Sunday, June 30, 2024

15 Reasons Why You Should Consider Having A Book

Have you ever wondered if having a book of your own would ever become a reality? Have you questioned your ability to overcome the challenges of putting your thoughts and ideas together? Have you doubted whether you have the time, energy, and dedication required to write your book? These are common concerns, and you are not alone.

Studies have shown that out of 100 people who express a desire to write a book, only five actually do. What happens to the remaining 95? You might have an idea, but let me tell you that you have more reasons to write your own book than not to. 

Let me share with you some of the reasons why you should consider having your own book.
  1. You have a unique life that should be documented for the benefit of others.
  2. The only lasting way your words can remain on earth after you’ve gone is through your book.
  3. Your book can reach places where you may not have access to.
  4. Having a book breaks the barriers of communication or language. If you struggle with communication or if people do not speak your language, your book can be translated.
  5. Your book increases your level of influence and impact.
  6. Many people will get to know you through your book.
  7. Your book is an excellent advertising or publicizing tool if you are in business or any career industry.
  8. People see you as an authority in the area where you author a book.
  9. You will inspire, motivate, challenge, and encourage people through your book.
  10. Your book helps you document your knowledge or ideas on a subject at a particular time which you might not remember again for the rest of your life.
  11. You write your book once, and you reap the benefits multiple times.
  12. Your book helps you save resources in reaching out to many people.
  13. When you write your book, you are giving a part of your life to others – it could be your experience, skills, ideas, knowledge, opinion, or story.
  14. Your book can solve problems and meet people’s needs.
  15. Your book gives you the opportunity to know more, do more, and be more.

So, those are the 15 Reasons Why You Should Consider Having Your Own Book. I hope you’ve been inspired. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. 

I see you leaving a lasting legacy and impacting your world with your life and your story. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Stop Looking For A Job; Work Is with You

2. Financial Empowerment

3. The Means of Money

4. 7 Ways to Crystallize Your Ideas

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Don’t Attach Your Life to A Job

There are many of us who have no life outside our job. We can’t live outside our job. That's why it feels like we’ve lost our life when we lose our job. We feel like we are no longer existing. We feel useless. This over-attachment poses a serious problem.

For some of us, our true purpose and destiny lie elsewhere, making our current job a wasteful pursuit of time and energy. Living a life devoid of meaning and purpose, merely earning a paycheck while struggling to meet our personal standards, raises a critical question— what are we truly living for?

It's essential to envision a life beyond a job-centric existence. While some of us may find fulfillment in careers aligned with our purpose, many merely work for the paycheck, which ultimately leads to a futile use of our precious time.

If this resonates, it's crucial to devise an exit strategy. Persisting in a job that doesn't align with your purpose means neglecting your true potential and squandering your life.

Here’s the point: life is not about a job, it is about purpose. So, every other thing you do in life must be connected to this one thing. Your purpose is at the center point of all your activities on earth. So, whatever you are doing must be connected to why that life exists on earth.

People who follow the usual routine of going to a job, coming back home tired, eating, watching TV, sleeping, waking up the following morning, and repeating the same cycle — if you are in such a situation and you have no plan for your future, then you should think again. 

Doing a job should be temporary if it’s not connected to your purpose. And if it’s connected to your purpose, find a way to fulfill that purpose. You can’t keep working for somebody without working for yourself.

The meaning of life is far beyond getting a job. I understand if you are pursuing a financial goal and you need to get a job just to stabilize yourself financially. That’s fine, and it makes sense. But doing a job without an exit plan is a catastrophe which could harm your future.

To avoid such pitfalls, you must detach your identity from your job and refocus on your purpose. Life's essence lies in pursuing and fulfilling our purpose, not merely earning a living.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Stop Looking For A Job; Work Is with You

2. Financial Empowerment

3. The Means of Money

4. 7 Ways to Crystallize Your Ideas

5. What to Do When You Are Confused

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When You're Just Not Feeling It!

There are moments when you're simply not feeling it. You don't feel the vibes, the energy, the happiness, or the strength. You feel a bit down and wonder what's going on, but you find no answers. You feel weary and tired, exhausted and weak, even though you haven't engaged in any heavy work or exercise.

You're not motivated to work or do anything. You just want to sit, watch, and enjoy the luxury of doing nothing. Yet, you know you have a lot to do—bills to pay, responsibilities to meet, and so on.

So, how do you push yourself to do what needs to be done? How do you engage your mind and body to achieve your goals even when you're not feeling it? Here are some suggestions:

Stimulate Your Mind: Engage in activities you love or are passionate about. These can reignite your energy and motivation. Things like singing, dancing, cooking, writing, watching movies, photography, vlogging, gisting with friends, doing sporting activities or playing musical instruments and so on, can get your mind back on track. 

Recount Your Achievements: Remind yourself of your past successes and achievements. Reflect on the good you've done, the people you've helped, and the feats you've accomplished. These positive memories can strengthen and energize you.
Express Gratitude: Be grateful for everything in your life. Avoid complaints and focus on the positives. Gratitude can shift your perspective and uplift your mood.

Engage Spiritually: Remember that life extends beyond the physical and superficial. Engage in spiritual practices like worship, meditation, prayer and so on. During times when you don't feel like doing anything, engage your spirit. It may not be easy, but it's highly beneficial. Life works when we make it work.
Take a Break: Sometimes, you might just need to take a break and rest your mind. Mental saturation and exhaustion can be overwhelming. Taking your mind off your current tasks and relaxing can be beneficial. A little distraction can rejuvenate your mind.
Act Despite Your Feelings: Do what you have to do, regardless of your feelings. While feelings are important, overdependence on them can be detrimental. When you act, after a while, your feeling will conform to your action.

Life is a balance of action and emotion. When you find yourself not feeling it, these strategies can help you push through and stay productive.

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Africa’s Nuclear Weapon

There is one weapon I want to share with you. It is Africa’s nuclear weapon. I know it may sound surprising, given that Africa doesn’t have any nuclear weapons or plans to acquire one. So, what exactly is this nuclear weapon? I will tell you. 

We all know nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction – the kind that nuclear states use to threaten their enemies. If one state offends a nuclear state, that state is at risk. It will receive the threats of its life.

So, it is what most countries are now using as a deterrent for their enemies and as an object of intimidation. Consequently, this has made many non-nuclear states to push for acquiring them. They also want to have nuclear weapons. They want to hold power on a global stage and don’t want to be at the mercy of their enemies.

But how cheap can nuclear weapons be? Who can afford them? The cost of setting up and maintaining a nuclear weapon runs into billions of dollars. So, nations that don’t have might be at the mercy of those that do.

Currently, there are nine nations in the world that have nuclear weapons according to official sources. Other nations are bidding to get theirs, including some Western states.

Now, to Africa, where little or no hope is found, Africans are believed to be at the mercy of other continents in the world. They are believed to be the least expected continent where anything nuclear can be found. And for now, they might be right. But here is a shocker – Africa has the highest and strongest nuclear weapon in the world. Maybe not the one they expected!

Africa has a nuclear weapon that can incapacitate other nuclear weapons in the world. So, we are not at a disadvantage. If those that have nuclear weapons think they can threaten Africa, let them think again. 

Now, here is Africa’s nuclear weapon – it is that thing that puts the world in place. It is from whom all things are made. It is what made the heavens and earth. It is what created man himself and put him in charge of things. I’m talking about the Word – the power that makes all things work. It is Africa’s nuclear weapon.

But how? Does that mean everyone doesn’t have access to this weapon? No, everyone has access to it. But not everyone will make use of it. Everyone thinks they have something they can use to fight except Africans. So, it is Africans that will appreciate this weapon. It is the language they understand. 

And how can this weapon be put to work? By faith. Only faith makes this weapon work!

Africans understand faith. But we need to go beyond understanding faith and come to its practical application. We need to put our faith to work through the words in our mouths. We know there is power in the word of God in our mouths. We have authority. We have power. We are not at a disadvantage in anything. We are in charge of situations as long as we can engage this weapon. We can use our faith to make things work and destroy the works of the enemies.

Let's read a scripture. I quoted it before. 

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” – 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

This is profound. Africa’s nuclear weapon is not to be joked with. It is not carnal or physical, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and bringing every power to the knowledge and authority of the word of Christ.

Exactly. It is the word of Christ in our mouths. It is loaded and powerful – full of lethal weapons and armory.

When we release this nuclear weapon, it destroys the plans of the enemies. When we release this weapon, it inactivates and attenuates the works of darkness. 

I urge you, if you are an African, to learn how to use this weapon. This is not because other races cannot use this weapon, it is because many of them are arrogant in themselves. They believe more in themselves than in the One who created them. And that is what will destroy them. Leave the proud nations alone and let them perish in their foolishness.

This word is not for the babies. It is for the matured and the grown-ups. Let the action begin!

Read next: How to Put Your Nuclear Weapon to Work

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

God Bless the Fathers!

I'm so inspired by the fathers.
Thank God for the fathers.
They lead us. They direct us. They instruct us. They guide us. They teach us. They correct us. They admonish us. They protect us.
Fathers are rare gems. They are epitome of greatness.
With fathers, our future is secure.
With fathers, our path is straightened.
With fathers, we are led in the way of righteousness.
With fathers, our work is easier.
With fathers, we learn wisdom and gain experience.
With fathers, we discern. 
With fathers, we are delivered from our enemies.
With fathers, we know the right things to do.
With fathers, we are motivated and inspired.
With fathers, our paths are guided and directed.
With fathers, our pains are relieved and fears are allayed.
Fathers endure discomfort so that we can be comfortable.
Fathers bear shame so that we can get the fame.
Fathers release their shoulders so that we can reach greater heights.
Fathers walk in the night so that we can walk in the light.
Fathers are not only biological; they are a blessing in every area of our lives.
I pray for the fathers:
May you increase more.
May your strength be renewed.
May your health be preserved.
May you see generations of your children's children.
May God bless all your labors on earth and multiply your blessings.
God bless the fathers. 
Happy Fathers Day!

June 2024.

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If you want customized songs for you or your loved ones' birthday, wedding, or any ceremony, Iseay music got you. Contact @ +31685154335 (WhatsApp message only)

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. 10 Things I Know About Fathers

2. My Father

3. The Men Episodes: The Male Man

4. A Man!

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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Financial Empowerment (Part 5)

How much can we say about money? Someone said money makes the world go around. How true? Very true! The world cannot exist without money. Why? Because money is a lifeforce that propels every human transaction. We cannot live without transactions or exchange of value.

Just today alone, you’ve done several transactions. Even if you don’t leave your house or do something for someone, the fact that you are living in a house where bills are paid every month or you are having food on your table and clothes on your body means some sort of exchange has taken place.

However, we must understand the principles of money and how to make it. I know it could be challenging for many of us going through the hurdles and challenges of money. But you know what, we can solve our money problems and we can be empowered financially. Some have done it before, and we can do it again.

Part of the empowerment we need if we want to liberate our continent from the hands of the wolves is financial empowerment. I cannot overemphasize this. This means we must be well-to-do. We must have the capacity to deploy resources that will help us achieve our goals.

Right now, there are some of us who are already at this stage. We’ve been empowered financially. The job is not finished; we must help our fellow brothers and sisters. You can’t be rich and think everybody is rich. Part of our responsibility as empowered people is to help those who are not rich.

If you know something that others don’t know, why not find a way to share the knowledge with them? If you have a skill or talent that could help people financially, why not use it to help them? It is what you have that you use that has value. What you don't use becomes useless, even though you have! 

I know some people say, "Oh, I don’t want people to know I’m rich," or "I don’t want to help people anymore because someone has done me bad in the past." Yes, you have a reason, but it’s not enough to move you forward. It’s not enough to allow us achieve a common goal that will make us leave a good legacy for our children.

I encourage you today to think of ways to help others if you are okay financially. If you are not, you will be. There are resources online to help you educate your mind and give you the tools you need to be empowered financially. I know the journey might be tough, but it’s not impossible. In fact, it’s easier now to make money than ever before.

Now, we have more first-generation millionaires than we’ve ever had in the history of the world. That’s a huge financial success. That means there is financial abundance in the world, and you can tap into that.

There are skills that can help us to make money. We will discuss some of them in the next article. Stick around to get the updates, and if you like this article, kindly share it with someone. Thanks for reading, and bye for now!

Other articles: 
Part 3

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hungry and Angry

I recently lost my bike to some jobless youths in the street. I was rushing to an appointment, so I took my bike to the metro and parked it outside. I locked the back wheel, but I didn’t tie it to the iron anchor at the parking lot.

I thought I wasn’t going to stay long, and nobody would have the effrontery to carry a locked bike in an open space. So, I rushed into the metro to catch the train.

When I came back, my bike had been stolen. I was shocked. I wondered who could have done this in a public space. People are not even fearful anymore. They don’t care about the law or the shame they will get if they are caught. I’ve heard a lot about young immigrants who are jobless in the country, going around stealing people’s things.

These ones are hungry and angry. They are hungry for life, and they are also angry about their situation. Many of them are asylum seekers. They have left their embattled countries with their families and relatives, looking for a place to survive. They’ve been in the country for many years without having anything tangible to do.

They are uneducated and crass, agile and aggressive. You see them with red eyes and frowning faces. They look hopeless and helpless. Many are asked to go back to their countries, but they are still hanging around, hoping for something to change. Those who are still in the asylum process have had their cases long forgotten or abandoned. It just seems life will not be better for them.

The only thing they can do now is to become a nuisance in the society. They go around day and night stealing people’s things. They are reckless and mindless.

Looking at this situation, you’ll realize that having hungry and angry youths in the environment doesn’t keep any society safe. These same young people engage in a lot of inimical activities. They engage in drug trafficking, rape, stealing, maiming, vandalism, terrorism, armed robbery, kidnapping, and so on.

How do we make a nation better if the people are not better? How do we change the situation if we don’t change our mindset about things? The issue is - there are many young people who are hungry and angry in the country, and as long as that’s the case, things will always get worse. There will always be more criminals on our streets. Immigrants will always feel secluded and neglected, and that will make them more hungry and angry.

For many of them, the support they are getting from the government is not enough. They have so much pressure from home to send money. They don’t have access to jobs because of their illiteracy and lack of documents. The situation keeps getting worse, and more illegal immigrants keep trooping in.

At some point, criminality will be the order of the day if nothing is done about it. We can’t keep having a bunch of jobless and hopeless youths and expect a society to be peaceful. There can’t be a huge number of hungry and angry youths, and we expect the nation to progress. 

Even though we are seeing some progress, it is only a matter of time before the crime rates overwhelm the value rates, and the entire nation is subjected to anarchy, where the young people who are supposed to contribute to nation-building will be busy with drugs and all manner of addictions and crimes.

It’s high time we took the bull by the horns and saw how we can transform the lives of our youths—those immigrants who are hungry and angry, and don’t have anything to do—how we can help them and offer them hope and the assistance they need to rise again and stand on their feet.

Many of them (if not all of them) need education. They need encouragement. They need support. They need orientation and inculcation of moral values. No magic will happen if we don’t act. And it is our contributions in the lives of these ones that will carry on to the next generation.

June 2024

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Even If I Die Tomorrow

I know it can be hard, but even if I die tomorrow, I know I’m fulfilled or I’m on my path to fulfillment. I’m never perturbed or wavered. I’m not worried or afraid of death. Death is no threat to me. I’ve overcome the spirit of death. 

I have life – so much life that I give life. I give life through my words. I give life through my works. I also give life through my existence. I offer hope, peace, joy, love, encouragement, motivation, and support.

If life is difficult for anyone right now and he/she is thinking of committing suicide, I’ll tell the person to hold on. Be patient a little bit. 

Everything is susceptible to change, so something will change. Don’t think your situation will not change or that a solution will not come. It will come. You might not know when, but it will surely come.

When we go through difficulties in life, they are not only to kill us; they are to build us. They are to strengthen us and empower us. So, life is not over until it is over. And it can’t be over until your assignment is complete.

Focus on life. Focus on your mission. Focus on the things you have to do in life. Don’t worry about death. 

I remember what Steve Jobs said – if you are doing something and you feel that you would not be fulfilled if you died tomorrow, then stop doing it and start doing something else.

Life is something that none of us can predict because it’s a gift. We don’t know when we’ll die. But one thing is certain: if we focus on fulfilling the purpose for why the life was given to us, we will never regret dying young or old. 

People who always talk about age as if it’s the ultimate measurement of fulfillment don’t understand the value of life, because life is not about the years we live, but the life in those years.

So, if you have a few years and you live them successfully, you will be happier and more fulfilled than someone who lived a long life, yet in misery. 

Strive to make every moment and day of your life count. Don’t live in the shadow of your life because of the fear of death. Live your true life and let it manifest all its fullness to the entire world. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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The Energy We Carry: How to Cultivate Positive Vibes and Transform Your Life

Every human being embodies energy. How? Through the life force that is in everyone of us. As living beings, we contain life within us, and the primary component of that life is energy. It is the energy inside us that drives our existence.

It is this energy that enables us to breathe, walk, and perform all the activities we do in life. Without energy, we cannot move, open our eyes, hear, speak, or do anything for ourselves or others. Energy is what sustains life.

There are different types of energy. Generally speaking, energy can be divided into two broad categories: positive and negative energies. Positive energy fuels positive outcomes such as peace, joy, love, care, happiness, optimism, focus, determination, diligence, tenacity, faith, and more.

Negative energy fuels negative outcomes such as sadness, sorrow, hatred, hostility, resentment, jealousy, anger, laziness, pessimism, fear, aggression, doubt, and so on.

Positive energy drives you to do positive and progressive things. It creates a positive atmosphere around you, attracting people and enabling you to accomplish great things. You become an epitome of grace and humility. Positive energy makes you happy, it makes you smile and laugh, and it allows you to do amazing things.

Another crucial aspect of positive energy is that it is akin to light. Science has proven that light is a packet of energy (photons). Jesus also said we are the light of the world. So, because we are light, we are also energy.

People with positive energy are the light of the world. They provide solutions, generate ideas, bring joy and happiness to others, motivate and encourage, and pursue callings greater than themselves.

On the other hand, negative energy propels darkness. It brings confusion and regression, making people sad.

Moreover, everyone carries different types of energy. Some carry positive energy, while others carry negative energy. Some are filled with energy for progress, success, greatness, hope, faith, glory, prosperity, abundance, and all the good things in life. Others carry energy for failure, backwardness, lack, poverty, famine, difficulties, and all the bad things in life.

You need to be aware of the kind of energy you carry and also the energy of the people around you. Energy is contagious. If you carry good energy, you can transmit it to those around you, and if someone in your circle carries good energy, it will also affect you.

The extent of this influence depends on proximity. The closer you are to someone, the more influence they will have on you. Therefore, ensure that you surround yourself with people who have good energy; otherwise, you may regret the negative vibes around you.

You are a product of your environment, so choose well. Choose your spouse or partner well. Choose your friends well. Choose your neighborhood well. Choose your workplace well. Choose the religious or other institutions you attend well. Choose your gatherings well. Choose your environment well.

Don't enter into a wrong relationship that will ruin your life. If people come into your life, make sure it’s the right kind of people. Yes, people can change, but don't expect them to change their core characteristics. If they don't change before you marry them, don't expect a miracle after marriage.

Seek out people with positive energy and let them enhance your life with more positive vibes. I see you moving upward and forward, achieving great success. Cheers!

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You can also check out these posts: 

1. Democracy Is A Scam In Africa; Here's What Works (L1)

2. Everything You Need Is In the Hands of People

3. 7 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

4. What to Do When You Are Confused

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