God created man, and made woman out of man. It then follows that woman was made from man and because of man. God wouldn't have made woman if there was no man. There wouldn't have been a need for woman if there was no man. Then, man became the reason why woman was created. And woman became the reason why man must not fail on earth because God has given him all he needs.
v Devil has made failure of men to become women's laughing stock. Women are happy men are failing, so they can take over. That is devil's strategy to displace women and make them rebellious. It's women's responsibility to make sure men don't fail. Women, pray for men, support them, encourage them, and you will see your goodness and blessings multiplying hundred folds.
v Men don't run with their legs, they run with their minds. Men don't do what others have done, they learn what others have done.
v Men are planters. Men are seed sowers. Men are not dogs, but are gods. As a man, don't flaunt your seeds. If you are married, plant your seeds. If you are not married, keep your seeds.
v Dear young man, don't run mad because of that girl. She will not marry you. She's only tantalizing you. Invest your life in something profitable. Don't infect your life with something vulnerable.
v To be a man goes beyond having heavy muscles and long beard. You can't be a man outside when you've not become a man inside. Think about it.
v Man is a 'rate-limiting step' to whatever God has to do on earth. He decides to support or oppose God's activities on earth. Either ways, God has got 'enzyme activators' and 'inhibitors' to achieve his purpose on earth despite man's instability.
v As men, we've got to be careful of whatever we say to women. Women amplify and multiply whatever they hear men say. As a man, don't blab around. Don't sow wrong seeds. Don't say negative things. If you don't know what to say, keep quiet. Think more than you say. It's important for men to always engage their cognitive faculty to have a productive life. Man, next time a woman asks you what do you think? Don't say 'nothing', because you are expected to always think. Whatever that does not make you think has put you below your standard. If you are not thinking, you are not living. It's your thinking right that will determine your living right. Think right and you will live right. Enjoy your life.
v The fatherhood of God has brought so much blessings to us. It tells us about God's commitment to be our source and take good care of us and how He has made us His children channel of blessing to people. I imagined if President of United States were to be my father, what I will automatically have access to. If the earthly father could have that so much influence, how much more is my heavenly father who has power over all things, will give me as much things as I want, all because of His love. More so, the fatherhood of God has given us full understanding of God and His love, His goodness and blessings. God relates with us as His sons, not just as ordinary creature. The fellowship is deeper. The communion is sweeter. And the rapport is smoother. Blessed be God!
v Man produces millions of seeds everyday. That's whole lot of responsibilities. The resources to cater for those seeds are in his mind. God made man to be responsible. If you are not responsible, you are not profitable.
v A man has strong visual perception. He sees things and makes images out of them in his mind. Young man, don't fill your eyes with sexual images. They can pollute your mind. Solve problems with your mind. Don't create problems with it
v Devil wants to keep women hostage. But, he wants to kill men. Why? Because men are God's foundation on earth. No matter how beautiful a building is, if the foundation is faulty, the building is falling. Hold your foundation. Pray for men!
v Men have strength. Not for fighting women. But for taking responsibility. Men have sword, not for playing around, but for impacting change.
v The first thing a young man thinks when he wants to have girlfriend is sex. The first thing a young man thinks when he wants to have wife is value. Hehe, young men desist from what is not profitable for your destiny.
v Family is such an interesting place to be. Mothers love their sons. Fathers love their daughters. If the children are only boys, mothers win them all. If the children are only girls, fathers win them all. But, in general, mothers have influence on the children. There's a way mothers communicate with their children that gives them the impression of whether they will honour or dishonour their father. Mothers, don't turn the hearts of your children against their father, that might be dangerous for you. If you have conflict with your husband, don't discuss with your children. Settle the conflict with your husband, not with your children. Don't present your husband bad before your children. Don't dishonour him. Your children are watching you. They are learning from you. As a mother, you have so much influence on your children. Use it positively. Whatever your children turn out to be, mostly depends on you. Leave good legacy for your children. I see your blessings and the fruits of your labour being multiplied in the land of the living.
v God bless fathers, and enrich mothers. Happy fathers' day to all fathers in the world. Fatherhood goes beyond giving birth to children. It's the capacity of being a source, the ability to generate something from nothing. The ability to take up responsibility. We may have many teachers. But we only have few fathers. Fathers are pillars. Fathers are protectors. A father will not want his daughter to marry a man who he thinks he cannot be a father, neither will he allow his son to go for a cheap lady. Fathers are passionate about their children. Every father I know wants to be responsible. Circumstances around him may not allow, but he really wants to. May God bless all fathers and make them live up to expectations for their world.
v A man must have work. Age, not withstanding. I'm not talking about job, I'm talking about work. Job makes you survive. Work makes you fulfilled. You can retire from your job. You can't retire from your work. If you don't have work, you don't have worth. Find your work.
v Hey, young men, don't marry if you've not found your work. Women don't like men without work. They will be frustrated. Man, let your woman find you working, not wanting.
v The world system has found ways of giving men job. But they can't give them work. They can make them survive. But they can't make them fulfilled. Job makes you survive. Work makes you fufilled. Fulfillment is what pleases God. Survival is what pleases men.
v Your work is not what men gave you. Your work is not what career or certificate gave you. Though, they could contribute to your work, but never your work. Your work comes from inside and manifest outside, so you enjoy it. Your job comes from outside and infuriate inside, so you endure it.
v Men are not weaklings. Men are not cowards. Men are bold; Resolute in decisions, Absolute in confessions. Men are calm inside despite the storms outside. Be a man.
v When a man asks a question, he wants a good answer. When a woman asks a question, she wants beyond a good answer, she wants a good response. For a woman, it doesn't matter whether your answer is right or wrong, if it's with good response. But for a man, it doesn't matter whether your response is good or not, if it is a good answer. He will only remember the good answer, he might not remember the wrong response if there was any. For a woman, she will only remember the good response, she might not remember the wrong answer if there was any. Now, this does not mean men should be treated rudely or we should be too meticulous with talking to women. It just mean we will have more understanding and avoid misunderstanding. A woman recognizes the tone in the voice. A man recognizes the voice in the tone. Sometimes, a man has challenge communicating with a woman, because he has forgotten she's not another man. While he gave the right answer casually, she thinks about his casual response and not the right answer. But, this has been the way the man has been living his life with his friends. So, a man must learn how to give not only the right answer, but also the right response to a woman. And while men are learning, women should be patient with them and vice-varsa.
v There is a voice of man, and there is a voice of God. The voice of man is different from the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord is strong and mighty. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars, Yes, the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon. He makes them also skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox. The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness;
The Lord shakes the Wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth, And strips the forests bare; And in His temple everyone says, “Glory!” The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, And the Lord sits as King forever. The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. -Excerpt from the Scriptures
v Male is external. Man is internal. Male is physical. Man is spiritual. Male is the house where man lives. Man cannot express himself on earth without male. Male cannot function by itself on earth without man.
v A man must not sleep too much, less he tends to poverty. But he must continually till his ground to have abundance. Abundance is what gives him dominance. There's no poverty when men are at work.
v There are many males. But only few men. There are many sex partners, but only few life partners. Women don't want to live with males, they want to live with men.
v When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I behaved like a child. When I became a man, I dropped childish things. Manhood is not only a matter of age, it's a matter of stage. You only become a man when you know you are a man. You cannot become what you are not.
v Thank God for the kind of man I'm becoming. It's amazing. Today is special. Thank God for the gift of life and his unspeakable gifts. One journey has ended and another has begun.
v As for me, I had made up my mind to give thanks always, for this is the will of God for me in Christ Jesus. Thank God for his goodness and faithfulness. I'm happy I belong to Jesus. When I looked back and saw what the Lord has done, then I realized indeed the Lord has been good to me. No matter who is my friend or enemy. No matter who I know or I didn't know. It doesn't matter. Once my father is on my side, that's all I need. Let's talk about myfather, He's good and His goodness covers all the earth. Wickedness and bitterness cannot prevail where my father is. Every kingdom of darkness is subdued with all its subtleness. The Light shines in darkness, but the darkness cannot prevail. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty who has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places, where we are seated with Christ in Glory. Glory to God for ever and ever, Amen.
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