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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Let's Do A Quick Review

I did Elementary Science in Primary School. I did Integrated Science in Junior Secondary School. I did Biology in Senior Secondary School. I did Anatomy and Physiology in my preclinical years. And Internal Medicine in my clinical years. In all of this, I found one thing; Human body. Perhaps you might have come across any of those subjects. They are very interesting. My philosophy is- everybody should know about their body. Whether you studied it in school or you learn it by yourself. It’s all good. Now, let’s do a quick review of our body. We have internal and external parts. The skin covers our external body, and it has appendages such as hair, nails, and glands. From up down, we have;
*The head, which contains all the 5 senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin) and the brain.
*The neck, which connects the head with the rest parts of the body.
*The chest (thorax), which has the breasts and is joined to the 2 upper limbs by the sides and the abdomen below.
*The upper limb which consists of the arm, forearm, and hand.
*The abdomen which connects the chest to the lower part of the trunk, pelvis and perineum.
*The pelvis and perineum which has the genital organs and the buttocks.
*The lower limb which consists of the thigh, leg and foot.
All of these briefly describe what we can see on the external part of our body. What of the internal part? There are whole lots. We will discuss that much later. Our physical health is hinged on good functioning of our physical body. Let's take good care of our body. To be continued! Find out interesting things about your body.

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