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Saturday, February 3, 2018


Youthfulness is a stage of life that is affected by age, usually between childhood and adulthood. It is associated with appearance, freshness, vigor, vibes, spirit and so on. Something you can never miss with youthfulness is strength; from physical to mental, to emotional, to social and to spiritual. Youths are full of energy, enthusiasm, ideas, sporadic thoughts, and many impulsive behaviours. A quick picture of what describes the strength of a youth is running a 100 meters race. Usain Bolt, the world fastest sprinter did run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds, a distance that could only take a normal person 28 seconds. Usain Bolt will not always run 100m/9.58s. His achievement was associated to his youthfulness. When he was small, he couldn’t do that and when he’s old, he can’t do it anymore. The difference is strength. Strength is expressed with endurance. If you don’t have strength, you don’t have endurance. Youthfulness is a stage where strength is climaxed. You can jump everywhere. Go anywhere. Do anything. Most times, the strength is being abused or left untapped. An average youth does not know how much strength he has. He's always overwhelmed with thoughts of his inabilities and incompetence. But young minds are always known to have brilliant ideas and performance. They can think fast, talk fast, walk fast, work fast, and act fast. But with all these, their minds are still young. They are still innocent and inexperienced. They can easily make mistakes, go wrong ways and do some weird things. But notwithstanding, they’ve got opportunities to always learn and relearn. There are practically lots of things to talk about. To be continued!

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