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Saturday, March 17, 2018

What Are We Going To Do Now?

Many people are hungry around us. Over 8,000 children are dying of hunger everyday. Is it that there’s no food to eat or there’s no means to get it? Either of it is not an excuse for anyone to die of hunger, especially children. Just $30 billion will end world hunger. That’s too small compare to what corrupt leaders embezzle from public funds. Let’s drive it home. Individually, what can we do? If there’s no food to eat, how can we provide it? It's simple, by investing more into agriculture. We need to till our lands. We need to improve our agricultural activity. Africa has more than enough land to feed the entire world. The resources are too much for us to be wallowing in poverty. In a case where there’s too much wastage of agricultural produce, let’s improvise on how we can process, store and preserve those foods for future use. We should never allow food wastage. We can create food bank where people can bring in cooked or perishable foods for others who don’t have privilege to buy and come and eat. We should reduce activities that entrench us into poverty, activities that make us less productive and be determined to work. We are not going to wait for government. We are not going to wait for people. We are going to take the bull by the horn and do the right thing, despite all obstacles. We should all be determined to help ourselves. If you see someone who is hungry around you and doesn’t have the means, help that person. That will go a long way. There are some people around us that need someone to raise them out of poverty. They don’t have anything to eat. They are jobless and homeless. They sleep on the street or under the bridge. For those that have the capacity among us, let’s look after these ones and help them. Let’s give them hope once again after they’ve been frustrated out of life. No matter how small what you can do, that will go a long way, go ahead and do it. Let’s make life better for ourselves…to be continued! Happy Weekend. Blessings.

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