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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What Happens When We Think?

What happens when we think? Thinking is a complex process that involves many parts of our brain. It has been related it to the function of a conscious mind. Thinking is a major part of human intellectual or higher functions. The cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobe is involved with thinking process. The left side is for logical and rational thinking. The right side is for creative and abstract thinking. What happens when we think is that different parts of our brain are involved, depending on what we are thinking about. Thinking is what we do every time. There is deep and superficial thinking. If you are thinking about things that has to do with visual memories or images, your visual cortex in the occipital lobe will be activated. If you are thinking about things you’ve heard in the past, your auditory cortex in the temporal lobe will be activated and so on. As thinking is going on, many new neuronal connections are taking place which help your brain to remember things faster than before. People who always engage in thinking process draw closer many of their brain’s neuronal networks which makes them remember things faster.

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