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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Don’t take it to the extreme


Whatever we take to the extreme is not going to work. When you eat to the extreme, you become obese. When you don’t eat at all, you become lean and weak. It’s not good for your body. When you walk to the extreme you become tired. When you don’t walk at all, you become heavy. Everything done to the extreme is not good. Therefore, there’s need for balance to maintain a stable equilibrium. Human body is a good example. Every organ system in the body works together to achieve a balance, maintaining equilibrium between two opposing forces, a state known as homeostasis. There’s a range of values for important parameters in the body, which are under strict control. The blood oxygen and carbon dioxide have range for their values. The blood glucose, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, glomerular filtration rate and many others, all have values which are kept within normal range in the body. Any shift to the left or right will cause problem to the system. This is what ensue into disease and illness. In another instance, to take your bath in a relatively cold weather, you will require warm water; not too hot, not too cold. Not too hot so it won’t burn your skin. Not too cold so it won’t make you shiver. Hence, a balance of warm water must be reached. Now, this is applicable to what we do in life. Everything must be done with the mind of moderation and temperance. Nothing should be overdone or underdo. Too much of everything is not good. Let’s put moderation and balance in everything we do. #Blessings

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