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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Food Forms The Body

After the Lord God has created man, he formed his body out of the dust of the ground. Up till now, the Lord God is still forming man’s body out of the dust (soil) of the ground. Man’s body is formed from the food he eats, which is from the ground. This is observed with a new born baby. After years of eating good food, the baby would have double or triple his/her size. Nutrients from the food made it possible. Protein from the food helps with tissue growth. Carbohydrates for energy. Lipids for energy and hormone production. Vitamins and minerals for metabolism. And water for creating good medium for metabolism, and transport and regulatory functions. All these processes go on in the body every time food enters and become digested and absorbed. The body is built up gradually by these nutrients, till it becomes fully matured physically. Moreso, maintenance and sustenance at old age are also done by food. Food to the body makes the body grows. Food to the spirit makes the spirit glows. Enjoy good food, Enjoy good life. #Blessings

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