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Sunday, October 29, 2017


The subject of sex (sexual intercourse, coitus, or copulation) is what we hardly talk about, but we often think about; old and young, men and women, boys and girls. The problem starts the moment you reach puberty and become sexually matured. All kinds of feelings began to set in. It usually becomes heightened at late teens, the most dangerous period among the young people. It's very important we get it right, so, we don't do it wrong. Sex, on its own is a beautiful thing. No man created it, but God. Now, the only place where God puts sex is in marriage. Every other place is illegal. The benefits of sex are within marriage. But the problems of sex are without marriage. If you are not married, you are not allowed. The reasons are not far-fetched. Sex goes beyond the act. It's a commitment that has emotional attachment with a lot of involvements. As a single, you wouldn't want to have problem in your marriage. Now in marriage, sex is of utmost importance. A man does not want sex in marriage, he needs it. Wives, for you to enjoy your home and have a happy husband, you've got to step up your sexual life. He's not gonna be begging you all the time for it. He needs it. You are not gonna be giving him excuses all the time. You initiate it. Tell him what you want. Show him how you want it. Instead of frustrating him with excuses every now and then. Show interest in what he's interested in. This has nothing to do with his status. He needs it. Then, as a man, self control is of utmost importance. Don't rush into marriage because you are looking for sex, you may not have it all the time, but understand your wife and give her what she needs. She needs affection. Know how to set her on. Know how to play her keys. Let's have a happy home. Let's live a good life. And our families will be blessing to the world. #Blessings.

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