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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Church Reformation Action Points

*Many churches in Nigeria should be NGOs directed towards solving problems. How can we have many churches in Nigeria and still have many problems? Definitely, those are not churches. They are foxes.
*There’s no confusion in the body of Christ. An individual may be confused, but not the body of Christ. Christ is the head of that body. Whatever happens to the head, happens to the body. Christ is not confused.
*Don’t be surprised with all the things that are happening. They are necessary for total reformation in the body of Christ.
*God has poured out his Spirit upon all flesh in these last days. Many people are doing great things for God with divine boldness and revelation.
*Test all spirits and be sure they are of God before you confide in them. Otherwise, you are at your own risk.
*God is raising a mighty army in these last days. Men who will shake this generation, and establish the kingdom of God on earth.
*It’s a gross misunderstanding to think it’s only in a building called church that we can serve or worship God. A believer that can’t serve God anywhere does not carry God everywhere. He only knows he’s a believer inside a building and forgets his identity outside the building.
*Serving God should be beyond the four walls of the church. If you are not serving God outside the church, you are not serving God inside the church.
*It’s not enough to know the bible. You must do the bible, if you want the bible result.
*Even people who don’t read the bible do what is in the bible and have bible result. How come those that are reading bible these days are not having bible result? Something is wrong somewhere.
*The so-called unbelievers even know the truths that the so-called believers don’t know.
*No matter how spiritual you are, we cannot see your spirit. We can only see your body. So relate well as someone who lives in the physical world that is controlled by spiritual word.
*Our Christianity is not tribal or continental Christianity. The God of Hausas is the same God of Ibos. The God in Europe is the same God in Africa. It is men who are different, God is not different.
*Don’t look for God anywhere. He’s already in your heart. Welcome him and enjoy his presence.
*Fellowship with God's people. God has not disown anyone. Spread the love of Christ. Blessings.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What Happens When We Exercise?

When we exercise, we move different parts of our body. It depends on the type of exercise we engage in. There are different types of exercise. We have aerobic, anaerobic and flexibility exercises. Our body muscles are most actively working during exercise. At that time, the muscles usually demand more oxygen and blood supply. If there’s low oxygen supply, lactic acid will build up in the muscle tissues and cause pain. But when the muscles relax, the pain will disappear because there’s less muscular activity and less oxygen demand. Normal oxygen supply to the muscles does not allow lactic acid to build up, and therefore, prevents pain. Also, blood that circulates through the muscle tissue carries away the lactic acid produced and metabolic products. Regular exercise increases growth and development, prevents aging, boosts the immune system, prevents the 'diseases of affluence' such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Exercise also prevents stress and depression, increases quality of sleep, promotes mental health, maintains steady digestion and treat constipation and strengthens the muscles.

What Happens When We Eat?

When we put food in our mouth, it mixes with the saliva in our mouth and we perceive the taste of the food. The saliva contains some enzymes that can digest complex carbohydrates. We can chew the food before we swallow it or swallow directly without chewing, depending on the nature of the food. Different organs inside our oral cavity help with processing the food in our mouth. Some of the accessory organs involved are teeth, tongue, palates and salivary glands. After swallowing, the food passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. It stays there for few hours while it undergoes digestion before it enters the small intestine. In the small intestine, the food is further digested and nutrients are absorbed. The remnants that are not absorbed are passed to the large intestine. Water is absorbed from the remnant in the large intestine and it becomes semi-solid. It’s later passed out as faeces through the anus. Happy Weekend.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What Happens When We Hear?

Sound waves from outside enters the ear through the pinna and travel through the ear canal to reach the ear drum. The ear drum vibrates and passes the vibrations to the inner ear through the ear bones/ossicles. The inner ear consists of the vestibule and the cochlea. The former is associated with balance. The latter is associated with hearing. Hair cells in the cochlea converts the vibrations to electrical signals that are transferred to the primary auditory center in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex where the sound is deciphered and interpreted. Hearing with both ears, called binaural hearing helps with differentiating distance between two or more sources of sounds and the location of sounds.

What Happens When We See?

What happens when we see? Oftentimes we wonder how we see. When we look at an object, light rays from that object fall on our eyes through the cornea which refracts the light rays to the lens and the lens focuses the rays on the retina in the inner layer of the eye. A small opening called pupil in the anterior part of the eye controls the amount of light rays that enters the eye. The retina contains photosensitive pigments called rods and cones which respond to the light rays. The image of the object appears inverted in the retina and it is transferred in form of impulse to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe of the brain. Then, the object is interpreted as upright image, moving or not moving, large or small size, the particular shape, the colour and other details about the object are seen. Objects in the dark are difficult to see because no light rays are being reflected from such objects.

What Happens When We Talk?

Talking is a special ability possessed by humans. It’s a verbal/oral expression of words in a particular language. People usually talk in the language that they understand and are comfortable with. What happens when we talk? We can divide this into 2 parts; the neuronal part and the muscular part. The neuronal part involves the brain. A part of the brain called broca area in the frontal lobe is active during talking. It is well-developed in women; more reason why women are more expressive and eloquent than men. Also the wernicke’s area, called the language comprehension area in the temporal lobe is also implicated in talking because of the need for words in a particular language. Whatever language you’ve learnt is what is present in your wernicke’s area, and that is what you express in words when you speak. Neuronal signals/impulses from those parts of the brain reach the laryngeal and lingual muscles for articulation of the words put together by those areas in the brain. This form the muscular part of the process. The vocal cords in the larynx are important for phonation. The tongue, lips, jaws and dentition are also important for articulation. Happy Weekend!

What Happens When We Sleep?

Sleep is a requirement for healthy living. It’s an obligatory biological activity. What happens when we sleep? There are 2 major types of sleep; Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM). At first, our entire body systems relax and there’s low mental activity. Also, the muscles relax, there’s reduced breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular functions. The basal metabolic rate is reduced as well. All these happen at the initial stage of sleep, in NREM, where there’s no rapid eyes movement and mental activity. In the second part of sleep, the body switches from NREM to REM when there are many activities. The muscular activity increases, breathing and heart rate increase and there’s increase in mental activity. That’s the reason why we have dreams in REM and not NREM, because dreaming is a mental activity. There’s sometimes increase in sweats and basal metabolic rate. Happy Weekend!

What Happens When We Think?

What happens when we think? Thinking is a complex process that involves many parts of our brain. It has been related it to the function of a conscious mind. Thinking is a major part of human intellectual or higher functions. The cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobe is involved with thinking process. The left side is for logical and rational thinking. The right side is for creative and abstract thinking. What happens when we think is that different parts of our brain are involved, depending on what we are thinking about. Thinking is what we do every time. There is deep and superficial thinking. If you are thinking about things that has to do with visual memories or images, your visual cortex in the occipital lobe will be activated. If you are thinking about things you’ve heard in the past, your auditory cortex in the temporal lobe will be activated and so on. As thinking is going on, many new neuronal connections are taking place which help your brain to remember things faster than before. People who always engage in thinking process draw closer many of their brain’s neuronal networks which makes them remember things faster.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Young And Strong

Have you ever seen strength displayed by young people before? Have you seen young people doing what they are passionate or persuaded about? It’s so mind-blowing. They put their whole life and energy into it. Criminality among young people is strength displayed in wrong direction. A youth who is an armed robber is not only armed with guns, he’s also armed with strong drive to take any action and face whatever happens. There’s so much energy and power in the spirit of youths. That’s why it’s difficult to change a youth who is already engraved in wrong doings. Have you seen young addicts? Their eyes are so red and brains hot. They can go to anywhere or do anything. Mind whatever you tell young minds, because they are seeds that will grow fast in their minds and yield result. Be careful how you behave to the young minds, because they are at the very important stage of life where they are forming a lot of things like mindsets, behaviours, attitudes, belief system and so on, that will guide them through life. They have inner energy and power to drive their desires. There’s no stopping them. You can’t stop a youth. If he’s made up his mind, he’s made up his mind. Most adults are unaware of how much strength young people have got. They think they are young, so many times they are wrong. But they won’t be always wrong. They will learn and move on. While you are there mocking them, they’ve gone ahead to achieve greatness. Young people are strong people. Young minds are strong minds. Treat them well. #Blessings

Sunday, February 11, 2018

God Has Sent You

“Why are these evils happening to us if the Lord is with us?” A youth inquired in heaviness! His name was Gideon. “Looking at what is happening to us and the testimonies we've heard from our fathers about how God saved them from the Egyptians and brought them out with mighty hand, how come that same God cannot deliver us from these Midianites? He exclaimed! But God wouldn’t need to prove anything to let him know that he could deliver them because it’s never his responsibility. But it is their own doing that has brought them to where they are. First, he felt evil was happening to them. Second, he thought it should be God’s responsibility to avert that evil. But little or nothing did he know that God does not partake in evil and has no business wishing his children evil. It’s always a problem from us. When we fail, we say God fails. Instead of us to accept our responsibility and take right steps, we push the blame on God and say he hasn’t done us well. When we consider what is happening in the world today, many of us too will ask that same question, “why are these evils happening to us if truly the Lord is with us?” “Nothing is working”, “Everywhere is trouble” and so on. But the point is the Lord wouldn’t need to prove anything that He’s with us. He’s already done that. We only need to always be conscious of the fact that we are with him and He's in us. Whatever we are passing through, notwithstanding. But it’s how we respond to those things that matters. The Lord has already given us all we need. Hear what the Angel of the Lord said to Gideon "Thou mighty man of valour, the Lord is with thee, go in this your might, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites; have I not sent thee?" Go! So, Gideon went with 300 men and overcame the whole Midianites. In the same vein, the Lord has sent you to go and save your nation, family, friend, field and so on. And you will surely come back with testimonies. Blessings.

Not Now!

We’ve got to move from building physical infrastructures to building human infrastructure. We’ve got to build people and not stones. Physical structures are nothing when there are no humans to fix them. God wants us to take care of his temple. It is not a physical building. It’s the body of man. Don’t give money to build physical building when the human body is dilapidating. God does not dwell in a temple built by man. He dwells inside man himself. It doesn’t please God to see his temple and much more his image looking dilapidated, when we are mismanaging resources on building stones and cement. The other time, the disciples of Jesus were showing him the beauty of the temples that were built and the nice architectures, but Jesus said to them; a time will come when no one stone will be placed on another. For they will all be pulled down and destroyed. That time is now. Building physical temple is no longer necessary. Let’s build human temple. No wastage of resources when there are more important things to do. No flaunting of riches when there are more poor people in the land to feed. Why are we praying to God to remove poverty from us when he has put riches among us. It’s high time we began to bless people as God has blessed us. Jesus said; even if your enemy is hungry, feed him. But how come today’s Christianity is only for our church members and the people who benefit us? That is a selfish Christianity. It’s not the Gospel that we received. It’s not the life that God has given us. Let’s be more practical with our Christianity and not just preachers and teachers. For the fact that God has put blessing in your hand does not mean you should be the only one enjoying it. Share it with others. Let them thank God on your behalf. And you will enjoy more blessings. Shalom.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Mental Strength Of Youths And The Economy Of Nations

Youths have tremendous mental strength. Several ideas flow through their minds every second. Their brains are so potent and active. In developed nations, youths play significant role in building their economy. They’ve got physical strength to work. They’ve got mental strength to generate innovative and creative ideas. They design softwares and hardwares, and build infrastructures and superstructures. They engage in manufacturing capital goods. They invest their time in research studies and analytical thinking. They read books. They meditate and investigate. They’ve got no time for unreasonable things. Let’s consider what happened in developing nations, many youths are too busy chasing shadows. They are overambitious with ordinary talk of the lips without tangible work. Some boost of theoretical knowledge that are not practical. They have polluted thoughts and ideas passed down from their preceding generation. Their minds have been contaminated with wrong doctrines and superstitions. No place for hardwork. It’s miracles all over and unpredictable circumstances. They are waiting for the day God will answer their prayers. They are waiting for the day God will give them favour and all their poverty will varnish away. But that is not life. Every human being must be productive. Every human being must work. You’ve got to till your land before you can have bread. If you have bread without tilling your land, you stole that bread, and it will not add any value to your life. I challenge you to engage your mind in something productive. Don't have time for mundane and non-sense things. If you are busy with good things, you won’t have time for bad things. The problems in the land are there for you to solve. Don’t run away. You’ve got the solution. Solve those problems. But if you run away, you are only piling them up for the future. That may be a serious disaster. From now on, always try to have time to think, read, research, and implement your ideas. You don’t need to start big. Start small. Do something new today. Convert your mental strength to something productive. Commit your mental abilities to building strong nations. Blessings.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Remember Your Creator In The Days Of Your Youth

"Remember [thoughtfully] your Creator in the days of your youth [for you are not your own, but His], before the evil days come or the years draw near when you will say [of physical pleasures], “I have no enjoyment and delight in them” This is an admonition for young minds, not only young minds, but willing minds. The scripture shows us the opportunities we have in the days of our youth. The strength and abilities that can be channeled to serve God and humanity. There are investments that you can make now that will give you great returns tomorrow. There are seeds that you can sow today that will give you bountiful harvests in the future. A youth has more days ahead. He's just starting his life. He should do what he supposes to do. Move when you should move. Work when you should work. Pray when you should pray. Serve when you should serve. There are times when you will want to do these things but will not be able to do them. There are times when you will want to pray and won’t be able to pray. Do what you suppose to do now. Shun every excuse. Deal with your fear, and remove every obstacle on your way. Evil days will come. Whether you want it or not. Whether you are ready for it or not. It will come. Better to prepare for it before it comes. Days of your youth is when you have opportunity to prepare. When you have strength to do what is right. Don’t procrastinate. Neither hesitate. Gird up your loins. Strengthen yourself in the Lord. Hear what Jesus said; “So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, will be like a wise man [a far-sighted, practical, and sensible man] who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish (stupid) man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great and complete was its fall.” In both situations, the same wind blew, the same rain fell. But one stand, and the other did not. What happened? The foundation. One was built on the rock and the other on the sand. You need time to lay a good foundation. And not just time, but good materials; good concrete to reinforce the foundation. That is the power of preparation. If you don’t prepare for evil days, evil days will catch you unawares. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. Blessings.

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Youthfulness is a stage of life that is affected by age, usually between childhood and adulthood. It is associated with appearance, freshness, vigor, vibes, spirit and so on. Something you can never miss with youthfulness is strength; from physical to mental, to emotional, to social and to spiritual. Youths are full of energy, enthusiasm, ideas, sporadic thoughts, and many impulsive behaviours. A quick picture of what describes the strength of a youth is running a 100 meters race. Usain Bolt, the world fastest sprinter did run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds, a distance that could only take a normal person 28 seconds. Usain Bolt will not always run 100m/9.58s. His achievement was associated to his youthfulness. When he was small, he couldn’t do that and when he’s old, he can’t do it anymore. The difference is strength. Strength is expressed with endurance. If you don’t have strength, you don’t have endurance. Youthfulness is a stage where strength is climaxed. You can jump everywhere. Go anywhere. Do anything. Most times, the strength is being abused or left untapped. An average youth does not know how much strength he has. He's always overwhelmed with thoughts of his inabilities and incompetence. But young minds are always known to have brilliant ideas and performance. They can think fast, talk fast, walk fast, work fast, and act fast. But with all these, their minds are still young. They are still innocent and inexperienced. They can easily make mistakes, go wrong ways and do some weird things. But notwithstanding, they’ve got opportunities to always learn and relearn. There are practically lots of things to talk about. To be continued!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

New Year Episodes; New Things

*Congratulations friends! Happy New Year. A new journey has started. Without much ado, let's begin to unfold the blessings of the year. 
*Here in the new year, We have new packages; new time, new opportunities, new challenges, new ideas, new decisions, new achievements, new people and so on. Enjoy the new things. 
*Only people with new minds can do new things. Those with old minds will always stay with their old ways. 
*New year is a reminder. It reminds us of how old we are. If there's no new year, there won't be new age. 
*Old mind in a new year is like old life in a new age. You may not stop the time from going, but you can stop the mind from growing. 
*Who will be the first to come up with the newest idea in 2018? Those ones are not just thinking about it now. They've thought about it years ago. What is new now outside, was first new then inside. 
*There's nothing new under heaven because they are all activities of man. But there's always something new in heaven because they are all abilities of God. 
*How can you assess your life? Simple, by checking the quality of thoughts that pass through your mind. This is a new year, we must have new thoughts if we want to enjoy new life. 
*It's difficult to see new plant in the midst of old trees. It's difficult to see new man in the midst of old men. It's time to change environment. 
*If you are waiting for new things; new car, new house, new job, new phone, new opportunity, new baby, new property, new gifts, and so on, take care of the ones you have now. What you have now can open doors for what you don't have. 
*You've been on the same page for years, Open a new page. You've been doing the same thing for years. It's time for new things. It's a new dawn, new opportunities. You don't need to regret on your past. Let it go. Maximize your present to have a better future. 
*There's nothing new about world news. But there's always something new about good news. 
*If you don't want a new problem, don't look for a new blessing. If you don't want a new mind, don't look for a new life. 
*There's something special about new things that makes us to always desire them. New things are scarce and expensive. Old things are cheap and everywhere. 
*There are people with 'new things' mentality. They always get new things. There are people with 'old things' mentality. They always get old things. The way you think in your mind is the way you live in your life. 
*What is happening is not new to those that know what has happened. And what will happen is not new to those that know what is happening. 
*If you are not committed to learning new things, you will not be admitted to earning new things. 
*We can't use old drugs to treat new infections. We can't use old ideas to solve new problems. 
*The people who do new things are not the ones who do what others have done. They are the ones who do what others have not done. 
*There's nothing new devil is doing. He's only playing old tricks on the children of men. 
*Days are never the same. The more we see new days, the more we see new things. 
*Man makes something new on earth. God makes something new in man. 
*New things God is set to do this year. Not like what men have done. But like what only him can do through as many that are willing. Next to New Episode. 
*God does not only make new bodies. He makes new destinies.
*Old minds will always conflict with new minds. old eggs will always spoil new eggs.
*What new thing have you discovered about yourself? It could be acquired or inspired. From what you can do (capacity) to what you can be (character). If you don’t have something new, you can’t do something new.
*New mind can give you new body. But new body can’t give you new mind. 
*It’s a big waste of time to be talking with people with old minds. they can’t see anything new you are saying. Their mind is already filled with old junks, no space for new things.
*You’ve waited for so long for new things to happen. Don’t wait for new things. Do new things. 
*An old mind cannot live a new life.
*It’s a dawn of new day. It’s an arrival of new things; new hope, new ideas, new revelations, new visions, new mind, new strength, new abilities, new achievement, new assignment, new success, new joy, new peace, new blessings, and so on. Much blessings. 
*If any man is in Christ, he’s a new creature. Old things are passed away. If he’s a new creature, his past doesn’t exist. Otherwise, he’s not new.
*It’s important to always see something new in people so that we keep valuing and admiring them. If you don’t see something new in people, you won’t do something new with them.
*New problems invoke new blessings. New blessings provoke new problems. One is a cause. The other is an effect. 
*New problems can be new blessings. New blessings can be new problems. The former is a testimony. The latter is an acrimony. 
*What is new about the world? Nothing. What is new about man? Something. What is new about God? Everything.