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Monday, April 30, 2018

16 Types Of Human Personality

Extrovert(E), Introvert(I)
Sensing(S), Intuitive(N)
Thinking(T), Feeling(F)
Judging(J), Perceiving(P)


1.     ESTJ (Manager) M: 11% F: 6%
DESCRIPTION: Practical and consistent, you like to have order everywhere by planning and organizing everything. But most of all, you like to convince people of your rightness and make them think the way you think. You look at life soberly and above all trust facts. You are open for communication, meeting new people, and spending time at parties. You never forget to take care of your close ones and can express your love very well.
CAREER PATHS; Detective, judge, teacher, police officer, and military leader.

2. ENTJ (Commander) M: 3% F: 1%
DESCRIPTION: Life for you is a struggle and extreme. This is how you know yourself and others. Being risky and brave, you are easily inspired to start something new. At the same time, you assess your abilities, both strengths, and weaknesses, quite adequately. You feel new tendencies very well and are open to new ideas. You think positively and adore sports and everything connected to it.
CAREER PATHS; Business executive, lawyer, Entrepreneur, university professor, judge.

3. ESFJ (Teacher) F: 17% M: 8%
DESCRIPTION: You get along with people very well, and you are the life of any party. You are attentive, caring and always ready to help, even if you have to sacrifice your interests for others. Yet you are very independent in your deals and as a rule, you get everything without any side help. You only wait for emotional support from your close ones.
CAREER PATHS; Social worker, teacher, nurse, counselor, and administrator.

4. ESTP (Marshal) M: 6% F: 3%
DESCRIPTION: Participation is more important than victory. This is not about you. You strive to reach your goals by any means, even if you have to use physical strength. You stick to an exact plan, and you can’t stand dependence and compromises. You are a born fighter, very active and self-organized. You can objectively evaluate even the most stressful situation and give a quick and exact response.
CAREER PATHS: Entrepreneur, Detective, sales representative, sportsman, and marketing personnel.

5. ENFJ (Mentor) F: 3% M: 2%
You are emotional and talkative with rich facial expressions and gesticulations. You are very empathetic to other people’s emotions, and you can spot even the tiniest insincerity. You are very jealous and distrustful in love relationships. Very often, you are ready to face upcoming events because of your ability to feel them in advance. You take friendship very seriously and always put an effort to stay connected. You take the same approach to your love life too.
CAREER PATHS: Psychologist, Diplomat, Writer, Politician, Social worker.

6. ENTP (Inventor) M: 4% F: 2%
The generator of ideas, you are always seeking to create something new. You adapt to nonfamiliar environments fast and master different methods of work easily. Due to your dislike of traditions and routines, you very often change your professional spheres and hobbies, becoming an innovator and a pioneer. What is important about you is that not only can you create new ideas but you are also able to convey them to others and make them come true.
CAREER PATHS: Actor, Scientist, Photographer, Computer programmer, and Entrepreneur.

7. ESFP (Politician) F: 10% M: 7%
You can professionally determine the opportunities for your surroundings, and very often you use this skill to manipulate people. In communication with people, you primarily follow your interests. However, you try to impress everybody and create the image of a simple person. You stand firmly in the present moment, and you don’t like to waste time. You want quick results, disliking bureaucracy and red tape.
CAREER PATHS: Fashion designer, Artist, Interior decorator, Photographer, Social worker.

8. ENFP (Champion) F: 10% M: 6%
You are energetic and inquisitive, with creative skills. You combine the features of both introverts and extroverts, which is why not only do you get along with people easily but you also empathize well. You are very good at advising. You perceive life with all the diversity of its possibilities. You have a rich imagination and a very high IQ. You are a very harmonious person, able to keep the balance even in a very quickly changing environment.
CAREER PATHS; Writer, Teacher, Actor, Television reporter, and Scientist.

9. INFP (Healer) F: 5% M: 4%
A lyricist and dreamer, your inner harmony and self-agreement are always in first place. Most of your thinking happens deep inside of you. Nevertheless, you can foresee events and understand people well. You like to dress up and try to look good in all circumstances. You can’t be called thrifty, and you often lose the sense of time and reality.
CAREER PATHS: Writing, Psychology, Music, Teaching and Social work.

10. ISFP (Composer) F: 10% M: 8%
You can find joy in simple things, handling routine and monotony easily. You like to feel needed, which is why you always help other people but never interfere with their comfort zone. You can’t stand conflicts, and you can always entertain people and make them laugh. You are a very down-to-earth, practical, caring, tender, reliable, and faithful partner. You take this world as it is, never trying to lead and manipulate.
CAREER PATHS: Pediatrician, Veterinarian, Designer, Artist and Counselor.

11. INTP (Architect) M: 5% F: 2%
An egghead and philosopher, you don’t like too much expressiveness. You always seek calm emotions and comfort. You’re very careful when making decisions, preferring to analyze and find connections between the past, present and future. You are very sensitive to changes, and you don’t handle them easily. You always try to collect all of your facts, thoughts, and ideas, and that’s why you are very often tense.
CAREER PATHS: Scientist, Engineer, Attorney, Mathematician, and Photographer.

12. INFJ (Advisor) F: 2% M: 1%
This is the rarest MBTI personality type. You are good at sensing people and their relationships. You can easily identify moods and hidden talents, which is why people seek advice from you. However, you are very vulnerable and can’t stand aggression and lack of love. Your driving force is intuition, aimed not outside but inside. This type of person never stops learning, considering self-development to be the main priority. By getting to know yourself, you help others.
CAREER PATHS: Doctor, clergy, teacher, psychologist, and artist.

13. INTJ (Inspirer) M: 3% F: 1%
You have the richest inner world from where you get your incredible ideas. You strive for excellence and want to improve everything and everybody. However, you have some difficulties in relationships with people, very often distancing yourself intentionally to demonstrate your independence. You can set priorities and trust your intuition. In relationships, you very often make a mistake of distancing yourself intentionally to demonstrate your independence. You’re often not that keen on romance, and it may take a long time for you to figure out all these dating details.
CAREER PATHS: Business administrator, corporate strategist, organization builder, attorney, and professor.

14. ISFJ (Protector) F: 19% M: 8%
You can’t stand falseness and insincerity in relationships. You distinguish “strangers” and keep them at a distance right away. For the people inside your circle, you do anything and never ask for anything in return. You are observant and very careful with words and deeds. Kind and caring, you see your main goal as helping people and making them happier. You certainly put your whole heart in your family and want your relationships to last a lifetime.
CAREER PATHS: Child care provider, Pastor, Shopkeeper, Interior decorator, and Firefigher.

15. ISTP (Handyman) M: 9% F: 2%
The handyman, as a rule, has a technical mindset and likes to make things by hand. You don’t hurry with taking decisions and think that it is better twice measured than once wrong. However, you always meet deadlines, and you are very punctual by nature. You perceive this world through feelings, and your opinion of things happening around you is very objective and specific. By nature, you are communicative, but you will refuse communication once you feel insincerity.
CAREER PATHS: Police Officer, Pilot, Sportsman, Entrepreneur, and Mechanic.

16. ISTJ (Inspector) M: 15% F: 7%
Thoughtful, pensive, responsible. You are trustworthy, but you never take things as they are, always analyzing the incoming information. You are not interested in long-term communication and prefer official communication only during companionship. You are aimed at the final result. You like strictness and order, and very often you are pedantic. You don’t live in your dreams, only in the “here and now”.
CAREER PATHS: Manager, Administrator, Detective, Military leader, and systems analyst.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

I Love Children

Yes I love children. I love their smiles. I love their humility. I love their simplicity. I love their nature. I love their heart. I love their curiosity. I love their trustworthiness. I love them when they are playing. I love them when they are singing. I love them when they are dancing. I love them when they are talking. I love them when they are walking. I love them when they are crying. What don’t I love about children? I can’t find. I love everything about children. Children are God’s heritage. They are never man’s property. Jesus said "let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." I wondered why Jesus could say the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as children and not to such as adults. It’s because he understood the nature of children. There’s something special about children. They have a tender heart, a believing heart, a simple heart, a humble heart, and a loving heart. They don’t find it difficult to believe. They don’t find it difficult to forgive. The moment you tell them something, they are already anticipating when it will happen. They are full of expectations and good desires. They don’t have heart to hold grudges. They don’t have heart to keep evil. That’s such a heart God desires. That’s such a heart God is looking for. I love the children’s heart. Happy Sunday People of God. Blessings.

What Has Religion Done To Us?

What has religion done to us? Religion has destroyed relationships. Religion has broken families. Religion has spoiled lives. Religion has destroyed friendly ties and bonds. Religion has mess up our minds. Religion has taken our freedom. Religion has put burdens on us. Religion has hardened our hearts. Religion has turned our love to hate. Religion has devalued and derided us. Religion has taken away our peace. Religion has put so much fear and force on us. Religion has taken away the value of God and puts the value of gods. Religion has made us wicked. Religion has taken away the love of God in us and puts the love of gold. Religion has given us wrong mindsets and sentiments. Religion has made us selfish and psychopaths. Now, what is religion? Religion is anything that has nothing to do with God. Religion is activities of man that deny the abilities of God. Religion is fighting for god that is not known. Religion is what takes away from man whatever God gives him. Religion is whatever enslaves and suppresses the freedom of man. Religion is what puts burden on man and forces him to make wrong choice. Religion is what man made that does not have the input of God. Alas! religion has caused so much damage to us. It high time we detached from the cloak of religion and embrace the love of God that wins all things. Shalom.

It's All About Your Mind; Nothing More, Nothing Less

Everyone must understand how the mind works. This is very important. Your mind is an integral part of your life. Things that happen to us in life happen because of the way our minds have been conditioned. Many people who have been exposed to wrong information in the early days of their lives had problems later in life because of the way their minds have been conditioned wrongly. It’s all about the mind. Nothing is true except your mind believes. Somebody can tell you something, if you don’t believe, it’s not going to happen for you. Just as we know, the most potent force in the whole universe is the force of belief. Belief doesn’t happen anywhere else, It happens in the mind. Pay attention to what you believe. What you believe is not just what you say, it is what you do. It is in your actions. Successful people always watch out on what they believe, because they know sooner or later, it will become their reality. If something happens opposite to what you believe, don’t change your belief because of what happens. Change what happens because of your belief. That’s where most people miss it. They think “but I don’t have evil thoughts, why are evil things happening to me?” Evil things are from outside, don’t worry about them. Focus on the inside, your good thoughts will change the evil things outside sooner or later. Outside is got to conform with the inside. I see you scaling over difficulties and challenges because of force of your belief. My regards.

Thank God For Ukraine

Hey, thank God for Ukraine, not because I'm an Ukrainian, but because I live in Ukraine. Ukraine is my adopted country. Ukraine is my land of belief. Thank God for the peace in the land. Someone may ask, "What has Ukraine done for you?" But for me, it's not about what Ukraine has done for me, it's about the mindset. I see something good in every situation. I appreciate what I have and where I am. I wouldn't be ungrateful for what I don't have. I would rather be grateful for what I have. Thank God for the people. I’ve learnt a lot from the people and the environment. If there’s one thing I love about the Ukrainian people, it’s the fact that they are always ready to help genuinely no matter what. Even if they are in a hurry doing something or going somewhere, they will still wait patiently and offer whatsoever help you need. That’s so mind-blowing for me. The parents show so much love and care for their children that you will quickly want to go and have your own children. They give them time and always play with them. I’ve really learnt a lot from them. The people are just so amazing and lovely. They are accommodating and caring. Of course, it doesn’t mean all of them but most of them. There will always be exceptions, just like in any setting. Nonetheless, the many good ones have overshadowed the few bad ones. Oh, I love Ukraine. Thank God for Ukraine. Blessings.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Growing Up

My mom told me stories of my childhood when I was growing up. If you really want to know how children grew up, you may not need to ask the fathers, they may not have much ideas. Ask the mothers, they will give you the details with dates. Fathers contribute a lot, Yes! Perhaps not in the area of nursing a child. I understand there are some exceptional fathers who play the role of mothers. They are so close to their children that even the children don’t want their mother anymore. Kudos to such fathers. But in general, men are not just designed for that role except they love doing it. Anyways, I know my mom did an amazing job when I was growing up. She told me how I used to act when I was a toddler. She said I would wake up early in the morning, moved under the bed and be hitting the furniture till everybody in the house wakes up. For her, it was such an annoying thing especially when you are enjoying your sleep and one child is there disturbing you. She tried to change me but I wouldn’t just change. So, she and everyone in the house had to adapt. My father wouldn’t have anything to say. He left it with my mom to handle. But my mom said I was such a child with unique character. And sometimes when I remembered those things I’d done in the past, I just laughed and laughed. I know there are many mothers like my mom who are experiencing different things with their children while they are growing up. Perhaps part of those experiences is throwing of tantrums for little or no reasons by the child, competing for the mother’s attention every time, biting or playing with the mother’s nipple while sucking, scattering things in the house, and going everywhere and eating everything. At early stage of infancy when the child is just learning to walk or crawling, mothers need to pay close attention to their child, less he injures himself. Children at the early years of growing need so much attention from the parents, especially the mothers and they thereafter turn out to be good children. Happy Weekend!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

None Shall Be Barren!

We appreciate what science has done for us, but it has not provided us babies. Human body can be cloned but not manufactured. No technology can produce human sperms or ova. God’s preeminence over man is unnegotiable. How much frustration would a woman who has no child have after 5years, 10years, 15years or several years? It could be really so sad. She could say "When will I carry my own child, When will God answer my prayer? I don't even know what else to do any more, I've tried all I could, I'm tired of life”. But you can pay close attention to this, Do you know your hope is not lost yet? Do you know God can restore all your lost years? Let me tell you what God is saying. He says- None of my children shall be barren. I know it may be difficult to believe. But that’s the truth. It is the Word of God to you. You may say then maybe I'm not God's child, that's why I'm barren. No, you are God's child and you are not barren. Devil might have been giving you wrong name. He might have been giving you wrong identity. But now, you’ll face him and tell him you are not barren. You are fruitful. You are God's branch. Jesus is the vine. Your father is the gardener. You produce fruits at the right time. You yield result at the due time. No barrenness in your spirit because you are connected to the source of life and fruitfulness. Imagine for a second if this has been your mindset. Children are God's heritage. They are not man's asset. If you’ve not had physical children yet, go ahead and be a blessing to other children. Don’t let devil restrain or limit you. You can have adopted children. There are many orphans in the world who are looking for who will take care of them. Be a blessing to a child today. You can have children who didn't come out of your physical womb but out of your destiny womb (when you are living for purpose and not survival). Children who through you will serve God with all their heart and thank God for your life here and there, after. Children who will carry your good legacy from now to the next generation. Those are the children whom God has destined for you. Go ahead and be a blessing to such children without any limitation on your path. You are a blessing. Peace!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Birth Control

How many kids do you want to have? For me, I think 3; One twins and a child. And if my wife wants more, then we’ll go more (Laughs!). But wait a minute, we’ve not had family planning. Family planning is not only for controlling birth, it is also for organizing it. It’s important we understand how to manage things that we are in charge of. Why do women go for abortion? Why do people have children that they don’t take care? It’s because of lack of family planning. Perhaps there’s no enough knowledge on how to control conception and avoid pregnancy. This doesn’t happen only among young people, it happens also among married people. We cannot separate sex from man. It is inherent in his nature. Though sex is put within the bounds of marriage, many do it outside marriage. But that is not the way God designed it. There are many intricacies associated with wrong sex. Close to average of all pregnancies are unplanned and half of these pregnancies are aborted in the process. Unplanned pregnancy is not only outside marriage, it happens also within marriage. Let’s consider the lists of birth control methods that we have. There are 1.  Sterilization methods (vasectomy in males and tubal ligation in females, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and implantable birth control), 2. Hormone-based methods (oral pills, patches, vaginal rings, and injections), 3. Physical barrier methods (condoms, diaphragms, and birth control sponges), 4. Fertility awareness methods, 5.Use of spermicides 6.Withdrawal method (coitus interruptus). Sterilization, while highly effective, is not usually reversible; all other methods are reversible, most immediately upon stopping them. Safe sex practices, such as with the use of male or female condoms, can also help prevent sexually transmitted infections. Other methods of birth control do not protect against STDs. Emergency birth control can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 to 120 hours after unprotected sex. Some argue sexual abstinence as a form of birth control, but abstinence-only sex education may increase teenage pregnancies if offered without birth control education, due to non-compliance. Countries where abstinence-only sex education was taught had high rates of teenage pregnancies while countries where comprehensive sex education was taught had low rates of teenage pregnancies. It’s obvious that young people don’t want to be force into sexual abstinence when their sexual rush is driving them crazy. Comprehensive sex education aims at giving all relevant information about sex and how individuals can decide on what they want as far as sex is concerned. About 222 million women who want to avoid pregnancy in developing countries are not using birth control method. But birth control use has decreased deaths among women by 40% and could prevent 70% if the full demand for birth control were met. By lengthening the time between pregnancies, birth control can improve adult women's delivery outcomes and the survival of their children. Birth control also increases economic growth and less of untrained children in the society because of unplanned pregnancy. Globally, condom is the most widely used birth control method. It is cheap, easy to get and use. Couples are encouraged to go for any of the birth control methods of their choice and the one that best fit their present need to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Happy Weekend!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Skills In Mothercraft

Many of our parents trained us by default. They did what they saw their parents did. They learnt parenting from what their subconscious minds have registered over the years from their parents. Many don’t know there’s something called 'parenting skills' until they started having children. Few parents hardly have time for their children, not to talk of studying them. What to learn from kids? What do they know? That’s how some parents sold out their children to junks outside. Anyway, thank God for some children who turned out good. Let’s consider motherhood. Motherhood is one of the most intricate status ever known. While some people think what’s the big deal? Is it not just to breastfeed and take care of your baby? Perhaps if you’ve ever had your own baby, you’ll have an idea. You’ll know that it goes beyond breastfeeding and patting the baby to sleep. You’ll need to learn the skill of mothercraft to be comfortable with raising children. Mothering is part of parenting from the maternal side. Mothercraft is the skill or knowledge required in raising children. Every woman will want to know how to raise children. Instinctively, a woman has the ability to care, nurture and raise children, even right from her childhood. But, there must be some knowledge and skills acquisition for her to enjoy her motherhood. Here are things that she can learn; stages of human development, physiological changes during pregnancy and lactation, changes during labour, delivery, and after delivery, how to take care of newborn, immunization/vaccination, infant hygiene, breastfeeding, childhood diet and nutrition, growing phases of newborns and infants, and so on. These and many more will help the mother in knowing what to do at every stage of the child’s development. It’s good if women learn all these things before they attain those states. But not bad if they learn while already in those states. But foreknowledge is always good for preparation. The important thing is to be committed to learning. Everything can be learned if we are committed to it. While mothers are doing so much and keeping up with the challenge, fathers should not go to sleep. Men are also involved as well. Your assistance and support are highly needed. Do all you can. Help with cooking, house chores, and other important things. Our family is good because everyone is good. Happy Weekend.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Blessing Of Motherhood

A big shout out to all our dear mothers out there, including my mom. There are so many blessings attached to motherhood. Many people don’t understand what it means to be a mother. They think it’s just to be pregnant, give birth, and nurse a child. Even that is not a small thing. But there’s a way God designed it. Mothers are instrumental to fulfillment of God’s plan on earth. God could look down from heaven and see his images all over the earth. If God created man in his image and likeness, he must be happy seeing his image and likeness, just like any of us does. No matter how unsatisfactory our image or photo may look, we wouldn’t want to throw it inside dustbin. We’ll like to keep it. How much more God values us. Everyone of us is precious to him. That’s the truth. God did his best to us when we did our worst to him. That’s a deep expression of love. Mothers express love to their children. When a child could not walk. When a child could not talk. When a child could not think. The mother does everything for him. She caters and cares for him. Mothers have tender heart towards their children. They've become patient, tolerant, and caring. Many people have become as great as they are today, thanks to mothers. Mothers are God’s blessing in our lives. Let’s celebrate them.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

God's System

God's system is perfect. Here’s God’s system; God doesn't want any of us to be dominated. He doesn’t want any of us to be afraid of anyone or anything. But to be bold and confident in Him. He made us all equal. No one is bigger or better than the other. What makes you think you are more important or special than the other person? It’s a thought of pride and it’s an insult to God, because he made all men in his image and likeness, their level or position notwithstanding. God wants everyone to be independent, and not to depend on any mortal man for his living. He gave us his Spirit to make us perfect and complete. That’s all we need to fulfill purpose. Now, God puts people around us so that we can be blessing to one another. We have the Spirit of God, right inside of us. And since God cannot be dominated, God hates his image and likeness being dominated. God hates the spirit of witchcraft. He wants every man to be free to himself. He wants everyone to make his choice by himself and not being compelled by anyone. God doesn’t dominate us. But he fellowships and relates well with us. He said; Come, let us reason together. That doesn’t sound like someone who wants to dominate you, but someone who loves you and have respect for your opinion, no matter what. For God, physical age is not barrier. He’s a father of spirits. He doesn’t relate with flesh. He sees and knows who we are in the spirit, and that’s how he relates with us. He’s so much desirous for us to always express his Spirit that is in us, and disallow every spirit of domination or intimidation from the world. There’s nothing more important than what God has done for us. Be Blessed!

11 Facts About Maternal Health

Fact 1
Denmark has highest number of working mothers in the world.
Fact 2 
Nearly 830 women die every day due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. In developing countries, conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth constitute the second leading causes (after HIV/AIDS) of death among women of reproductive age. 
Fact 3
The lack of skilled care is the main obstacle to better health for mothers. This is aggravated by a global shortage of qualified health workers. Only 51% of women in low-income countries benefit from skilled care during childbirth. This means that millions of births are not assisted by a midwife, a doctor or a trained nurse.
Fact 4 
More than 135 million women give birth per year. About 20 million of them are estimated to experience pregnancy-related illness after childbirth. The list of morbidities is long and diverse, and includes fever, anaemia, fistula, incontinence, infertility and depression. Women who suffer from fistula are often stigmatized and ostracized by their husbands, families and communities. 
Fact 5 
About 16 million girls aged between 15 and 19 give birth each year. They account for more than 10% of all births. In the developing world, about 90% of the births to adolescents occur in marriage. In low- and middle-income countries, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death among girls 15-19. 
Fact 6 
Maternal health mirrors the gap between the rich and the poor. Less than 1% of maternal deaths occur in high-income countries. The maternal mortality ratio in developing countries is 239 per 100 000 births versus 12 per 100 000 in developed countries. Also, maternal mortality is higher in rural areas and among poorer and less educated communities. Approximately 830 women die every day the countries represented by these deaths is widely disproportionate. Roughly 550 women live in sub-Saharan Africa and 180 live in Southern Asia compared to 8 in high-income countries. 
Fact 7 
Most maternal deaths can be prevented. Most of these deaths can be prevented through skilled care at childbirth and access to emergency obstetric care. In sub-Saharan Africa, where maternal mortality ratios are the highest, less than 50% of women are attended by a trained midwife, nurse or doctor during childbirth. Women and girls living in fragile states or those in humanitarian crises face some of the highest risks because health systems are often broken in these situations, exposing the most vulnerable. 
Fact 8 
Many women don’t see a skilled health professional enough during pregnancy. Although a large proportion of women see skilled health personnel at least once during their pregnancy, only about half receive the recommended minimum of at least 4 visits during the pregnancy. Women who do not receive the necessary check-ups miss the opportunity to detect problems and receive appropriate care and treatment. This also includes immunization and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS. 
Fact 9 
About 22 million abortions continue to be performed unsafely each year. Over 5 million of these result in complications some of which may end in death. Almost every one of these deaths and complications could have been prevented through sexuality education, contraceptive use, and the provision of safe, legal induced abortion, and care for complications of unsafe abortions. 
Fact 10
Women die in pregnancy and childbirth for 5 main reasons. These are severe bleeding, infections, unsafe abortion, hypertensive disorders (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia), and medical complications like cardiac disease, diabetes, or HIV/AIDS complicating or complicated by pregnancy. 
Fact 11
Reducing the maternal mortality ratio has been slow. Since 1990 the global maternal mortality ratio has declined by only 2.3% annually instead of the 5.5% needed to achieve MDG 5a; but in some countries, accelerated rates of decline were observed after 2000. This means that with continued efforts, it is possible to end preventable maternal mortality and reach the new SDG. SDG 3 strives to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100 000 live births by 2030, with no country having a maternal mortality rate twice the global average. 
Sources: WHO, Internet.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Physical Health Episodes; Preventive Health 1

*Happy New Month friends. Today, I begin episodes on my field of interest- Preventive Medicine. We'll be looking at different aspects of health. Let's begin with Physical health. Physical health is the state of wellbeing of our physical body with respect to different factors that affect it. 
*Taking good care of every part of our body is important for maintaining good health. Which part of your body do you love most and why? Put as comment below. 
*Four factors, among others affect physical health, viz; physical activity, diet/nutrition, life style, and environment. Let's start with physical activity. Every part of our body needs to be physically active to maintain good health. 
*Physical exercise is important for physical health. Any part of your body that you don't move becomes atrophied. Move your body. Do push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, stand-ups, long walk, stretching, running, skipping and so on. I like push-ups and long walk, even in winter. What about you? 
*Regular exercise increases growth and development, prevents aging, boosts immune system, prevents the 'diseases of affluence' such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Exercise also prevents stress and depression, increases quality of sleep, promotes mental health, maintains steady digestion and treat constipation and strengthens the muscles. 
*Physical activity is important for physical strength. If you are always tired, don't stay in one spot for a long time, increase your physical activity. 
*One out of 3 adults in the US is obese/overweight. Physical inactivity, TV, computer, phone, and other sedentary lifestyles are things that could precipitate energy imbalance in the body. If you don't move your body, your body will move you. 
*More than 1billion people in the world today suffer from hunger. That's a lot. A hungry man is an angry man. If he's not healthy physically, he's not healthy mentally. Look for someone to feed today. That will go a long way. 
*I’m 29 today. What does it feel like? It feels like 22. Like the speed of light, I’ve grown up. Thank God for the gift of life. So, today should be the day when I should say it. Yes, I love cooking food. And I also love Medicine. I joined the two, it becomes 'Food Medicine'. Yes, I’m a Doctor. And I’m also a Chef. I want to feed nations. I want to save lives. Let people eat good food and remain healthy to fulfill their purpose. You will agree with me that most health problems in the world today are food problems; It’s either you have too much food or too little food. I want to solve food problems. You’re feel free to join my team. Here I am today, thank God for the life and the future ahead. And thanks to people who have been of great blessings in my life. I appreciate you all. Happy birthday Dr. S.O PIENS. 
*Many of us don't eat much on the days of celebrations, because it's joy all over. Happiness strengthens the bones, but sorrow weakens it. Thanks so much families and friends for celebrating with me yesterday. It was such a great honour. May your joy keep increasing more and more. Thanks a lot. 
*Fasting is good, if it is done by choice and not by force. Don't starve yourself to death in the name of fasting. Your physical health is important to your spiritual health. God doesn't need your fast, he needs your heart. 
*We can't solve health problem without solving food problem. Most times what people need is not hospital. It is capital. 
*Let's consider lifestyle factors (habits and behaviours) that affect health. Defecation for example, should be done as soon as possible. Don't withhold faeces in your body for too long. It can cause constipation. Constipation can cause hemorrhoids and infections. Defecate at the right time. 
*About 85% of HIV transmission is through unprotected sexual intercourse. Risky sexual behaviours are dangerous to health. Protect yourself. Prevention is safer than cure. 
*Most times we focus on sugars and fats as culprits for health problems. But too much of anything is not good for the body, including water that we take into our body. Temperance is key to good health. 
*Drugs are good if taken when absolutely necessary. But dangerous when taken at the wrong time. You may not use panadol for headache or flagyl for diarrhea. Sometimes, Rest, Stress relief, ORS, Good diet and so on, will do. Too much drugs in the body damage the body organs. 
*Sedentric lifestyle is not healthy. We are not plants. God gave us good environment to enjoy. Enjoy your weekend with something special. 
*I was in a place where there was so much bad odour. I didn't enjoy my breathing. I was almost suffocating to death. Then I realized that polluted environment pollutes health. Good air is important for good health. 
*What kind of environment is it that doesn’t have value for human life? Terrorists slaughter human body like cow meat. Kidnappers kidnap people like fowls. Armed robbers rob people like trash. Rapers rape women’s bodies like no man’s business. Many people have been subjected to pains, injuries, and disabilities because of attacks from their fellow human beings. What kind of environment is it? Security of human life should be topmost priority of any responsible government. If government has failed, then societies must take over. There must be value for human life and body. 
*If you want to know how important water is, try to stay off water for one week. Water is more than what we drink. Water is more than what we use. Water is life. A place without good water is a place without good health. Get good water. There is an article on Water. 
*Our physical expressions tell a lot about our physical health. Somebody who is not walking properly, talking properly, eating properly or relating properly is not healthy properly. He needs some check. Let’s offer some help. 
*Finally, physical health is all about what we can do to affect our health physically. We can keep good hygiene. We can eat good food. We can engage in good exercise. We can inculcate healthy lifestyle and behaviours. We can live in good environment. We can live a good life. Enjoy your day.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Best Friend Is Here

Sometimes we have thoughts that lack words. Sometimes we have words that lack expressions. And sometimes we have expressions that contradict our feelings. We might be in situations when we have no one to talk to. We might be in situations when everywhere seems so dark and blank. We might be so overwhelmed and overburdened with issues and matters of life. Jesus is here. Your best friend is here. What is giving you burden and some hard time? Seems there’s nobody to talk to. Seems there's no one that could understand. Jesus is here. Your best friend is here. Tell him about it. He wants to know. He wants to hear from you. He said; Come to me all ye that labour and are heavy laden. I will give you rest. Sometimes life could be so stressful and overburdening. Come to him. Has a friend betrayed you? Has someone unexpected disappointed you? Come to the best friend; Jesus is here. He's the one who can take all your excesses and give you strength in the place of your weakness. He wants to hear from you. Talk to him. How do you go about it? It’s simple, talk to him from your heart. He’s closer to you than you ever thought. You need rest and peace in your heart. Let him come in and calm every raging storm over your life down. Let him put light on every darkness. And you will surely have great things to talk about. Happy Easter. Be blessed.