you achieve your purpose and you keep achieving your purpose every day, that is the best way to live life. You don’t have to worry about death anymore because you are working in line with your purpose, which is the greatest fulfillment in life. Even if you pass on today, you know you have achieved something in line with your purpose. That is what truly gives value to our life.

The value of life comes from its purpose. So, enjoy your life while you have it. Let it serve the purpose for which it was created and let the world celebrate you because you have come to this planet Earth to be a blessing. Cheers!

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Focus on What You Have, Not What You Don’t Have

There is a story of a young woman who faced numerous obstacles on her journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Her name is Mabel. 

Mabel grew up in a small town in Africa where opportunities were limited. Her family struggled financially, and many people doubted she could achieve anything significant. Despite these challenges, Mabel was determined to make something of herself.

She had always been passionate about baking, but she didn’t have the money to attend a culinary school. Instead of focusing on what she lacked, she concentrated on what she had: a small kitchen, a few basic ingredients, and a lot of determination. She started baking cakes and selling them to neighbors and friends. Her cakes were delicious, and her friends recommended her to other people. Before she knew it, word had spread quickly.

One beautiful thing about Mabel was that she didn’t let her limited resources hold her back. She used social media to promote her cakes, reaching a broader audience. She saved the money she earned to buy better equipment and ingredients.

Eventually, she rented a small storefront and opened her bakery. Her business grew gradually and steadily. In no time, she became known for her creative and tasty cakes.

Today, Mabel’s bakery is one of the most popular in her city. She employs several people and gives back to her community by offering baking classes to young aspiring bakers. Mabel’s story is a testament to the power of focusing on what you have and taking that first step. By leveraging her available resources and maintaining a determined mindset, she transformed her passion into a thriving business.

Mabel’s success story is a great reminder that with the right mindset and effort, you can achieve great things regardless of where you start. Hearty cheers!

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1. How to Get Shit Done

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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The Subtle Attacks of Evil Men On Africa

Here is what evil men do to Africa, thinking Africa will be destroyed. 

They bring limitations and containment on what Africans do because they feel threatened. They feel Africans are smarter, sometimes even more than them. 

They don’t want to give them power. They don’t reward or appreciate them for what they have done. They ridicule them. They downplay their efforts and struggles. 

They create rivalry among them, making some feel jealous than the others. They divide and rule them, increasing hostility and resentments among them. 

They reward some's little efforts but stifle resources from flowing to others. 

Here is what they don’t know.

They don’t know they have empowered them more. They don’t know they have made them more creative and resourceful. 

They don’t know they have increased their strength and resilience. They don’t know they have even made them become smarter and stronger. 

They don’t know they have made them become more united and more managerial in what they do. They don’t know they have made them become more globally competitive and competent. 

They don’t know they have made them highly skillful, multitalented, rugged, stress-resistant, and stress-productive. 

They don’t know they have made them great in what they do. They have made them shine even more.

This is what they don’t know. And the light shines in darkness, but the darkness cannot comprehend it.

- S.O PIENS, MD                                                                                                                                            May, 2024

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How to Get Shit Done

How do you get shit done? Maybe you’ve been worried about the work you have to do? Maybe you’ve been concerned about how much effort you have to put in to achieve the result you desire. Or maybe you’ve been postponing and shifting things that you have to do at the moment, giving different excuses (in the name of reasons).

I have come to tell you that you can actually get shit done, and I will show you how. You don’t have to worry about changing a major part of your habit or lifestyle. 

Some people are just afraid of change. They don’t want to change, even if it is positive change. They believe things can just remain the way they are. They believe other people should change but not them.

If you want to get shit done, first of all, you have to start from where you are without giving any excuse. The excuse that you don’t have what it takes to get what you want is implausible. It doesn’t allow you to do things. 

Whenever you want to achieve anything, always focus on what you have, not what you don’t have!

It only takes one thing to achieve another thing. Even if you want to reach 1000 miles, you always have to start with one thing—one step. Not two, not three, just one. So, when you focus on what you have, and what you can do at the moment, you see the possibility of getting things done. 

You don’t worry about what you don’t have, but what you have.

You have strength. You have energy. You have good health. You have time. You have people. You have contacts. You have relationships. You have resources that can help you achieve whatever you want. So, don’t be bothered about what you don’t have. Focus on what you have.

Allot time for what you want to do, but also be flexible. If you feel the nudge to do it now, do it. Don’t say you will wait until that time comes. You might not have the opportunity you have now. 

So, always take advantage of every opportunity you have. Also, it’s important you get motivated for what you want to do. In case you are not sure what is motivating you, look back and find out what you think might be a good motivation for you to get things done.

Things will not be done on their own. You get things done. So, keep focusing on what you can do, so that you won’t give the excuse of waiting for other people to do it.

I see you stepping into a new level of achievement and progress. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Can Anything Good Come Out of Your Nazareth?

Perhaps someone has asked you before, "Can anything good come out of your life?" Maybe they see you as a regular person. They see you as someone who cannot amount to anything good. They see you as someone who is going through the difficulties and turbulence of life. And in their minds, they are thinking, "Can anything good really come out of your Nazareth?"

They asked the same question during the time of Jesus in the Bible. They said, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Nazareth was a poor city, probably the most wretched among the neighboring cities. So, people didn’t really see anything good about it. It was just a regular place where nothing much was happening.

There had been nothing really good happening in that city, not even in their history. And you know, there is this thinking people have about something they’ve used to. Just as they are thinking about you, there are certain beliefs and thoughts they have about you. Maybe based on how they’ve seen your life, maybe based on what they think you can do.

They’ve looked at you inside out and have concluded that there is nothing really much coming out of your life. In the same way, looking at the city of Nazareth, people believed nothing good could come out of it. But you know how God does His things. He never ceases to amaze men, just to let them know that He’s the One who has the final say over every situation in our lives. He’s still the One reigning and in charge of all human affairs.

So, when the issue of Nazareth came up, God knew He was going to show His wonders again. He knew He was going to surprise people. As a matter of fact, He sometimes allows things to happen so that He can show His glory and power. He did allow Jesus to be born in that city so that He could show His power and glory.

As people were not expecting much from the city, God did a surprise. And it was a surprise indeed. He made the Savior come out of that ordinary city that people didn’t even recognize. He made sure the Savior of the world had His earthly origin traceable to the most wretched city in the nation of Israel. How incredible is that?

When Jesus came and people saw the wonders He was performing, they asked, "Can anything good really come out of Nazareth? Or is it not the same Nazareth we know? Is it not the same people we know? In fact, is it not the same Jesus we know? Was He not the son of Joseph?" They began to analyze Jesus and His miracles as if they were analyzing a case.

It was an amazement.

So, just as people asked that question about Nazareth, so are they asking the same question about you—wondering if anything good can come out of your life.

I know it can be devastating for you to see people show such attitudes. Sometimes, they might not even say it; they might just show it in their attitudes or the way they do things. But you know what? You don’t need their opinions. The Lord is with you, and He will show His glory upon your life. He will let them know that He is the one in charge of your life, and He’s got you covered.

You don’t need to worry. Your life will be a testimony that the world will celebrate. It will be an epitome of God’s grace and goodness.

Keep doing your work. Don’t be distracted. Focus on your future, and the Lord will get you there. I see you stepping into a new level of glory and grace. Hearty cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Color of Your Skin Has A Purpose

On a late Friday evening, around 11 pm, I was out having my evening bike ride when I stumbled upon a mob, 99% white people. I saw them trooping out of a big hall – seems like something was going on. And as a person, I’m always curious about things. 

So, I parked my bike and went to ask someone about what was going on. I approached a gentleman. He was reserved at first to respond, then he told me – “Oh, it’s a music concert.” As he was talking, he was pulling back, sort of like he didn’t want to talk. 

I quickly understood and allowed him to go. The people that were with him were also not comfortable. Perhaps, I sensed because they saw an African person asking them about a music concert.

I hardly saw any black person around. So, it was obvious that the concert entertained mostly white people. And I understand. This is their country. They have every right to do their own thing and attend programs that are exclusive for them, even though they won’t write that on their website.

Now, here’s the idea I want to bring out. I felt bad seeing their response and how also one of the security agents was rude to me. I wanted to ask more about the event, but his response was rude. 

Then, I began to think, is it even a curse to have black skin? Why must people always be judging me because of my skin color when I didn’t decide or choose that for myself? Why would people just assume who I am based on my skin color without even having to hear anything from me? I felt this is unfair and very bad.

Though I know a lot of these white people pretend they protect human rights and they are for everyone’s good. But in their head, they always think black people are subhumans. They are below them. They’ve got nothing really to offer the world.

If you see many subtle racist behaviors many of them engage in, you will be shocked to your bones. In their closet, they always say nasty and derogatory things about black people. 

I keep asking myself, why should my skin color, something natural that I didn’t create by myself be a yardstick for measuring my intelligence or ability? Why should my skin color be my limitation in life and the lens through which people will be looking at me?

I felt so embarrassed and angry.

But at a point, I began to understand something differently. I realized that it can’t be that the Creator has made a mistake. It can’t be that just skin color will give someone privilege over me or make them better or more successful than I am. There must be something more about this.

There is a purpose for my skin color. And that purpose must be known. I must understand that the Creator has made us all equally and fearfully. And nobody is bigger or smaller than the other. 

We all have the same right and privilege before Him. And we all have the same value and worth. Yes, He made us different. He gave us different capacities and abilities. We have different gifts and talents. But that doesn’t make one better than the other. It doesn’t make one more human than the other. 

Even the one he gave 5 talents, he gave him 100% of his reward. Likewise the one he gave 2 talents, he also gave him 100% of his reward. All of us are equal and valuable before Him. It is human beings that bring the idea of racism and discrimination, and we must not allow them to thrive. We must not allow them to dominate our minds.

Now, the point is there is a purpose for your skin color. There is a reason why you have black skin and someone else has white skin. There is a reason why you felt racism while the other person doesn’t even know how it feels.

As an African, you'll often experience that racism when you are in a foreign land. But that is not the end of the world. Your life is precious to the Creator, and He wants you to value it. He wants you to cherish it. He doesn’t just want you to trivialize it because of the pressure in the world. 

He doesn’t want you to succumb to the antics of the world. He wants you to value your skin color. He wants you to stand in the gap for those who are going through discrimination and humiliation. He wants you to feel their pain, experience the challenges and be able to offer effective help to them. 

The fact that the color of your skin is black is not a shame but an opportunity – it is the fact that all things are working together for your good. 

A time will come, and very soon, when African skin will become gold all over the world. It will be celebrated, and everybody will want to have black skin because of how much value and glory it will carry.

I see you rising beyond your challenges and turning every difficulty into your stepping stones. 

Stick around to check out my new updates. Thanks for reading and bye for now. 

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Government that Works For Us (L2)

I try to do some research and find out the type of government Africa was practicing before democracy came. I found out Africa was practicing monarchy among many other traditional leaderships – and that by itself is still what many European countries are practicing. They just used democracy to cover up, but the government is mainly monarchy. 

If you are not sure, check the government of the UK, the Netherlands, and Sweden, and many of these European countries. The so-called head of government takes direction from the monarchy. 

Now, if they are practicing monarchy and encouraging us to practice democracy, that means there is something wrong somewhere and that is the highest level of hypocrisy. 

Europeans preserve for themselves what they have come to destroy in Africa. They remained united as a continent and allowed free trade and passage of goods and people, but partitioned Africa and turned us into cats and rats. 

We hardly allow movement of people, let alone goods. And this is a system that we have inherited from the colonial era. Now, the question is – what is still delaying us from stopping this evil when it’s not working for us?

It’s making us more regressive and underdeveloped. We can’t easily share goods and services among ourselves, and running business is increasingly difficult for us. What exactly do we do? That is part of what we are discussing. 

Now, to the issue of what government works best in Africa, let’s take a look again at the old government we had before democracy, it's our monarchy system. 

The idea behind this monarchy system is selecting leaders who are divinely assigned, not electing them. 

For every king that is enthroned, there is a traditional ritual that must be followed. And that includes consulting the gods to know who should be the next king. That is pretty much connecting African leadership to spirituality. Exactly the point. That is what we must go back to. 

Africa must be led by a spiritual leader not a political leader. Why? Because Africans are spiritual. Africans are more spiritually conscious and sensitive than any other race in the world. 

Leading Africans by politicians is signing in for tragedy and catastrophe which we have witnessed over the years. Africans need spiritual leaders as government officials, not politicians. 

You will see this in many religious groups and institutions where spiritual people are the leaders. They thrive. They succeed, even in the midst of bad systems in Africa. 

We can't continue to practice what doesn’t work for us in Africa. We must break these shackles and manacles of colonialism. We must invite our spiritual leaders into the frontline of our various African leadership. 

Any spiritual leader who has been tested and trusted must be considered for government leadership. We can't continue to serve mediocre as our leaders. 

We must take the bull by the horn and take the necessary steps needed to bring this into place. 

Now, what exactly do we need to start doing now? I will discuss that in the next article. Stick around to get the updates. Thanks for reading and bye for now! 

Read the previous article here: Democracy In Africa Is A Scam; Here's What Works (L1)

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Democracy Is A Scam In Africa – Here Is What Works! (L1)

I know many would be surprised to read this, but stay with me, I will explain what I mean. Democracy, first of all, is the so-called "government of the people, by the people, for the people." But this is a scam. There is nothing farther from the truth. 

Democracy is not the government of the people. It is the government of the majority, the government of numbers – which any person who knows how to manipulate people can run.

Smart politicians know how to win the hearts of the majority, and by so doing, become political leaders. They know how to play the manipulative game that the masses want. The sweet words and promises that will achieve no goal. It is what they want. By so doing, they practice the so-called democracy.

There is nothing about people in democracy. It is not as if everybody counts in it. It is only for the majority. So what happens to the minority? They either support the majority or get ridden off. Their voices are never heard or considered. If they form opposition, it won’t make any impact until it becomes another majority.

So, democracy is always a game of numbers. A game that only the majority wins, and it’s never about the people. So, the politicians use the opportunity to perpetuate their hidden agendas and execute their heinous courses.

Consider the idea of democracy again; you will realize it’s a scam. Why? Because most people are not deep thinkers. 

An average person doesn’t have time to think because thinking is hard work. A normal person doesn’t want to stress himself. He’s already dealing with a lot to survive. He doesn’t want to add to his woes. 

So, most people do things by reflex – it’s more of using their subconscious mind than the conscious mind. 

Life every day is pretty much like routine and the regulars – nothing special or extraordinary. A lot of people go to work every day, come back home tired, eat and sleep. They don’t have time to think deeply or do anything extra with life. 

Meanwhile, this is all that the politicians want. This is all that they need to win the masses. It is the kind of herd mentality that they need to win the votes. As the majority are not really thinking that much, it gives them a good ground to manipulate them and win their votes.

Now, to Africa, democracy is a big scam. First of all, because most of our people are in survival mode. So, it’s a good opportunity for any politician to manipulate them. 

Second, it’s a monetized venture. Anyone who wants to go into it must have millions in his bank account. And that’s why politicians embezzle when they get to those positions because they have to make their money back. It's pretty much like a cashout business. So, democracy actually supports corruption and money laundering in Africa.

Also, democracy increases inequality in our system. It makes the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. Only those who have connections with the politicians make it; others don’t survive. So consequently, there is more infringement on human rights, inequality, injustice, and social discrimination. 

Democracy also increases crime and criminality in our societies. We have now produced more criminals than we did before democracy came. Politicians hire kidnappers and assassins to take off their rivals. They also engage thugs and hooligans to steal votes during elections. Needless to say when the leadership is bad, everything will be bad. 

Democracy has wreaked so much havoc in Africa than we could ever imagine, including the destruction of our African cultures and traditions, subjugation of our monarchy, and too much bureaucracy (which have destroyed our talents and great minds), among others. 

I know for a long time, many of us Africans have felt there is something fishy about many of these foreign ideologies which have bastardized our systems and values, but we have kept mute. We have remained silent. 

But now is the time for us to act. Now is the time to reset our brains and take away those wrong ideologies from our minds. 

There is a better system that works in Africa. We will discuss that in the next article. 

Stick around to get the updates. Thanks for reading, and bye for now!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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How Love Turns to Hate In Relationships

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can bring us immense joy and fulfillment, but it also has the potential to turn sour and transform into feelings of hate or resentment within our relationships. 

Understanding the negative aspects of love and how it can devolve into hate is crucial in how we navigate the complexities of our human connections and interactions.

One significant factor in the transition from love to hate is unmet expectations. At the start of a relationship, there's often an idealized perception of the other person. When these expectations are not met, we feel disappointed. 

As we begin to notice flaws, differences, or behaviors that don't align with our expectations, it breeds resentment and erode our initial feelings of love.

Communication breakdown is another contributing factor. Ineffective communication or the lack of it can lead to misunderstandings, pent-up frustrations, and unresolved conflicts. 

When our grievances or concerns aren't addressed, they fester and create a rift between us and our partner. Over time, these unresolved issues can escalate, fueling negative emotions and eventually turning love into resentment or even hate.

Changes in circumstances or personal growth can also impact the dynamics of our love within a relationship. 

As human beings, we evolve over time, and our needs, aspirations, and values may shift. When these changes are not acknowledged or respected by our partner, it can create a sense of disconnection. This dissonance might lead to feelings of resentment or bitterness toward our partner because they don't align with our new direction or values.

Moreover, external stressors can strain relationships and contribute to the erosion of love. Financial difficulties, career pressures, family issues, or health concerns can place immense strain on a relationship. Under such stress, we might project our frustrations on our partner, blaming them for the challenges we face. This can breed resentment and negativity within the relationship.

Another significant factor in the transformation from love to hate is betrayal or breaches of trust. Infidelity, dishonesty, or broken promises can shatter the foundation of trust that underpins a relationship. Once trust is compromised, it becomes challenging to rebuild, leading to feelings of hurt, anger, and ultimately, hatred towards the person who caused the betrayal.

Additionally, continuous arguments, lack of resolution, or a pattern of hurtful behavior can create a cycle of negativity. When these negative interactions become the norm, it's easy for love to turn into resentment and even hatred.

It's important to note that the transition from love to hate isn't always sudden or immediate. It often occurs gradually, as accumulated negative experiences outweigh the positive aspects of the relationship. The initial love might still linger, but it gets overshadowed by the negative emotions that have taken root.

Now, while understanding these negative aspects is crucial, it's equally important to recognize that relationships are complex and multifaceted. Not all relationships that encounter difficulties end up in hate or resentment. Many couples navigate these challenges and find better ways to reconnect and rebuild their relationships, reaffirming their love and commitment to each other.

So, I encourage you not to give up on your relationship. Try and see if it can work, putting all your best into it. Unless the other person is no longer interested, nothing is impossible.

I wish you more happiness and joy in your relationship. Hearty cheers!

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Why We Must Redefine What Prosperity Means

I know, as Africans, especially those of us in the diaspora, we face a lot of challenges. For those at home, the challenges are even more enormous. We battle with so many things – one of them is the problem with our identity and our value. We have lost many things – our culture, our heritage, our language, our history, and lots of things.

Many things have been wrongly defined for us. We learn that being rich is having money and all the material things. And when you don’t have them, you are poor. They tell us prosperity is having fine houses and cars, luxury brands, and all the expensive things in the world.

But how have those things contributed to us? How have they added any value to our continent and our generation? We must detach ourselves from those toys and mundane things. We must take our minds off those things. They are death trap. And I’ll tell you why? Because they make us addicted and become consumers while we lose our value and life in the process.

Whatever is not produced by us should not be valued by us, and shouldn't be a yardstick for our prosperity. Our satisfaction must come from things that we have. Not things that we don’t have. We don’t have a yacht. We don’t have companies that produce airplanes. We shouldn’t attach to those things. We shouldn’t make them our gods.

Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t use what we don’t produce, but we shouldn’t attach to them. We shouldn't make them our god. We shouldn’t value them more than anything that belongs to another person (even if we bought them with our money).

We should value more things that we produce by ourselves. Anything foreign should be counted as such. No attachment. No yardstick for measurement of success or prosperity.

This is where we can create a balance. And make things work for us. Prosperity must be defined in our own terms. It must be defined based on what we have and what we can produce. 

Prosperity is first of all – being able to tap into our inner treasures. Being able to tap into the abundance within us. The abundance of joy, peace, satisfaction, happiness, health, success, (you get the point…!) that are within us.

Also, prosperity is our ability to fulfill purpose. It is our ability to tap into the supernatural – to tap into the power that creates the universe.

As Africans, we are so connected to the supernatural. We are spiritual, and deeply spiritual. Our understanding and opinion about God are deep and intuitive. So, when we are talking about prosperity and riches, the major aspect we are looking at is the spiritual, which is more important than anything physical or material.

We must first of all tap into the abundance that is within us. We’ve got to understand that we don’t use the yardstick and criteria that the world uses to rate and judge prosperity. We use our own yardstick. We follow our own understanding of God and spiritual things. 

We are not ignorant of the deceit and lies of the West – Africans are poor. But they keep looting our resources. They keep coming to our lands. They are using the idea of poverty to discourage us and make us feel like we have nothing and lack everything. But we’ll not succumb to that antic. We have a better understanding now.

Let’s think about it, as individuals how much material things do we need? How much things do we need to survive? Is it not just to eat, have something to wear and a place to sleep? What is more important than these basic necessities of life? All the problems we have in the world today have been because of greediness and selfishness.

As Africans, we must have our own definition of things. We can't take what others have given to us. We must redefine what prosperity means. We're leading the world, and we are no longer subjected to anybody’s antics or devices. We are now wise and knowledgeable. We are now doing things for ourselves and making our world a better place.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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