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Sunday, October 29, 2017

No attack against Women

God loves women and protects them. One woman was dragged to Jesus by some accusing men because of adultery. They wanted to stone her, but asked Jesus what he thinks. Jesus asked them- "Anyone among you who has never committed sin should be the first to stone her" Surprisingly, they all left. What??? Bunch of hypocrites. So they've all committed sin before and went unpunished but want somebody else to be punished because of sin. Jesus knew their wickedness. He dissolved their wiles. Then, he asked the woman, "where are your accusers?" She said "they've all left." Then, Jesus said "I don't condemn you, go and sin no more." That is the gospel. The woman received good news from Jesus, and it liberated her from the power of sin and judgment and gave her eternal life. Oh, what a life of God. #Blessings

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