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Sunday, October 29, 2017

God bless the Fathers

God bless the fathers some more. I'm so inspired about the fathers. Thank God for the fathers. They lead us. They direct us. They instruct us. They guide us. They teach us. They correct us. They feed us. They protect us. They mold us. Fathers are rare gem. They are epitome of greatness. With fathers, our future is secured. With fathers, our path is straightened. With fathers, we are led by the way of righteousness. With fathers, our work is easier. With fathers, we learn wisdom and gain experience. With fathers, we can discern. With fathers, we are delivered from the enemies. With fathers, we don't fall into ditch. With fathers, we know the right things to do. With fathers, we are motivated and inspired, and we can journey till the end. With fathers, our paths are guided and directed. Fathers suffer pains and shame on our behalf. They endure discomfort so that we can be comfortable. They release their shoulders so that we can reach greater heights. They work in the night, so that we can walk in the light. Fathers are not only biological, but they are blessing to every area of our lives as well. I pray for the fathers; May you increase more. May your strength be renewed. May your health be preserved. May you see generations of your children's children. May God bless all your labours on earth and multiply your blessings. Peace. #MuchBlessings

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