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Sunday, April 29, 2018

It's All About Your Mind; Nothing More, Nothing Less

Everyone must understand how the mind works. This is very important. Your mind is an integral part of your life. Things that happen to us in life happen because of the way our minds have been conditioned. Many people who have been exposed to wrong information in the early days of their lives had problems later in life because of the way their minds have been conditioned wrongly. It’s all about the mind. Nothing is true except your mind believes. Somebody can tell you something, if you don’t believe, it’s not going to happen for you. Just as we know, the most potent force in the whole universe is the force of belief. Belief doesn’t happen anywhere else, It happens in the mind. Pay attention to what you believe. What you believe is not just what you say, it is what you do. It is in your actions. Successful people always watch out on what they believe, because they know sooner or later, it will become their reality. If something happens opposite to what you believe, don’t change your belief because of what happens. Change what happens because of your belief. That’s where most people miss it. They think “but I don’t have evil thoughts, why are evil things happening to me?” Evil things are from outside, don’t worry about them. Focus on the inside, your good thoughts will change the evil things outside sooner or later. Outside is got to conform with the inside. I see you scaling over difficulties and challenges because of force of your belief. My regards.

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