Thursday, May 16, 2024

Democracy Is A Scam In Africa – Here Is What Works! (L1)

I know many would be surprised to read this, but stay with me, I will explain what I mean. Democracy, first of all, is the so-called "government of the people, by the people, for the people." But this is a scam. There is nothing farther from the truth. 

Democracy is not the government of the people. It is the government of the majority, the government of numbers – which any person who knows how to manipulate people can run.

Smart politicians know how to win the hearts of the majority, and by so doing, become political leaders. They know how to play the manipulative game that the masses want. The sweet words and promises that will achieve no goal. It is what they want. By so doing, they practice the so-called democracy.

There is nothing about people in democracy. It is not as if everybody counts in it. It is only for the majority. So what happens to the minority? They either support the majority or get ridden off. Their voices are never heard or considered. If they form opposition, it won’t make any impact until it becomes another majority.

So, democracy is always a game of numbers. A game that only the majority wins, and it’s never about the people. So, the politicians use the opportunity to perpetuate their hidden agendas and execute their heinous courses.

Consider the idea of democracy again; you will realize it’s a scam. Why? Because most people are not deep thinkers. 

An average person doesn’t have time to think because thinking is hard work. A normal person doesn’t want to stress himself. He’s already dealing with a lot to survive. He doesn’t want to add to his woes. 

So, most people do things by reflex – it’s more of using their subconscious mind than the conscious mind. 

Life every day is pretty much like routine and the regulars – nothing special or extraordinary. A lot of people go to work every day, come back home tired, eat and sleep. They don’t have time to think deeply or do anything extra with life. 

Meanwhile, this is all that the politicians want. This is all that they need to win the masses. It is the kind of herd mentality that they need to win the votes. As the majority are not really thinking that much, it gives them a good ground to manipulate them and win their votes.

Now, to Africa, democracy is a big scam. First of all, because most of our people are in survival mode. So, it’s a good opportunity for any politician to manipulate them. 

Second, it’s a monetized venture. Anyone who wants to go into it must have millions in his bank account. And that’s why politicians embezzle when they get to those positions because they have to make their money back. It's pretty much like a cashout business. So, democracy actually supports corruption and money laundering in Africa.

Also, democracy increases inequality in our system. It makes the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. Only those who have connections with the politicians make it; others don’t survive. So consequently, there is more infringement on human rights, inequality, injustice, and social discrimination. 

Democracy also increases crime and criminality in our societies. We have now produced more criminals than we did before democracy came. Politicians hire kidnappers and assassins to take off their rivals. They also engage thugs and hooligans to steal votes during elections. Needless to say when the leadership is bad, everything will be bad. 

Democracy has wreaked so much havoc in Africa than we could ever imagine, including the destruction of our African cultures and traditions, subjugation of our monarchy, and too much bureaucracy (which have destroyed our talents and great minds), among others. 

I know for a long time, many of us Africans have felt there is something fishy about many of these foreign ideologies which have bastardized our systems and values, but we have kept mute. We have remained silent. 

But now is the time for us to act. Now is the time to reset our brains and take away those wrong ideologies from our minds. 

There is a better system that works in Africa. We will discuss that in the next article. 

Stick around to get the updates. Thanks for reading, and bye for now!

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1. Why Most Black People Are Poor

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Anonymous said...

Wow...this is so enlightening. Big thanks, Doc.

S.O PIENS said...

You're welcome