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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Life Nutrients

Have you ever felt so hungry before? Have you ever woken up in a morning and the first thought that clouded your mind was "what am I going to eat today?" It becomes complicated when it’s a whole family, so frustrating and despairing. Not like you want to fast, but you just don’t have the means to eat. I’ve been there. It’s not a pleasant experience. When I hear people tell me they’ve not eaten for a whole day or for the past 3 days, I want to give everything I have to make sure they find something to eat. Many times, I’ve packaged food from my food business to give people who are hungry, because I know how it feels when one is hungry. What of number of people who are on the street asking for what to eat. That one I can’t just keep my eyes away. I feel so sympathetic and challenged, with number of people I have to feed in the world. Sometimes, some people look so sick and down. They’ve not been eating good food. Such people, their need is not hospital, It is food. If you have any help to offer at that moment, go ahead and do it. That will go a long way. The importance of food cannot be overemphasized. Jesus said; I am the bread of life. Though He's not talking about physical food, but it helps us to understand how important He is. He’s the drive/energy of life. Nothing moves without him. Nothing lives without him. No wonder, the scripture says all things were created by him and for him. He’s the source of all things. He’s the life of all things. If we have Jesus the bread of life in us, we’ll give life to people, from physical to spiritual. Our faith will be accompanied with works, and not just talk alone. Therefore, let’s bless people with our food and everything we've got and they will live to glorify our Father in Heaven. Blessings.

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