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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Young And Strong

Have you ever seen strength displayed by young people before? Have you seen young people doing what they are passionate or persuaded about? It’s so mind-blowing. They put their whole life and energy into it. Criminality among young people is strength displayed in wrong direction. A youth who is an armed robber is not only armed with guns, he’s also armed with strong drive to take any action and face whatever happens. There’s so much energy and power in the spirit of youths. That’s why it’s difficult to change a youth who is already engraved in wrong doings. Have you seen young addicts? Their eyes are so red and brains hot. They can go to anywhere or do anything. Mind whatever you tell young minds, because they are seeds that will grow fast in their minds and yield result. Be careful how you behave to the young minds, because they are at the very important stage of life where they are forming a lot of things like mindsets, behaviours, attitudes, belief system and so on, that will guide them through life. They have inner energy and power to drive their desires. There’s no stopping them. You can’t stop a youth. If he’s made up his mind, he’s made up his mind. Most adults are unaware of how much strength young people have got. They think they are young, so many times they are wrong. But they won’t be always wrong. They will learn and move on. While you are there mocking them, they’ve gone ahead to achieve greatness. Young people are strong people. Young minds are strong minds. Treat them well. #Blessings

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