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Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Menstrual Period

Menstruation (menses, period) is a monthly vaginal discharge due to shedding of uterine lining. It’s usually 3 to 5days, but could be longer or shorter. The menstrual cycle happens in the space of 21 to 35days; average of 28days. First menstruation takes place anytime from age 10. Most times, women experience some symptoms and behavioural changes before and during menstruation. Good measures to ameliorate some of those difficulties could be exercise (releases endorphins; natural painkiller), warm bath, warm drinks and heating pad on the abdomen (relax the uterine muscles), reduced intake of salt and sugar, increased intake of fruits and vegetables (sources of good vitamins) and use of analgesics. In some part of the world, women are maltreated during this period. They claimed women are unclean, so they isolate them. I wondered the kind of shame and embarrassment such women would undergo every month because God made them women. But that is ignorance. I say that must stop! Menstruation for a woman, is an evidence of fertility and good functioning system. Except for pregnancy, women menstruate all through their reproductive years. Women endure a lot of things that men don’t understand. It’s important that men understand women’s system and don’t always criticize them because they don’t know what they are going through per time. Knowledge is required to live happily with one another. Have nice moments. #Blessings

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