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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Church Reformation Action Points

*Many churches in Nigeria should be NGOs directed towards solving problems. How can we have many churches in Nigeria and still have many problems? Definitely, those are not churches. They are foxes.
*There’s no confusion in the body of Christ. An individual may be confused, but not the body of Christ. Christ is the head of that body. Whatever happens to the head, happens to the body. Christ is not confused.
*Don’t be surprised with all the things that are happening. They are necessary for total reformation in the body of Christ.
*God has poured out his Spirit upon all flesh in these last days. Many people are doing great things for God with divine boldness and revelation.
*Test all spirits and be sure they are of God before you confide in them. Otherwise, you are at your own risk.
*God is raising a mighty army in these last days. Men who will shake this generation, and establish the kingdom of God on earth.
*It’s a gross misunderstanding to think it’s only in a building called church that we can serve or worship God. A believer that can’t serve God anywhere does not carry God everywhere. He only knows he’s a believer inside a building and forgets his identity outside the building.
*Serving God should be beyond the four walls of the church. If you are not serving God outside the church, you are not serving God inside the church.
*It’s not enough to know the bible. You must do the bible, if you want the bible result.
*Even people who don’t read the bible do what is in the bible and have bible result. How come those that are reading bible these days are not having bible result? Something is wrong somewhere.
*The so-called unbelievers even know the truths that the so-called believers don’t know.
*No matter how spiritual you are, we cannot see your spirit. We can only see your body. So relate well as someone who lives in the physical world that is controlled by spiritual word.
*Our Christianity is not tribal or continental Christianity. The God of Hausas is the same God of Ibos. The God in Europe is the same God in Africa. It is men who are different, God is not different.
*Don’t look for God anywhere. He’s already in your heart. Welcome him and enjoy his presence.
*Fellowship with God's people. God has not disown anyone. Spread the love of Christ. Blessings.

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