Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Great Ruth

Ruth was a woman of our like passion, who despite all odds took a giant step that put her name in the genealogy of Jesus. A strange woman who converted her frustration to ministration to generations. Oh, I love Ruth! She knew something that Orpah, her fellow sister-in-law didn't know. Naomi, their mother-in-law gave the two of them tangible reasons why they had to leave. That was enough for Orpah to leave. But, Ruth had higher reasons why she had to cleave and not to leave; right in the midst of adversity and hopelessness. Ruth, indeed was a great woman of faith and strong-mindedness. No wonder she was the only one among the Moabites (the enemies of God) whose name was written with golden pen in the genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope there are still Ruths in our generation; Women, who will despite all difficulties and challenges, stand up higher and turn those problems to generational blessings. Much more testimonies await the Ruths of our generation. #MuchBlessings

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