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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Not Now!

We’ve got to move from building physical infrastructures to building human infrastructure. We’ve got to build people and not stones. Physical structures are nothing when there are no humans to fix them. God wants us to take care of his temple. It is not a physical building. It’s the body of man. Don’t give money to build physical building when the human body is dilapidating. God does not dwell in a temple built by man. He dwells inside man himself. It doesn’t please God to see his temple and much more his image looking dilapidated, when we are mismanaging resources on building stones and cement. The other time, the disciples of Jesus were showing him the beauty of the temples that were built and the nice architectures, but Jesus said to them; a time will come when no one stone will be placed on another. For they will all be pulled down and destroyed. That time is now. Building physical temple is no longer necessary. Let’s build human temple. No wastage of resources when there are more important things to do. No flaunting of riches when there are more poor people in the land to feed. Why are we praying to God to remove poverty from us when he has put riches among us. It’s high time we began to bless people as God has blessed us. Jesus said; even if your enemy is hungry, feed him. But how come today’s Christianity is only for our church members and the people who benefit us? That is a selfish Christianity. It’s not the Gospel that we received. It’s not the life that God has given us. Let’s be more practical with our Christianity and not just preachers and teachers. For the fact that God has put blessing in your hand does not mean you should be the only one enjoying it. Share it with others. Let them thank God on your behalf. And you will enjoy more blessings. Shalom.

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