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Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Blessedness of Womanhood (Part 2)

Devil has done a smart job. He deceived the woman, left her in pains and agony. Then God intervened; He told devil, “though you've deceived the woman and made humanity fell into sin, but I will tell you what you don't know, that same woman I will use to bring humanity back to divinity”. Devil went and restrategized. It became a tug of war between God and devil. Devil began to mess up every woman he suspected God could use. He knew God hated sin. He defiled all the suspected women God could use. Several generations passed, God was still looking. He was on a thorough search. Finally, God found a virgin, a young woman who has not defiled herself. Then, God packaged himself and came to earth through one of his Arch Angels. The Angel met the virgin and told her- "You have been favoured of the Lord, and Blessed among women". The Angel delivered the Word to her. The moment she received the Word, the Word became implanted in her womb and grew. After 9months, the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Devil was confused. He was still looking for how God would come down and use somebody. Elizabeth was a suspect, so her womb was shut. But God intervened, and gave her child in her old age. That wasn’t God's direction. He only used that to open the floor and prepare the ground. Devil still didn't understand what was happening. Now the virgin, Mary, after 9months, gave birth to a child and called his name Jesus. What??? Devil was shocked. But this was a lady that was not yet married. How come? He was extremely confused. Divine intervention has given devil unexpected hypertension. God knew what he was doing, right from the beginning. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Humanity was restored back to God. Mary was highly instrumental. God wouldn’t have achieved that without woman. No wonder woman was a perfection of His good work. Now, women are blessed. Women are favoured. Women are happy. Devil is put to perpetual shame. Glory to God. But, has everything finally ended??? Part 3.

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