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Saturday, April 7, 2018

God's System

God's system is perfect. Here’s God’s system; God doesn't want any of us to be dominated. He doesn’t want any of us to be afraid of anyone or anything. But to be bold and confident in Him. He made us all equal. No one is bigger or better than the other. What makes you think you are more important or special than the other person? It’s a thought of pride and it’s an insult to God, because he made all men in his image and likeness, their level or position notwithstanding. God wants everyone to be independent, and not to depend on any mortal man for his living. He gave us his Spirit to make us perfect and complete. That’s all we need to fulfill purpose. Now, God puts people around us so that we can be blessing to one another. We have the Spirit of God, right inside of us. And since God cannot be dominated, God hates his image and likeness being dominated. God hates the spirit of witchcraft. He wants every man to be free to himself. He wants everyone to make his choice by himself and not being compelled by anyone. God doesn’t dominate us. But he fellowships and relates well with us. He said; Come, let us reason together. That doesn’t sound like someone who wants to dominate you, but someone who loves you and have respect for your opinion, no matter what. For God, physical age is not barrier. He’s a father of spirits. He doesn’t relate with flesh. He sees and knows who we are in the spirit, and that’s how he relates with us. He’s so much desirous for us to always express his Spirit that is in us, and disallow every spirit of domination or intimidation from the world. There’s nothing more important than what God has done for us. Be Blessed!

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