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Monday, March 5, 2018

Youth Episodes; Young Minds

*This generation holds the highest population of youths in the history of the world. Large proportion came from developing countries.
*Youthfulness is a stage that attracts all kinds of infections. If you are not protected, you will be infected.
*Whether we shy away from it or we decide to talk about it, sex is one of the major issues that disturbs the young minds.
*Religion apart, more than 85% of the music that youths listen to is related to sex and money. That tells you how important those 2 things are to the young minds.
*Access to internet has given young minds access to everything they want to know about sex. No need to bother adults. But the problem is, values are wasted when young minds are not educated well enough about sex.
*A youth without work is a youth that will mismanage his strength. A youth who is not mentally engaged will be sexually engaged.
*Sexual hypocrisy is a major problem we have among religious youths. They pretend holiness outside when they have rottened inside. There's need for open mind.
*The best thing you can do for a youth is to show him how to manage his strength.
*Food-related problems (obesity, overweight, malnutrition, and overeating) are conditions that kill the strength of youths. Moderate food gives strength. Excessive food kills strength.
*I see youths in this generation standing for what they believe, even to the point of death. That's what valentine is all about. Happy Valentine friends.
*Acute love syndrome is a common syndrome among young people. If we understand love, we will not abuse it. Refer to My Love Episodes.
*Dear youth, what makes your strength productive is in how well you invest your time. Don't waste your time with time wasters. They will waste your life.
*Bullying is common in Africa. There are many youths who have unhealthy mind because of bullying. Only those with mental problems bully others.
*Let no one despise your youth. If you are youthful, you are useful.
*Youthfulness is a stage that transits from dependence to independence. A youth wants to think on his own because he now has the strength of his own. But he does not have experience of his own. He needs to learn more.
*Dear friend of my youth, achievement is not fulfillment. Don't let somebody's achievement hinder your own fulfillment. They are two different things. Go ahead and fulfill your purpose.
*A youth will chase a thousand. Two youths will chase ten thousands. Three or more youths will chase nations. That's the power of unity. Youths, let's put ideas together and solve our nations problems.
*Nigeria has both the highest number of youths and highest GDP (nominal) in Africa. The youths are the major drive of economy. The poverty in the country is not lack of resources. It is mismanagement of resources.
*I feel like encouraging a youth out there. There's something you can do and up till now you've not done it because of fear of failure or what people will say. Go ahead and do it. Don't doubt what you can do, even if others do. If you don't do it, you won't know how to do it. Fail and you will succeed. Fall and you will stand. Move and you will run. Jump and you will fly. Move away from people who don't value what you have or doubt your ability. They will kill your strength. Surround yourself with inspiring and good-hearted people. I see you succeeding like never before. Much love.
*I always love to be a youth. I don't want to grow old. I like the blessing of being young and strong. But a youth will not always be a youth. He's got to grow more. When I realized what I should have done with my time, I wanted to always have it over and over again. When you don't know what to do with your time, you won't know what to do with your life. If you are a youth, use the resources of your time and strength to build your future.

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