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Friday, June 18, 2021

10 LESSONS & BEST IDEAS From The Unshakeable

1. Start with savings and invest in index funds.

2. Put the principle of compound interest to work; be consistent with savings.

3. Mutual funds cost more and pay less than index funds. Avoid them.

4. Avoid too much fees, they compound and eat up a significant part of your money.

5. Don’t let fear push you during market falls. It’s normal for market to rise and fall.

6. Diversify as you grow your wealth to increase your income, and decrease your loss.

7. Be rich with your emotions. Don’t be stingy with giving out positive energy to others.

8. Practice gratitude. Be grateful for where you are and where you want to be.

9. Be a cheerful giver. Give what you have in your capacity to give others.

10. Be committed to growth. Get more knowledge and understanding into your mind.

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10 LESSONS & BEST IDEAS From MONEY: Master The Game

1. To be financially free, you must be keen on saving.

2. If you are good with money, you will enjoy it.

3. Money is a game, you must learn how to play it.

4. Knowledge allows you to get big rewards from taking small risks.

5. Take advantage of the multiplying power of compound interest.

6. Money would not change who you are, but would amplify it.

7. Don’t change the market, change your mindset.

8. Tell yourself a good story about money. Money doesn’t love those who hate it.

9. When you create value for people, you open the door of economic abundance into your life.

10. Before you start anything, have purpose. Purpose defined is success assured.

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10 LESSONS & BEST IDEAS From The Millionaire Fastlane By M.J DeMarco

1. The process of becoming wealthy is as important as the result.

2. Be all-in in your approach to wealth.

3. There are many options in creating wealth but not many are fastlane. Create your own fastlane.

4. If you want to get more, give more.

5. Only thinking will not make you rich, it must be followed with action.

6. The choice you make is pivotal to your wealth creation.

7. When you chase needs, money follow you.

8. Selfish people don’t attract money, but serious people that solve problems do.

9. Slowlaners minimize their expenses; Fastlaners maximize their income.

10. Slowlaners buy less liabilities; fastlaners buy more assets.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Get a copy of my new book: WHY SEX IS FOOD On Amazon-


There are few topics that arouse human curiosity as sex. The biological continuity of human species hinges on it. And, it is a nature that is engraved in our beings, so we can’t get rid of it. The feeling, the desire, the act and everything that pertains to it always give us unique experience that we’re never tired of. Pretty much like food!

But why is this so? Why do we always have to look for food, just as the way we always have to look for sex? The answer is in the purpose. And it’s well outlined in the pages of this book.

Food is designed to bond man to his environment, just as sex is designed to bond male to the female.

We don’t only eat food, we eat sex. We don’t only cook food, we cook sex. And again, we don’t only feel hungry for food, we feel hungry for sex. Why sex is food is a book that outlines the unconventional ways of understanding sex, while describing its food nature.

The feeling of sex is the most strongest of all human feelings, and for years, human beings have not been able to crack this code of fully mastering this aspect of their nature. There has been many accounts on how this area has been mismanaged, even by popular figures. But it is impossible to suppress this part of human nature, but only to learn how to channel it in the right direction.

When we understand why sex is food, we would understand why we can’t let go of the desire, the feeling and the act. We would understand why nothing can replace sex, just as the way nothing can replace food. But we would only keep getting better at it, as our level of knowledge and education increases in the subject.

For many of us, sex is what represents one of the most intimate parts of our relationships and it keeps us bonded and connected. Conversely, problems in this area has also caused increased rate of divorce and infidelity in marriages. And has so, increased number of broken homes and criminality in the society.

This book seeks to throw more light into dark areas concerning sex and solve practical problems in understanding the nature of sex and its purpose.


May, 2021

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Monday, June 14, 2021

10 LESSONS & BEST IDEAS From The Richest Man In Babylon By George S. Clason

1. Pay yourself first from all of your income.

2. Control your expenditures; avoid emotional spendings.

3. Accumulate your money by saving it and multiply it by investing it.

4. Protect your money from preventable losses.

5. Make your home a profitable investment.

6. Insure your future income by having a retirement plan.

7. Increase your ability to earn by investing more in your personal development.

8. Pay off your debts.

9. Good luck and wealth follow those who take the right action.

10. To stay wealthy, you must keep learning.

How to Solve Problem With What to Write

Sometimes we might not have problem with what to say, but what to write. But very important we need to understand that words are always with us every time. You can’t be exhausted of words. You came from the word. So, word is your life and everything about you. If you have problem with what to write, then say it. If you have problem with what to say, then write it. And if you have problem with both, then sit down and rest. Allow your mind to settle and think of any nice things that you have done or happened to you. You can engage in conversation with someone. 

If you feel nothing is coming from inside. It’s just a feeling, it’s not the reality. The reality is that words are always with you every time. Let words from other people prime the words inside of you. Listen to audios or watch videos about what you love. You can also read books as well. All these can arouse your mind and ginger your appetite towards expressing your own words. Words are powerful. And things are quite easier these days, thanks to technology. You can record your words. You can type your words. You can transcribe your words. You can translate your words. You can do absolutely anything with your word. That is the beauty of the world we live in right now. Everything is much easier, better and faster. 

And as a matter of fact, everything we found in our world today are created by the word. Both natural and artificial. Everything was first created from the thoughts. And thoughts are organized words. When put into action, they become reality. The reality of the technology that we can see in our world today. The reality of the arts and creativities that we can have in our world today. There’s so much to enjoy because of the blessing of the word in our world, which can be written, spoken or acted. Cheers!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

12 Ways to Approach Failure

1. Failure is a process. It is not the final or the end. It is success in progress.

2. Failure is a navigator. It stops you from where you shouldn't go and directs you to where you should go

3. Failure is a coin. It has two sides. One side shows you what works. The other side shows you what doesn't work

4. Failure provides options and alternatives.

5. Failure is an opportunity. It doesn’t happen all the time.

6. Failure is a teacher. It always has something to teach.

7. Failure is water. It is part of you. You cannot do without it and it’s what gives life value.

8. Failure is a walk to success. You can’t get to success without going through failure.

9. Failure is a filter. It eliminates people who aren’t serious or dedicated enough.

10. Presence of failure ascertains success is approaching. Absence of failure ascertains nothing is approaching. 

11. The only person that makes failure the end is you. If you don't give up, you will never lose all.  

12. You never lose things. You return them.


1. Selling is not just an act, it is a way of life. It affects everything you do in life. For you to succeed in anything, you must be able to sell. You must learn how to do it, and put your creativity to work.

2. If you can’t sell yourself, you can’t sell anything. Selling starts from selling yourself. You must be able to sell your words, your ideas, your abilities, your confidence, and your potentials.

3. People don’t have problem with price. They have problem with value for their money. If people see the value in what you are offering them, they would gladly buy it. In fact, people like when you put good price on something, it shows that it has more value. There’s no shortage of money.

4. Stop selling products, and start getting into people business. People know when you genuinely care for them and want to meet their need rather than just take their money. They would gladly give you their money than when you are just about your product. It is people who buy products and not products that buy people. Enter people business. And your business would prosper.

5. Always agree with your customer, even if what they are saying is not true. Agreement is not by force. It is choice, which when you make, it makes your customer to know that you appreciate their opinion and they would gladly buy from you. People don’t buy from someone who doesn’t agree with them, even though, what they are saying might not be right or true. Agree with your customer.

6. Don’t tell, show! People believe more what they see than what they hear. When you show people what you are selling, it boosts their trust and confidence in you. But if you don’t show, doubt could easily set in. People hardly doubt what they see, but often doubt what they hear without evidence.

7. You must always give to your customer, if you want them to give their money to you. You must be able to give your attention, your energy, your time, your gesture, the information they need, and the right attitude.

8. You must always take massive actions to get massive results. There’s no gimmick about results; the more action you put in, the more the results you get. If you put little action, you will get little result. If you put bigger action, you will get bigger results.

9. Maximize your power base. Your power base is the collection of all the people that you know and know you. They include your family, friends, colleagues, mates and so on. Sell to them and let them sell your product to the people that they know. It’s a good and easy way to network and grow your business.

10. Confidence and persistence are key in selling. You must be confident in your product and persist till you close your sale. People know when you are confident in what you are selling, and if you are persuasive long enough with the right timing, you will always get what you want.

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