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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

But You Never Told Me

"I just came back from the hospital, I’ve not been feeling fine for the past 3days, The hospital did some tests, One of the tests confirmed I’m pregnant, Here is the result..." the lady said. "Which result? Of what? About what? Are you joking or serious?" the guy panted on top of his breathe. "Really? So you can say all these? You know how many times we had sex before this time, including the one we had before I went to the hospital. You want to deny that you are responsible for the pregnancy or what? I don’t understand." The lady yelled out in anger, confused. "But I used condom and I don’t think you would have become pregnant from any of our affairs if not that you have other guys you are dating," the guy exclaimed! "So you can tell me all these, after all you’ve done to me." The lady muzzled on the guy. A moment passed. "But you never told me, that you’re gonna be pregnant. And this was not our agreement," The guy reaffirmed. "Which agreement? Who had an agreement with you? I don’t even know you are such a stupid guy. Anyway, just know you are responsible for the pregnancy and I’m not gonna abort it." The lady yelled out acrimoniously and left. In another situation, the mom just came back from work, found her 17 year old daughter crying in pains. She found out the girl has just committed abortion. "How come? Who did you sleep with?" The mother asked. "Are you asking me all these? when you don’t even care about my life since," the lady exclaimed in regret. "But I do, I only want to give your freedom and allow you to have some space. What have I done?" The mother asked confused. "But you never told me anything about sex, you never told me how to avoid some things and the consequences of many things I know nothing about. How come you are so wicked to me and have allowed me to fall before you carry me and why have you allowed my light to turn darkness before you could see me," the girl cursed her mother in tears, groaning why she never told her. Prevention is better, safer, easier, and cheaper than cure. Don't wait to be told before you are told.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

19 Reasons Why Sex Should Only Be In Marriage

"Tell me you don’t know about what is going on these days", "How can you wait till you get married before sex", "How possible?" "For what?"...and so on. But general opinion will not make what is wrong right. And popular rejection will not make what is right wrong. Civilization has exposed us to many things. Girls and boys mature faster these days than before as early as 10, 11. They leave their parent covering for boarding school and higher institutions. They experiment a lot of things. Internet is available. Everything is there. What else? But the feelings and urges are also there. Peer pressure and social blending among young people enthuse their massive interest in sexual matters. Gone are those days when ladies are scared of unwanted pregnancies and STDs. These days, people can declare marathon sex without much heart attack. Marriages are delayed these days; ladies pursue career, and guys don’t want committed relationship or responsibility since they can have sex outside marriage, coupled with the fact that there are no serious consequences of sexual affairs outside marriage in many countries of the world. So, why should we wait till we’re married before sex? More so that we can’t just avoid the feelings and the urges. Alright! So, we don’t need to be religious. Let’s just consider these reasonable points.

*1. Most people became addicted to sex outside marriage. Addiction of any kind damages the brain reward system and personal judgment. 

*2. There’s low mental productivity with people who engaged in sex outside marriage as their main focus would be sexual pleasure. 

*3. Memories of sex engage the mind and draws one’s attention from other important things. 

*4. It’s easier to relate with your spouse if both of you are virgins or better still on the same page about sexual matters and learn sexual acts together than comparison of sex with past sexual encounters.

*5. Sex goes beyond physical attraction, it involves some emotional attachments. Sex outside marriage can damage some people’s feelings and make them cynical or abhorrent to the opposite sex.

*6. Most people who engaged in sex outside marriage have problems with sex inside marriage. 

*7. Some people who are sexually abused or have bad sexual experience with the opposite sex change their sexual orientation and become gays and lesbians.

*8. There’s feeling of guilt and condemnation in people who engage in sex outside marriage because of its unacceptability by God and people. 

*9. Sixty-seven percent of teenage girls and 53% of teenage boys who have had sex said they wished they had waited. 

*10. There’s mostly feeling of deep regret later in life by people who engaged in sex outside marriage as many would connect their sexual problems in marriage with their past extramarital affairs. 

*11. People who don’t have sex outside marriage are saved from bad memories and wrong sexual fantasies. 

*12. Sex outside marriage makes us lose value and purpose for sex. Sex is not only for pleasure. It is a treasure that must be cultured. 

*13. Sex outside marriage waste your resources; you spend a lot of money (buying contraceptives, sex  materials and accessories, drugs, and other miscellaneous expenses), you spend time (for sex, for planning, for recuperation and so on), you expend energy on sex and your body to satisfy your sexual partner and keep flicking sexual pleasure till it dies off your body within minutes. But resources have been wasted. 

*14. People don’t value each other and marriage anymore because of high rise of sex outside marriage.

*15. It's only in marriage that the purpose and functions of sex are fulfilled; for Relation (bonding), for Reproduction (giving birth) and  for Recreation (therapy). They are '3 Rs' in case of mnemonics.

*16. There’s problem with self-esteem, self-value, and self-worth when we have sex with someone or people we are not married to.

*17. There’s social defamation and low reputation with whoever engage in extramarital sex, especially if the person is occupying a social position.

*18. The use of contraceptives do not totally rule out the consequences of extramarital sex.

*19. The One who created sex said it is not good outside marriage. Obviously, He has His reasons.

From these points and many more that you could think of, you can decide for yourself what you want. I believe sexual abstinence should be a personal decision and not a general coercion. However, you sure know that the benefits of whatever choice you make will definitely be yours without anyone taking it from you. Another related article is "How to control and channel your sexual energy", Check it out on this link: Have a healthy, stress-free life. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How To Make A Woman Trust You

The first is to understand the nature of women. Women are more emotional than men. There’s no doubt about that. Next, when you can arouse a woman’s feelings and make her attracted to you, you are on your way to building her trust in you. Many people think trust is built with time. Yes, it’s a general principle, but most common with men, because men are logical. But for women, it doesn’t really matter. A woman can build solid trust on a man within a month. While a man may take 5 years to do such. It’s simply because of the way both sexes are wired differently. Trust most times, is built on decision. And because women most times make their decisions on intuition and feelings, they end up being quick with their judgment and assessment. Next, is to consciously make her trust you. That will be by sharing some secrets with her. She will think you confide in her and make her your confidant. That will automatically make her trust you and begin to share her life secrets with you, even more than what you asked for. When you throw a stone at a woman, she will throw ten stones back at you. That’s the nature of a woman. Next, is to be your self. Try as much as possible not to pretend before her. Women have high emotional intelligence and they read beyond words. They look at your facial and body expressions. It’s difficult to lie in a woman’s presence without her knowing. Women have powerful intuitive device to detect lies and pretence. So, you wouldn’t want her to break her trust from you. Try as much as possible to be yourself without any strange attachments or false expressions. Women love honesty and simplicity. They love men who are not cunny or crafty but always go straight to the point. If you want a woman to understand you, don’t try to describe or explain what you want to say. Just say it! Women understand by knowing what you want to say. Men understand by understanding what you want to say. If you can do all these things, you’ve won the heart of a woman and she’s already built her trust in you. She can fall for you for anything. But make sure you don’t jilt her or disappoint her because she will be so heart-broken and can decide to retaliate on you or any other guys. Men, please, protect the interest of women. Thanks for your time. My regards.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Let's Run Through These Facts

* You only know the day you were born. You didn’t know the day your egg was fertilized.
* If God didn’t create sex, what else could have been an alternative to it? I'm not sure anything can mimic its purpose.
* Women check their body 36 times everyday to find any spot or blemish.
* Women are more sexually kinky than men.
* Sex occurs 120 million times everyday.
* Men don’t take sex as ceremonious as women do.
* Women express more sexual plasticity than men.
* Most times, men have sex with whom they are physically attracted to. But women have sex with whom they are emotionally attached to. 
* Men become automatically talkative when they are with a woman they are in love or physically attracted to. 
* Testosterone is the culprit behind men’s strong sexual desire and activity. 
* Twelve to 17-year-olds are among the largest consumers of online pornography.
* Clitoris (in females) is equivalent to penis (in males). It’s the most sensitive female genital organ. It has thousands of sensory receptors. 
* Labia majora (in females) is equivalent to the scrotum (in males).
* Sixty-seven percent of teenage girls and 53% of teenage boys who have had sex said they wished they had waited.
* Couples who do not cohabit before marriage experience lower rates of marital conflict, infidelity, and divorce.
* Adults who delay sex until marriage report the highest levels of sexual satisfaction.
* Sex outside marriage kills love. Sex inside marriage keeps love.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Christians Are "Not Going" To Heaven!

It’s not difficult to understand, If you are a Christian, you are not going to heaven. The day you became born into God’s family was the day your journey to make heaven ended. So, how come I still hear some religious folks say, God let me make heaven, and even make it a serious prayer point. 

Okay, let’s explain. What actually happened when we became born into God’s family? First, we became translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Second, we received eternal life. Third, we received the Spirit of God. Heaven is where the Spirit of God dwells. If the Spirit of God is in us, heaven is in us and we don’t pray to be there. When we welcomed God into our hearts, we actually welcomed heaven into our hearts and as such it becomes senseless to be asking for what we already have. 

You can’t have the Spirit of God and still be praying to make heaven. It’s a gross ignorance and an insult to the Spirit of God in you. The mistake most believers make is that they separate heaven from the Spirit of God. But the heaven you are praying to go, who is there? Is it not God? Is it not Jesus? Unless you are not sure of the spirit you have in you or still doubt your salvation. If you are not, then, it’s never a prayer point for you to make heaven. The Spirit of God cannot carry you to hell. 

Jesus told us in the scriptures that when people come and tell us “come let’s go there”, or “come, let’s go here to see the kingdom of God”, He said “No! Don’t answer them, For the kingdom of God is in you. That’s the same thing the religious folks nowadays are doing, when they think the kingdom of God is a location, but never knew that the kingdom of God is right there in their hearts. I understand heaven is a location as the scripture tells us. And it can also be an atmosphere of where the Spirit of the Lord dwells. But it's not where we should be praying to be because we already have the Spirit of God in us. 

The kingdom of God establishes the kingdom of heaven. The presence of God anywhere creates an heavenly atmosphere. The kingdom of God is not separated from the kingdom of heaven. Wherever God is, is heaven. Wherever heaven is, is God. Going to heaven is not your job, It’s a gift God gave you when you received His Spirit into your life. Happy Sunday. Blessings!

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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Let's Talk It

If you are below 18 or under-aged in anyway, please count yourself out. This piece is not for you. I’m sure if you are, you would have still decided to know what this information is all about, even if I don't like it. Yes, it’s about what young people are always harassed for because of their age, sex. But we are in information age, everything is there on the internet. What else? Get anything you want within a twinkling of an eye and forget about it. But what do we need to know about sex? There are not so many practical books on sex. I mean practical books that we can easily relate with, not codes of conduct. I’m sure not less than 90% of advices that young people receive from religious and moral settings are not just working because it seems they don’t understand what is going on. Some adults or parents will say, “we’ve been there”, “we’ve been once youths”. But excuse me, the youths of then are different from the youths of now. And the time of then is different from the time of now. Things have changed. Many of the materials that are really interesting to the young minds are right there on the internet, so they go online and access as many of them as they want. Meanwhile, there are some things that are yet unclear about the subject of sex and its significance. Let’s start with the verbal expressions. Many people find it difficult to mention the names of the sex organs. Rather, they use nicknames. Children began to find out the real names of these organs and know that there’s something fishy about sex that parents are hiding. That curiosity has made many to go on wrong adventure on things about sex. You know for many of us, our minds have been wrongly conditioned on things about sex. If not, what is the problem with mentioning the names of the sex organs without having wrong mind? It’s the mindset. In this series on sex, I will mention all the key elements and things you need to know about sex, irrespective of your age, because truth has no age limit. In as much as you have a matured mind and can receive the truth, you are good to go. To be continued!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

I'm Not A Carrier Of Bad Seeds

I rather sow good seeds with my mouth than bad seeds. I will not be a carrier of bad seeds. I will not allow negative things to influence me. You wouldn’t know how much havoc you wreak on yourself when you talk negative about someone. It’s sowing bad seeds in the hearts of people you are talking to. Any information that doesn’t have goodness in it is a bad seed that can contaminate someone’s mind. Avoid wrong talks. Avoid evil talks. Why wasting your energy on trivials? Why wasting your life on things that are of no value? Flee away from those things. Whatever that does not encourage other people, Whatever that does not challenge or motivate other people to do good is no worthy to be talked about. Shun it. God's blessings are yours.

Women Run The Show

I know for some of us, we wouldn’t need anyone to tell us how so much influence women have got in our world today. Whether we like it or not, or whether we know it or not, women run the show. They move things without touching them. They act things out without being there. That is the power of influence. It’s a force God gave women. For us to understand, let quickly check what happened in the beginning when just a man and a woman were on the earth. The first person to influence the other person was the woman. She made the man did what she wanted, even that was against God’s will. It’s important men understand this so they will know how to work with wisdom. A woman will not follow a man who lacks wisdom. She will prefer to do her own thing. Generally speaking, women’s senses are so active. Their auditory apparatus is very sensitive even to the lowest decibels. Serpent, the most subtil amongst the animals, came to the woman and began to interrogate her. The serpent, though saw the man, wouldn’t want to go to him cos he knows he might not give him attention, but a woman would do. Women listen. Women hear. They read words in-between lines. They also feel the words they hear and relate with them. Though God gave the man instruction, the serpent went to the woman for destruction…to be continued!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Maternal and Child Health Episodes; Preventive Health 2

# Many times I had thought about mothers. It takes crossing many huddles to attain that position. Mothers and children take two-third of any human population. There must be special healthcare for them.
# Out of more than 135 million women that give birth every year, about 20 million of them are estimated to experience pregnancy-related illness after childbirth. Most of the problems are psychological and lack of support. Every new mother around us must be supported.
# The moment a woman becomes a mother, her role is divided, and her attention is drawn from her husband to her child. This often gets men crazy, but it's logical. The child needs his mother's attention. The husband needs his wife's attention. She has become two in one. Dear fathers, take it easy on mothers.
# If you think for a second if there are no human beings on earth, think for a minute if there are no women on earth, then think for some moments if there are no mothers on earth. Mothers deserve preferential treatment as babies demand parental influence.
# About 16 million girls give birth every year. Many of these teenage pregnancies are unplanned for. Complications from those pregnancies and childbirth are the leading cause of death among teenage girls. Parents, help your teenage girls.
# A nursing mother is bondly tied to the health of her child, especially if she is new in motherhood. She's just gaining experience in mothercraft. She faces a lot of challenges as her baby undergoes different stages of growth and development. There's need for support from older mothers. That will go a long way.
# We know motherhood is not only physical. But it could also be spiritual. Now that you have decided not to give birth. And it's not your calling to be Mother Teresa or Apostle Paul. But somebody else gave birth to you. Don't waste those precious eggs inside of you. They are God's investment. Kindly do well to be a blessing to others too.
# A sister of mine told me about a pregnant woman who was at the point of labour how she was maltreated by the attending nurses. Despite her condition, those medical personnel won't want to listen to her. But everything should be with care and tenderness when it comes to pregnant women, because they are in a state that only people in that stage can understand.
# Evidence shows that women who are better educated tend to have healthier children. They can attain high financial and social status which can help them with good healthcare services. Women must be empowered.
# Jesus was an embryo. Yes, he was a fetus. He stayed in his mother's womb for 9 months. He became a newborn. His mother breastfed him. He crawled, grew teeth and stammered with words. His mother had so much to do, just as other mothers would do. Jesus grew up and eventually fulfilled purpose. Thank God for mothers. Thank God for Mary.
# She has feelings that can't be explained. She gathers a lot of saliva in her mouth every morning, coupled with some tiredness and tenderness. Her appetite is not stable and she's not sure what's happening. hCG and other tests have confirmed. She's pregnant. Happy pregnancy dear expectant mother.
# Pregnancy lasts 9 months. There are 3 trimesters. Each trimester lasts 3 months. The 1st trimester is for the formation of the conceptus. The last 2 trimesters are for the development of the conceptus.
# A man ran away after hearing his wife gave birth to triplets. He said "who told her to give birth to 3, I'm only looking for 1". But he has forgotten that she didn't impregnate herself. Only irresponsible men make their wives responsible for their irresponsibility.
# Globally, 40% of pregnancies are unplanned. Half of unplanned pregnancies are aborted. The remaining half becomes miscellaneous. Babies are thrown away. Mothers are neglected. And the society becomes haphazard. Women need good practical knowledge on birth control. I think they are more organized. *An article is coming on birth control.
# All is set. It's time for baby shower. Let's celebrate the baby and the mother. Come with your gifts and surprises. You know gifts gladden women's heart. It's been an amazing journey. The mother can't wait to deliver. The date is fixed. The time is here. May all women who wish to be mothers one day have their prayers answered.
# For a newborn, breastfeeding is good (at least 6months). It helps the child with good nutrition, growth, fighting of infections and mental development. For the mother, breastfeeding helps her to lose pregnancy weight, strengthens maternal bond, reduces risk of breast and ovarian cancer and a form of birth control. Let's thank our mothers, they breastfed us.
# The health of one child is as important as the health of 10 children. The health of one mother is as important as the health of 10 mothers. Caring for one mother and her child is as important as caring for one nation and its societies.
# Malnutrition among children and breastfeeding mothers in Africa is a major concern. Bad nutrition exposes them to infections and illnesses. But children of the rich enjoy overeating and later suffer obesity. There must be balanced distribution of wealth, otherwise there will be problem with both parties. That doesn't help. Let's feed hungry mothers and children.
# What could make a woman forget the child of her womb that she will not put him to remembrance? Though she may forget. But the Lord will not forget you. He's closer to you than you think. He's your breathe. His eternal love is stronger than your maternal bond.
# Milestones of babyhood; sitting, rolling, crawling, blabbing, teething, walking, talking and playing. People see babies grow so fast. Only mothers see babies' growth so far.
# When you see Presidents, And you see Doctors, And you see Business moguls, And you see world changers. It's because the child did not die and the mother did not abort the pregnancy. Let's take good care of our mothers. Happy mothers produce happy children. My regards.