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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Embracing African Identity: Recognizing Our Strengths and Value (Part 4)

Here, in this article, I'll continue further about the idea of mental empowerment. One form of mental empowerment that we need as Africans is understanding our true value and identity. (Check out the last episode here Part 3). This is something that we need to keep echoing and reinforcing into our minds because of how important it is. Our true value and identity are what make us who we are. We are Africans!

At times when we look at what the white guys have done, the inventions they’ve made, the airplanes and warships, and the gadgets, and the heavy constructions, and the phones, and the computers, and all the technologies and AIs, we can only wonder where these guys get their brains from.

While all these are beautiful and nice, they don't make them superhumans. They are expression of natural gifts and talents that nature has endowed them with. 

So, the expression of natural abilities doesn’t make them special. It doesn’t make them more valuable than us or put them above us. 

And very importantly, it doesn’t reduce our value as humans. Even though that is what many of them think – they think Africans don’t have brains. They think we can’t build anything for ourselves. But that’s just one part of it. 

The whites are one part of humanity, there are other parts of humanity in which we are included. And that is to recognize each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They have their strengths. And we also have our strengths. They have their weaknesses. And we also have our weaknesses. None of these make anyone better or worse. They just make us complement each other.

Part of my goals with these writings is to share with my fellow Africans our values and strengths. Do we actually know we’ve got some strengths or do we think we’re just part of biomass on this planet? No, we are not!

First of all, what you want to understand about this idea of everybody’s uniqueness is to use the analogy of different parts of our body. Imagine the brain cells (called neurons) and the skin cells. Even though they are both important cells in the body, they have different strengths and weaknesses. 

Neurons are designed for transmitting impulses and interpreting signals in the brain. Skin cells are designed for protection on the surface of the body. Skin cells can withstand physical pressure, neurons cannot. Neurons can transmit electrical impulses, skin cells cannot.

We can, therefore, say their strengths and weaknesses are different. And as much as we value each of them, we cannot replace one by the other or say one is better than the other because they both perform different functions at different locations in the body, and they all contribute their own vital functions to the body.

Now, bring this illustration to us as humans. We are all one body as human beings. But according to location and racial origins, we are different in strengths and abilities. Know this today, that the white guys are not better than you. That they make computers and create some nice software doesn’t make you dumb. That is their own strengths and let’s celebrate them. Meanwhile, you have your own strengths as well. Let me mention some of your strengths as a black man or a person of African origin.

First is physical strength: an average black person has a strength that any other race in the world cannot withstand. And this is not bragging. It is the truth. Why is this? Because Africans were known to be the first set of human beings that manifested on the surface of the earth. So, they got this physical strength to be able to withstand an attack from predators and rivals. 

Africans also got this physical strength to be able to run towards and away from forest animals. The physical strength is also important for the ability to reproduce – the sexual strength and the ability to give birth multiple times and nurture their offspring. A mandate that was given to humanity was received by the Africans because they were the ones God first created.

Our physical strength also shows in how our body ages. Our skin has a good rejuvenating system. It doesn’t age soon. And the wrinkles don’t show earlier. The skin is resilient and strong, and has a high tensile strength.

Our physical strength has given us the following unique qualities:
  • We have a unique voice. Our vocal cords are unique which allow us to have a different style of making sound and producing groundbreaking music. We have a unique intonation.
  • We have a unique style of walking and gait system.
  • We have a unique style of dancing.
  • Our physical strength allows our muscles to exert force against resistance. It allows us to function best in the physical.
Finally, our physical strength is not only important for physical activities but also for maintaining our overall health and functionality. We are ever strong and agile.

We’ve got mental strength as well. We will discuss that in the next article. And very importantly, we’ve got the highest form of strength by far – spiritual strength. We will discuss that as well. Stick around to get the article updates and share these posts with your family and friends.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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