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Sunday, February 11, 2018

God Has Sent You

“Why are these evils happening to us if the Lord is with us?” A youth inquired in heaviness! His name was Gideon. “Looking at what is happening to us and the testimonies we've heard from our fathers about how God saved them from the Egyptians and brought them out with mighty hand, how come that same God cannot deliver us from these Midianites? He exclaimed! But God wouldn’t need to prove anything to let him know that he could deliver them because it’s never his responsibility. But it is their own doing that has brought them to where they are. First, he felt evil was happening to them. Second, he thought it should be God’s responsibility to avert that evil. But little or nothing did he know that God does not partake in evil and has no business wishing his children evil. It’s always a problem from us. When we fail, we say God fails. Instead of us to accept our responsibility and take right steps, we push the blame on God and say he hasn’t done us well. When we consider what is happening in the world today, many of us too will ask that same question, “why are these evils happening to us if truly the Lord is with us?” “Nothing is working”, “Everywhere is trouble” and so on. But the point is the Lord wouldn’t need to prove anything that He’s with us. He’s already done that. We only need to always be conscious of the fact that we are with him and He's in us. Whatever we are passing through, notwithstanding. But it’s how we respond to those things that matters. The Lord has already given us all we need. Hear what the Angel of the Lord said to Gideon "Thou mighty man of valour, the Lord is with thee, go in this your might, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites; have I not sent thee?" Go! So, Gideon went with 300 men and overcame the whole Midianites. In the same vein, the Lord has sent you to go and save your nation, family, friend, field and so on. And you will surely come back with testimonies. Blessings.

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