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Monday, March 26, 2018

In The Presence Of God

Can God be in a bad mood? Sometimes, people or situations around us get us so annoyed that we want to react back. Those moments spoil our mood that we can’t concentrate or be really happy. Our mind is so flooded with all kinds of heavy thoughts. So, I had to wonder if God too is always angry at us every time we misbehave to him, since we too get angry when people misbehave to us. But that’s not the case. In the presence of God, there’s fullness of joy. That joy is His son. God already has a protective atmosphere around him that prevents him from getting wrong signals from man. God was once angry at our misbehaviours. But no longer angry. Why? Because God’s anger on man has been finally resolved. So, what happens to people who will face judgment or go to hell? It will be their own decision and not God’s infliction. God was once angry when man’s heart was totally derailed from him and there was no mediator between him and man. But the moment God’s son was sacrificed, he became a mediator between man and God, and always pacify God on our behalf. God wouldn’t count men’s sins against them. He already did on his son. Otherwise, he will never have any moment of rest or joy, because human beings will always annoy him. Adam was in God’s presence, happy and bold, until he did wrong. The moment he left God’s presence, fear gripped him. Immediately, he became unsecured and wandered about. It’s important if you have Christ, you enjoy the life God has given you. The life of God in you connects you to him and makes you enjoy his presence. In his presence, there’s undaunted fullness of joy. Enjoy his presence. Enjoy his blessings. Peace.

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