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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Business Episodes; Business Mindedness

# My business is to do the will of Him that sent me while I'm on earth. A time comes when no man will be able to do work.
# Your business is not just what keeps you busy. It is what keep you living. Not just what makes you work. It is what gives you worth.
# If you are business minded you will not waste your time, and you will not waste your life.
# Some people have turned problems to business. They've turned needs to seeds. Where others are seeing problems, they are seeing business opportunities.
# In God's business plan, 1 person is equal to 99 persons. What is done to one must be done to all, differences notwithstanding.
# People that waste their time on other people's business eventually miss their own business. Get on your own business.
# In business, commerce is of essence. It bridges the gap between what is produced and what is consumed. It's not enough to know how to produce goods, you must know how to sell them.
# Money circulates only in the circle of business-minded people. If you are not business-minded, money does not know your address. The rich gets richer. The poor gets poorer.
# Every nation that knows the value of its young people will always invest in them. Young people are like business; whatever you invest in them is what you will harvest from them.
# In business, time is money. If you waste your time, you've wasted your money.
# A business mind spent $18,000 for 3days on advertisement during exhibition. He understood he could get triple of that amount if he could create enough awareness to people. What you don't make known will not make you known.
# What is your good? What is your service? What can we pay or appreciate you for? What can we buy from you? What do you have? It doesn't matter if it is small. If you've got any of these, that is your business. Start working on it.
# Nobody's business should affect your own business. Nobody's life should affect your own life. There's more than enough room for everybody. Face your own business.
# Business mindset gives you working mindset, profit mindset, value mindset, production mindset, multiplication mindset, people mindset, and accountability mindset. Even if you don't have any of these at first, business mindset will give you.
# To start a business, don't wait till you get all you want. Start with what you have. Having a tree always start with planting a seed.
# What is the best business in the world? The best business in the world is selling what you have, not what you earned.
# God did a business and made profits. He has committed that same business to us to make more profits.
# Population should not be a problem where there's business mindset. The more the number of people, the more the business opportunities.
# God will not increase you if you are not business-minded. The kingdom of God is not for lazy minds, it is for business minds.
# It's end of the year, have you taken stock of your goods (or activities) this year? Accountability is key in business. If you are not accountable, you are not dependable.
# Some people are doing what they don't like to do. But they say they are doing business. Your business will save you from distress.
# His business is my business. His business saves you from distress. Do His business and see His goodness.
# Life for business. Business for life. Both will come together and become one, one day.
# Whatever you are doing that does not pertain to your business is not allowed. Face your business.
# You can do business transactions with your words. While some people are making money with their words, some are losing money with their words.
# If you know how to do good business with your words, you will know how to kill distress in your world.
# Your business saves you from distress. Do your business and you will see his goodness.
# Until you make his business your business, your life may not be free from distress.
# Young people are one of the important driving agents of business in any setting. They either drive it forward or drag it backward.
# In the business world, there's no room for the lazy minds. You either work in or walk out.
# Our youths who supposed to work on improving the economy of our nations are busy organizing programs and doing irrelevant things.
# Business mindedness open our eyes to opportunities, privileges and chances that are available to us per time.
# Business mindedness make you know how to make use of resources available around you and how to market and multiply them.
# For me, my food business is more of passion than action. The passion will always drives the action. When the action is no longer there, passion will remain. Passion sustains action.
# God is a good business master. He traded with one and gained many.

Hurray! It's Last Day Of The Year

Hurray! We’ve come to the last day of the year. Oh, does it really look like the last day of the year? The date and time says so; less than 24 hours to exit this year and enter the new year. We often ask the question ‘how was your day?’, Let’s also ask ‘how was your year?’; a short question that could demand long answer. If nobody has asked you, you can go ahead and ask yourself, then answer genuinely. We should make the new year better than the old year. Among other things, let me make a quick rundown of my episodes throughout the year. January was on 'Change Episodes', February was on 'Health Episodes', March was on 'Leadership Episodes', April was on 'Word Episodes', May was on 'Vision Episodes', June was on 'Men Episodes', July was on 'Seed Episodes', August was on 'Season Episodes', September was on 'Women Episodes', October was on 'Idea Episodes', November was on 'Body Episodes', and December was on 'Business Episodes'. That was it so far. You can check any of them and other articles on my blog ( Thank God for the wisdom and revelations. Dear friends, in the new year, I will launch 'My Health Campaign'. You’ll sure gonna like it. It’s gonna be Health!, Health!!, Health!!! It’ll be coming up much later. Watch out for it. Happy Sunday! See you in 2018. #Blessings.

You've got to find it...

I will never believe that any human on earth came here by accident. The journey of coming here is too long than for any human to put it on guesswork. If the Creator won't want it, it won't happen. It's as simple as that. But then, there's something important we need to take note of, and that is, if nobody was here by accident, then it means it was well planned out. God is not a man that plans after he has started. He plans and finishes before he starts. What all these connote is that everyone of us here has got a purpose. He has finished us before he sent us. No accident. No coincidence. God created every human to achieve a purpose; to solve a problem, to meet a need, or to add value. Our population, notwithstanding. Everyone has got unique identity number. Human science is not gonna confuse us with their problem with population because they have no idea what each person is here for. All of us here have got something to do. God is a serious businessman who will not want to miss any of His own, but rather make sure they fulfill their purpose. Therefore, as we prepare for the new year, let’s make sure we consciously discover our purpose and live every moment of our life in it. #Blessings.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve

Christmas eve; a day or evening before Christmas. Today is the day. This year’s own is special. It falls on Sunday. What’s special about it? You can tell something, maybe! Everyday is special. But today could really set one on a good mood for the celebration tomorrow. Many activities are designed for today's evening. The story of creation and recreation made us acknowledge the significance of evening. Nevertheless we must understand what we are celebrating and why? If we remember the day before Christmas, we should not also forget the days after Christmas. Celebration should not only be for a season. It should also be for the reasons. The reasons make us to enjoy the season. And the season always reminds us the reasons. Consider these scriptures;

#1 For a child has been born—for us!
the gift of a son—for us!
He’ll take over
the running of the world.
His names will be: Amazing Counselor,
Strong God,
Eternal Father,
Prince of Wholeness.
His ruling authority will grow,
and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness he brings.
He’ll rule from the historic David throne
over that promised kingdom.
He’ll put that kingdom on a firm footing
and keep it going
With fair dealing and right living,
beginning now and lasting always.
The zeal of God-of-the-Angel-Armies
will do all this.
#2 God, having spoken to the fathers long ago in [the voices and writings of] the prophets in many separate revelations [each of which set forth a portion of the truth], and in many ways, 2. has in these last days spoken [with finality] to us in [the person of One who is by His character and nature] His Son [namely Jesus], whom He appointed heir and lawful owner of all things, through whom also He created the universe [that is, the universe as a space-time-matter continuum]. 3. The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal]. When He [Himself and no other] had [by offering Himself on the cross as a sacrifice for sin] accomplished purification from sins and established our freedom from guilt, He sat down [revealing His completed work] at the right hand of the Majesty on high [revealing His Divine authority], 4. having become as much superior to angels, since He has inherited a more excellent and glorious [b]name than they [that is, Son—the name above all names].

Enjoy the season. Happy Yuletide.
Scriptures: #1. Isaiah 9:6-7 (The Message Version) #2. Hebrews 1:1-4 (Amplified Version)

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Business Magnates

Business, simply put, is an organized way of buying and selling goods, and offering services. One of the primary goals of doing business apart from meeting needs is making profit. If you are not making profit, you are not doing business. The profit can be tangible or intangible, not necessarily pecuniary. However, business can be addressed in 2 ways, viz; generalized and specialized. Generalized way entails applying business concepts into everything we do. A university is into business. It’s got services to offer in exchange for school fees. Likewise a hospital renders healthcare to people in exchange for hospital bill. The second way is specialized, in which case, business is seen as a job, not attached to any other thing, purely buying and selling goods and offering services. The generalized way makes us understand that business is what we do, whether we are aware of it or not. While specialized way makes it clear that business is only meant for few interested people who are doing it as their main job. Now, let’s consider 3 successful business magnates and their success stories.
1) Lorna Rutto (Kenya)
In 2010, she quit her bank job to start a waste recycling business. Her company, EcoPost, collects and recycles waste plastic into aesthetic, durable and environmentally-friendly fencing posts that serve as an alternative material to timber. But her business would have remained a dream without the financial support of international and local investors and NGOs. Every year, hundreds of international and local organisations support businesses that tackle issues such as environmental pollution, illiteracy, disease and other social problems. They usually provide grants, donations, loans, equity or even training and advice. So in 2010, Lorna applied for and won a $6,000 SEED Award which served as start-up capital for her business. In the same year, she won a grant award of $12,700 from the Enablis Energy Globe-Safaricom Foundation. She also won a business plan competition organized by the Cartier Women’s Initiative, and received a prize award of nearly $12,000. Recently, her business attracted an equity investment from the Blue Haven Initiative and the Opus Foundation amounting to $495,000. This was used to expand the business and purchase advanced recycling equipment.
2) Jason Njoku (Nigeria)
Jason is the co-founder of IrokoTV, a mobile entertainment and internet TV platform that’s particularly popular for its impressive catalogue of African ‘Nollywood’ movies. But the struggle in the early days of this business was not as glamorous. After failed attempts at previous businesses in the UK, Jason returned to Nigeria in 2010 to build relationships with local movie producers and purchase content rights for his new startup, IrokoTV. Cash was tight, and starting this business would have been impossible without the £90,000 contribution of Jason’s friend and business partner, Sebastian. Since then, the growth of IrokoTV has been remarkable. To date, the business has attracted up to $40 million in investment funding from foreign investors, mostly venture capital investors. In January 2016, IrokoTV raised $19 million in additional funding to expand its business into Francophone countries in Africa. In summary, by using a combination of business partnerships and venture capital, Jason has been able to successfully raise significant amounts of capital to grow a company that was described by Forbes Magazine as “the Netflix of Africa.”
3) Aliko Dangote (Nigeria)
Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, currently worth $13.2 billion (October 2017), is a role model to entrepreneurs on the continent. While his business interests currently spread across Africa, Dangote’s impressive fortune was built from very humble beginnings. He started his business in 1978 with 500,000 Naira borrowed from his grandfather. After six months, he paid back the loan. In the early years, Dangote focused on importing soft commodities, including rice, frozen fish, sugar and baby food into Nigeria. Today, his business interests have expanded into local production of cement, salt, flour and recently, petroleum refining. These days, the banks, private and institutional investors are keen to invest in Dangote’s businesses because of the track record of success he has achieved over the years. 

Friday, December 22, 2017

Only Those With Lion Mind (Quote 30)

Global Minds Think Globally (Quote 29)

Until Your Eyes Connect With Your Mind (Quote 28)

Expectation In The Realm Of Your Mind (Quote 27)

Stop Living For People In Your Mind (Quote 26)

Don't Go To School For Job (Quote 25)

Wise Minds Always Know What To Do (Quote 24)

Something Always Happens (Quote 23)

Whatever Your Mind Interprets (Quote 22)

God Will Not Give You Money (Quote 21)

A Paradigm Shift In Your Mind (Quote 20)

Beautiful Face Will Catch Your Attention (Quote 19)

Don't Go For Beautiful Face (Quote 18)

Possibility And Impossibility (Quote 17)

The Only Part Of Your Being (Quote 16)

You Can Form Your Future (Quote 15)

Don't Waste Your Coming Here (Quote 14)

Women Should Not Be Angry (Quote 13)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Change Your Strategy

I remembered in the early days of my food business. I tried to reach out to as many people as I could. I gave out my contact and expected people to start calling me. I received so many nice comments about the food. People loved it. I was happy. So, I relaxed, expecting people to start calling me. I waited and waited, nobody called. What happened? I asked! Then, I decided to go meet people in their different homes, hostels and apartments. The result was amazing. It was as though people were waiting for me to come. “But they promised they’re gonna call me, why didn’t they call?” I exclaimed in anger. I realized that if people are not doing what they promised to do, I should do what I have in my capacity to do. If they are not calling me, I will call them. That is the point. A lot of time we are there waiting for people to call us, to do something for us, to go somewhere for us. But, if they are not doing it, can you go ahead and do what you have in your capacity to do. At least, with this, nobody can stop you from doing what you have decided to do, except your own self. So, this gives us the privilege of not living at the mercy of people in life. The important thing is for the action/change to be initiated, once you start, people can join you. While you are waiting for people to act, don’t sit down and keep expecting, nothing may not be done at the end. You’ve got to be always proactive in anything that concerns your progress. People will then come to give their supports and contribution once they see the work has already started. Get on your business now. Excerpt from My Book- The Language Of Change.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Business Mindedness


It’s high time we began to be business minded. God conditioned human mind to be profit/reward-oriented. No matter how, whatever you are doing, your focus should always be on what you will gain, whether tangible or intangible. It doesn’t make you selfish. It only makes you accountable and know what you are doing. Many people are doing things that they don’t understand and can't evaluate the end result. But if you are business-minded, you will maximize all the opportunities and resources around you. Every step or action you take will be accounted for. It’s high time we began to take the kingdom of God as business wherein we’ve got to make profit. Many think business is secular. And not applicable to the things of God. But that’s a wrong mindset, because God is a business-minded God. Examples and illustrations from the scriptures made us understand this truth. Every business is aimed at making profit. Any business that does not involve making profit is not a business. If and only if you knew why you were given that gift, you will make profit with it. If and only if you knew why you have that money, you will multiply it and use it to bless others. If and only if you knew why you were made a woman and not a man, you will value who you are and take your place in glory. Nothing was given to you by mistake or without purpose. Even things that were given to you for free were not free. They were absolutely paid for. Your life is not without purpose. It is for profit of the kingdom. If your living is not profitable, your life is a waste. Don’t waste your life. Be business-minded. Be profit-minded. Identify what you have and begin to put them to work. God does not give anything for show. He gave everything for a purpose. Find out your purpose and begin to walk in it. #Blessings.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Body Episodes; Mortal Of Gold

* One of the ways by which God made man special among all the beings he created is to give him a body. Man's body makes him special among all the creatures.
* It's better to come late than to be late. It's better to be in the body, good, than to be out of the body, bad.
* Your body is as important as your spirit on earth. Spirits without body are illegal on earth.
* There are 5 vital organs in the body; brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs. Something is common to all of them, their function affects every part of the body. Location, notwithstanding.
* You are not your body, but we can touch you through your body. You are not your mind, but we can know you through your mind.
* There are no male and female spirits. But there are male and female bodies. Your body is a gift you didn't ask for, but necessary for your fulfillment on earth. Value your body and thank God for it.
* You can carry your mind to where you want your body to be on earth. If your mind is there long enough, your body can be there quick enough.
* An interesting part of the body, the brain. Human brain is the most vastly sophisticated apparatus in the world. No human technology can mimic the neuronal connections. Unfortunately, it is the most underutilized.
* There can't be sex without the body. What attracts people to sex is not spirit. It is the body. Your ability to control what you have gives you the ability to control what you don't have.
* Every part of the body is important, from the smallest to the biggest. The brain wouldn't say it's the most important when there are no alveolar cells in the lungs. The 'big' brain will soon die because of the absence of the 'small' alveolar cells. Everyone is important.
* Physical death is separation of body from the spirit. Spiritual death is separation of spirit from the source. Physical death takes the spirit from the earth. Spiritual death takes the spirit from heaven.
* Age is the number of years our body has existed on earth, not the amount of time our spirit has existed. Spirit is from the Lord. Body is from the dust.
* If the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you, that same Spirit will vitalize your mortal body. You have access to perfect health, if only you know it.
* Without a spirit, you cannot be in heaven. Without a body, you cannot be on earth.
* Your body is the vehicle that carries your spirit around on earth. Wherever your body appears, your spirit is recognized.
* Clothes can cover the body. It can't cover the mind. Whatever is inside must surely manifest outside.
* It is difficult to fall into sexual sin with the body that you don't see. You see the body first, then you sin with the body, second.
* One part of my body I will keep learning how to use is my mouth. It is where impressions become expressions.
* Many of us know what happens outside our body. Only few of us know what happens inside our body.
* The value of your body is priceless. It's so precious. Let no one ridicule your body. Wrong image kills confidence. Have good image about your body and work it out. Your body is a blessing to us, never a curse. Do good works with it.
* How do you confirm the presence of a spirit that you don’t see? By the presence of a body that you see. If the body is alive, the spirit is around.
* I will go there tomorrow. I will do it tomorrow. I will see him next tomorrow. I will get the money next week. All because the body is still with the spirit. The moment the spirit is out, the body is off.
* There’s no need for God to arise. If Samuel Owoeye has arisen, God has arisen. I do things on my Father’s behalf on earth. He does things on my behalf in heaven. He gave me body to connect with earth. He gave me spirit to connect with heaven.
* While still in the body, let’s go to school to learn. Let’s add some value. Let’s work. Let’s serve. Let’s use our gifts and talents. Let’s fulfil purpose. For whatever we do in the body will follow us out of the body.
* Physical things are physical. Spiritual things are spiritual. Your body is physical. Your spirit is spiritual.
* If spirits with body can hear my voice, how much more spirits without body can hear my voice.
* Mouth is a powerful tool that can save or destroy. It is the cause of most things that kill the body.
* You can win somebody’s spirit without wisdom. You can win somebody’s body without wisdom. But you can’t win somebody’s soul without wisdom. How does God wins us? By wisdom.
* Everybody knows the day their body was born. Only few people know the day their spirit was born.
* You can’t enjoy good life without good body.
* There’s a clock in the body. It’s called Suprachiasmatic nucleus. It set time of your body activities and aligns with your schedules, plans, and thoughts. Good timing is important for good living.
* The better you understand your body, the easier you enjoy a good life.
* The spirit gives the body life. The body gives the spirit flesh. The spirit gives the body impression. The body gives the spirit expression.
* To the great architect, the master planner, the chief designer and the creator of human body, I salute you sir.
* Here on earth, everything must be balance. Your body must cooperate with your spirit to enjoy your best life on earth. Your body must allow your spirit to live his best life on earth.
* Your body makes you visible, tangible, and audible. Without your body, you are none of these.
* The world entropy is increasing. The degree of human mobility is increasing. The human body is becoming more sedentric. And the human mind is becoming more eccentric.
* I was in a place where I was counting the number of people who were there. I was actually counting their bodies.
* Don’t complain about your body. Redefine your view about your body. It’s specially for you. You must cherish and admire it.
* Wait a minute and check your body in the mirror. Can you see how you are beautiful and handsome. * Can you see the architecture of your skin. Observe the nice positioning of the structures on your face. There’s never an object or creature that could have your exactitude.
* Good food makes up good body. If you eat well, you will live well. If you packed junks inside your body, you will bear the stress of carrying heavy body.
* Your body is an important apartment your spirit lives here on earth. Keep it well.
* Some people pretend like they are angels. They’ve forgotten they are spirits that have bodies.
* The only sin against your body is sexual sin. Every other sin is without the body.
* Caring for your body is important. Your body expresses the image of your spirit.
* Faith without work is dead. Body without spirit is dead.
* A body without a spirit cannot function in heaven. A spirit without a body cannot function on earth.
* We live in the confinement of time because of our body. The moment we are out of the body, we enter eternity.
* Spirit is the content. Body is the container.
* What attracts people to sex is not spirit, it is the body. A man is more sexually attracted to the body of a younger woman than the body of an old woman.
* If your sexual antenna is allergic to touching a woman’s body, then don’t do it. It is better to prevent the allergens than to endure the repercussions.
* If you don’t value having your body, you won’t value giving it. Your body is precious to who made it. Let him know you value it.
* Whoever or whatever does not value your body does not value your life. Take a leave before they take your life.
* Your body has a heating system, cooling system, refrigerating system, preservating system, storage system, and balancing systems.
* Finally, let's learn more about our body. Your body is a book that you must read. It doesn't matter if you didn't learn it in school. You can 'school it' yourself. What kills us is not what we know, it is what we don't know.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Let Nothing Tamper With Your Confidence

Sometimes we get so confused and overwhelmed with problems that will want to lose ourselves. We get so afraid and intimidated, feeling hopeless and helpless. But all these could be attack against what we’ve got inside- confidence. Let nothing kill your confidence. Your confidence is the motive force that drives your life. It keeps your hope and strength alive. Your confidence is what hand over to you your results in life. Your confidence is what keep you up and alive. Your confidence is what saves you from depression and oppression. If you’ve made a mistake or miscalculated your step and did what you wouldn’t imagine somebody else could do, don’t wrong yourself down and bury yourself inside the grave. Keep on the track. Rise up and move on. I know it’s painful. I know it’s regretful and sometimes find it so difficult to forgive yourself. But don’t let it kill your confidence. What about if you viewed that situation from another angle? What about if you approach it with a different attitude? Our attitude to situations is more important than the situations themselves. What happened to you has got you some benefits. You’ve practically experienced the situation all by yourself. It gave you the opportunity to know better, learn better, feel better, relate better, proffer solutions better, understand situations better, grow better and be able to teach others better. You receive whatever you conceive. Problems are never problems. We gave them names. Some name theirs opportunities. Some name theirs calamities. The difference is in their attitude. Have a good attitude. Above all, let the Word of God be your confidence. It's the sure way to your greatness. #Blessings

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Food Forms The Body

After the Lord God has created man, he formed his body out of the dust of the ground. Up till now, the Lord God is still forming man’s body out of the dust (soil) of the ground. Man’s body is formed from the food he eats, which is from the ground. This is observed with a new born baby. After years of eating good food, the baby would have double or triple his/her size. Nutrients from the food made it possible. Protein from the food helps with tissue growth. Carbohydrates for energy. Lipids for energy and hormone production. Vitamins and minerals for metabolism. And water for creating good medium for metabolism, and transport and regulatory functions. All these processes go on in the body every time food enters and become digested and absorbed. The body is built up gradually by these nutrients, till it becomes fully matured physically. Moreso, maintenance and sustenance at old age are also done by food. Food to the body makes the body grows. Food to the spirit makes the spirit glows. Enjoy good food, Enjoy good life. #Blessings

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Answer-Provoking Questions

Why do we have 2 eyes? Why do we have 2 ears? Why do we have 1 mouth and 1 nose? Why do we have 10 fingers and 10 toes? Why do we have 2 hands and 2 legs? Why do we have organs in our body? Why do we have skin over our body? Who designed the shape of our nose? Who told the hormones what to do? If you are as much curious as I am, you would understand that man is limited in knowledge but only knows what he’s given access to. Man didn’t contribute anything to how he was created. It was a decision by the Creator. He made man his mirror image and after his likeness. Whenever he sees man, he sees himself. Whatever he does, man can replicate. There’s no negotiation about whether man has authority over his own body. It was given to him, and never by his own efforts. So, man needs to give glory to God for his own body. Science has helped us with the functions of parts of human body. But has never helped us with their purpose. They’ve helped us with their abilities. But have never helped us with their potentials. ‘Function’ answers ‘what they are doing’. ‘Purpose’ answers ‘why they are doing what they are doing’. Function is from man. Purpose is from God. Don't only know the functions, know the purpose. #Blessings

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Let's make fun of problems

Don’t take it to the extreme


Whatever we take to the extreme is not going to work. When you eat to the extreme, you become obese. When you don’t eat at all, you become lean and weak. It’s not good for your body. When you walk to the extreme you become tired. When you don’t walk at all, you become heavy. Everything done to the extreme is not good. Therefore, there’s need for balance to maintain a stable equilibrium. Human body is a good example. Every organ system in the body works together to achieve a balance, maintaining equilibrium between two opposing forces, a state known as homeostasis. There’s a range of values for important parameters in the body, which are under strict control. The blood oxygen and carbon dioxide have range for their values. The blood glucose, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, glomerular filtration rate and many others, all have values which are kept within normal range in the body. Any shift to the left or right will cause problem to the system. This is what ensue into disease and illness. In another instance, to take your bath in a relatively cold weather, you will require warm water; not too hot, not too cold. Not too hot so it won’t burn your skin. Not too cold so it won’t make you shiver. Hence, a balance of warm water must be reached. Now, this is applicable to what we do in life. Everything must be done with the mind of moderation and temperance. Nothing should be overdone or underdo. Too much of everything is not good. Let’s put moderation and balance in everything we do. #Blessings

Sunday, November 19, 2017

My Body Is The Lord's

God puts so much value on our body. He formed it in his image. The physical body is the expression and allegory of the spiritual. Your body is not free of charge. It is bought with a price. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Spirit of God who dwells within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own [property]?, You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body. God wants us to take care of our body. He tells us to glorify him in our body. Every part of my body is a blessing. I can sing and talk to the Lord with my mouth. I can change lives and solve problems with my mouth. I can do good works with my hands. I can put down good thoughts with my mind. I can cook good food with my hands. My feet can carry good news to places. My smiles can bless someone. My gifts and talents can encourage someone. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In as much as I am in this flesh, I’ve got so much blessings, and grace of God to put to work. Therefore, my body is a blessing to the Lord and to the world. Thank God for my body. #Blessings

Friday, November 17, 2017

100 Things Devil Is Not Looking For

Devil is not looking for where you are. He's looking for who you are.
Devil is not looking for your picture. He's looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for your fruit. He's looking for your seed.
Devil is not looking for your eyes. He’s looking for your sight.
Devil is not looking for your action. He’s looking for your passion.
Devil is not looking for your mission. He’s looking for your vision.
Devil is not looking for what is outside you. He’s looking for what is inside you.
Devil is not looking for your resources. He's looking for your source.
Devil is not looking for what you give. He’s looking for how you give.
Devil is not looking for what is running after you. He's looking for what you are running after.
Devil is not looking for what you think. He's looking for how you think.
Devil is not looking for what is in your hand. He's looking for what is in your mind.
Devil is not looking for who knows you. He's looking for who you know.
Devil is not looking for where you use your time. He's looking for how you use your time.
Devil is not looking for the income of what you are doing. He's looking for the outcome of what you are doing.
Devil is not looking for the motion of your action. He's looking for the motive of your action.
Devil is not looking for your personality. He is looking for your identity.
Devil is not looking for who wants to marry you. He’s looking for who you want to marry.
Devil is not looking for your wife. He's looking for your life.
Devil is not looking for who loves you. He's looking for who you love.
Devil is not looking for what makes you sad. He's looking for what makes you happy.
Devil is not looking for where you are going. He's looking for which direction you are following.
Devil is not looking for who is your boyfriend. He's looking for who is your sex friend.
Devil is not looking for your appointment. He's looking for your assignment.
Devil is not looking for your origination. He's looking for your destination.
Devil is not looking for where you were brought from. He's looking for where you were brought to.
Devil is not looking for your set back. He's looking for your come back.
Devil is not looking for where you were brought up. He's looking for how you were brought up.
Devil is not looking for your enemies. He's looking for your friends.
Devil is not looking for what excites you. He's looking for what incites you.
Devil is not looking for your clothes. He's looking for your body.
Devil is not looking for your food. He's looking for your life.
Devil is not looking for your suggestions. He’s looking for your confessions.
Devil is not looking for your past. He’s looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for your actions. He's looking for your decisions.
Devil is not looking for where you get your money. He’s looking for how you get your money.
Devil is not looking for your activities. He's looking for your abilities.
Devil is not looking for your talents. He's looking for your spirit.
Devil is not looking for your manifestation. He’s looking for your expectation.
Devil is not looking for your affluence. He’s looking for your influence.
Devil is not looking for how many information you have. He's looking for how many revelation you have.
Devil is not looking for how many ideas you have. He's looking for how many visions you have.
Devil is not looking for the parts of your body. He's looking for the head of your body.
Devil is not looking for your acts. He’s looking for your heart.
Devil is not looking for your expressions. He’s looking for your impressions.
Devil is not looking for your altitude. He’s looking for your attitude.
Devil is not looking for your feelings. He's looking for your dealings.
Devil is not looking for your mentee. He's looking for your mentor.
Devil is not looking for your house. He's looking for your spouse.
Devil is not looking for your ceremony. He's looking for your testimony.
Devil is not looking for how many ambitions you have. He's looking for how many decisions you have.
Devil is not looking for your manifestation. He's looking for your transformation.
Devil is not looking for your tomorrow. He's looking for your today.
Devil is not looking for your knowledge. He's looking for your wisdom.
Devil is not looking for your action. He's looking for your passion.
Devil is not looking for your dreams. He's looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for what you are looking. He's looking for what you are seeing.
Devil is not looking for what happens to you. He's looking for what you make happen.
Devil is not looking for your instruction. He's looking for your destruction.
Devil is not looking for what people give to you. He's looking for what you give to people.
Devil is not looking for your confidant. He's looking for your confidence.
Devil is not looking for your dignity. He's looking for your identity.
Devil is not looking for who you have. He's looking for what you have.
Devil is not looking for what you want. He's looking for what you need.
Devil is not looking for when you marry. He's looking for who you marry.
Devil is not looking for who loves you. He's looking for who you love.
Devil is not looking for when you make it. He's looking for how you make it.
Devil is not looking for who gave birth to you. He's looking for who you gave birth to.
Devil is not looking for who cares for you. He's looking for who you care for.
Devil is not looking for what enters your mouth. He's looking for what leaves your mouth.
Devil is not looking for what people say about you. He's looking for what you say about people.
Devil is not looking for what God says about you. He's looking for what you say about yourself.
Devil is not looking for your relationship with humanity. He's looking for your connection with divinity.
Devil is not looking for where you live. He's looking for how you live.
Devil is not looking for how you look. He's looking for who you look.
Devil is not looking for who offends you. He's looking for who you offend.
Devil is not looking for who makes you happy. He's looking for what makes you happy.
Devil is not looking for a woman. He’s looking for a man.
Devil is not looking for what you know. He’s looking for what you don’t know.
Devil is not looking for who is ahead. He’s looking for who is your head.
Devil is not looking for the facts you know. He’s looking for the truths you know.
Devil is not looking for who is your mother. He’s looking for who is your father.
Devil is not looking for the name people gave you. He’s looking for the name you gave yourself.
Devil is not looking for who prophesied into your life. He’s looking for what you prophesied into your life.
Devil is not looking for your condition. He’s looking for your confession.
Devil is not looking for your aspirations. He’s looking for your inspirations.
Devil is not looking for your past. He’s looking for your future.
Devil is not looking for how long you pray. He’s looking for how well you pray.
Devil is not looking for how you will start. He’s looking for how you will end.
Devil is not looking for who is talking to you. He’s looking for who you are talking to.
Devil is not looking for who is attracted to you. He’s looking for who you are attracted to.
Devil is not looking for what you keep in your head. He’s looking for what you keep in your mind.
Devil is not looking for how you are going. He’s looking for where you are going.
Devil is not looking for your condition. He’s looking for your conviction.
Devil is not looking for what is in your hand. He’s looking for what is in your mind.
Devil is not looking for your altitude. He’s looking for your attitude.
Devil is not looking for the females. He's looking for the males.
Devil is not looking for who is your servant. He’s looking for who is your master.
Devil is not looking for what is testing you. He’s looking for what is tempting you.
Devil is not looking for the multitude around you. He’s looking for the attitude around you.