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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

How Meaning Of Colours Can Program Your Mind

Have you ever thought of colours having meaning? Imagine I tell you the meaning of the colour of the shirt you are wearing now, so that when you go out, you communicate the exact language to people. As a matter of fact, the meaning of these colours automatically acts on human psychology that we wonder why we behave the way we do when we see these colours. People who are aware of this simple fact have been secretly making use of it to influence other people into doing what they want them to do or believe. Politicians who are aware of this fact wittily combine these colours in their dress to communicate strong signals to their followers and sometimes manipulate them. While this is not superstitious, I don’t want you to believe that it works 100% of the time. What it just means is that it will augment or add value to your communication and demeanor. So, nothing special! Without further ado, let’s dive into the meanings of these colours. 

1. Red- Signifies energy, action, anger, passion. 

2. White- Signifies Pureness; it’s a combination of colors. 

3. Black- Signifies Power; absorbs all colors. 

4. Gray- Signifies Pain, fear, unhappiness. 

5. Orange- Signifies Excitement, happiness, creativity, pleasure, optimism. 

6. Purple- Signifies Psychic ability and intuition. 

7. Green- Signifies Fertility, growth, harmony, balance, nature, acceptance. 

8. Yellow- Signifies Intellect, logic, creativity, lightness, humor. 

9. Blue- Signifies Coming, Communicating, Influence, Protectiveness, calmness, peace, love, honesty, kindness, truth, devotion, emotional depth. 

10. Gold- Signifies Intelligence.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Stop Looking For A Job, Work Is With You

How many times have you been searching for a job, looking here and there? But it would be a waste of time for you to keep searching because you don’t need a job. So what do you need? You need work. But what work am I talking about and where is even the work? I would answer that in a moment. Work is whatever you do to add value to yourself and other people. Imagine what you can do to solve a problem right now, or what you can do to add value or meet someone’s need right now. Yes, that is work. And you should take it seriously. 

We cannot be short of work, because we cannot be short of problems. Problems create opportunity for work. And when we work, we solve problems. And when we solve problems, we make money. Work is everywhere around us. In as much as problems have not finished in the world, there will always be work to do. But what you realize is that because of the mindset that many of us have been taught, we don’t know work is all around us. And of course, riches around us. 

Imagine something as simple as food. You know everybody eats food everyday, if not every time. Even if someone fasts, they will break their fast, and that would be with food. Who can survive without food? You would say nobody. But have you found out that there are still many people who are hungry on the street? There are people who still have problem with taking a three square meal in a day. There are whole lots of problems in the area of food that if you decide to solve one of them, you would become rich. Think of people who are rich right now, what do they do? They solve problems. So, if you solve problems too, you would become rich. I know it’s easier said than done. But you can start small. 

Look around you right now, and look for the needs that the people around you have. Then ask yourself, how can you solve that problem? Which of the needs can you meet? And that’s where discipline comes in. Because you want to make up your mind to give it all it takes to do what is right for people. I know when you have a problem, it’s difficult to think about other people’s problem, let alone to solve them. But you know what, that’s where the blessing is. When you help people, you help yourself. When you solve problem for people, you solve problem for yourself. So, there’s no need to be worried about what you don’t have, but to focus on what you have that can get you what you want. 

When you are concerned about how your future will look like, look at your present. Pay attention to what you are doing now, because that is what will determine how your future will look like. Why are you worried about the limited resources? no money, no job, no help. But you have all it takes to excel and prosper in life. So you don’t have any problem except the ones you create for yourself. Successful people who have gone ahead of you had similar challenges and feelings. So, it’s normal to feel some fears and uncertainty about the future. But with courage, you would summon all the challenges. Have confidence in yourself and what you can do. Even if you are not the best now, believe you are and you will be. Just keep working at yourself. Your future is great and I celebrate with you. My regards!

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Simple Trick on How to Make Money

The simple trick to make money is still very much simple- solve problems. Forget about people who always promise heaven and earth to help you make money without solving problems. Making money without solving problems is having money being thrown at you without it being yours. It’s just a matter of time, it would vanish away. But you want to say, “how about people who invest their money without solving problem and made a lot of money?” What happened in that case and other cases when someone is not directly involved in solving problems to make money is because someone else is doing it on their behalf. But at least you know someone is solving problem on your behalf and making more money for you. And by the way, that is not making money for you, but multiplying money for you, because if nothing is invested, nothing is multiplied. 

To make money (not invest money), you've got to understand how to solve problems. This is because money is made when problems are solved. People won't throw money at you just because they know you, or dash you some dollars because they are your friends, (and even if they do it, maybe once in a while and not all the time). But when you solve problem for them, they would always be glad to pay you whether you are their friend or not. Think of people who you bought their products or offered you a service, were they your friends? Even if you don't like them, if you like the goods or service they offered you, you will keep giving them your money and your closest friend may not get a dime from your pocket. That doesn't mean you are wicked, it just shows how life works. People give their money to people who help them solve problem. So, if you don't help people solve problem, they have no business giving you their money. 

Remember money is a medium of exchange that is only made when something of value is exchanged for it. If you want to make good money, then you’ve got to be keen on solving problems. The good news is that there are more than enough problems to solve. So, there won’t be excuse that the problems won’t go round. You will solve and solve and solve problems till you are tired of solving problems. But you shouldn’t be tired of solving problems anyway, if you are not tired of making money. 

Now, among the problems, there are crucial and pressing ones. There are ones that people will pay you any amount to solve it for them. There are ones that people will only pay you little for solving for them. It depends on the complexity of the problem and how rare the solution is. Of course we know from economics, that the higher the demand, the higher the price and vice-versa. So, if the solution you provided is of high demand, then you would make a lot of money. But if the solution is of low demand, you would make little money. 

This is what happens with people and industries that solve major problems, they make a lot of money. A good example is telecommunication industry. We know communication is key to human interaction and existence. And people would love to pay any amount to have it at the comfort of their homes. So, the companies that provide communication service are making good money. What about companies that produce capital goods such as automobiles, aircrafts, electronics, and other useful machines? They are making billions of dollars every year because they are solving big problems. The same thing goes for oil industries. They make good money because they solve big problems. Many useful items are manufactured from the petrochemical products that are extracted during the refinery process of the crude oil. And the list goes on and on. 

But those are major problems, that many people and companies would undertake. As an individual, you can also solve problem on your own and people would pay you for it. For instance, people who are professionals and specialists like brain surgeons, engineers, programmers, architects, lawyers, artists, and whatever unique service that you have that people can comfortably pay you for. Please note that people would gladly pay you for anything if they see the value it provides for them. 

Just before I conclude, let’s look at the common problems around us. There’s food and water problem. Currently as we speak, there are close to a billion people in the world who are going hungry every day and don’t even have access to good water. What about communication problem? There’s still a good junk of people who don’t have access to internet connection as they would love to. Many still have accommodation problem, security, transport, education, clothing, health, finances, marital and spiritual problems. When I told you earlier that there are more than enough problems to go round, that nobody would be short of problems, now you know! 

In fact, as the days go by, new problems keep popping up everyday, thanks to the fact that the olds are not solved, so they keep multiplying and producing new ones. So, we really have opportunities to munch on those problems and make good money out of them. If you are just thinking which of the problems you should solve or the one you want to start with, wait a second, and think of your area of interest or expertise. Look at things that you are passionate about or perhaps, the field that you are already in. Any of these could be pointers to which of the problems you can start with and people would gladly pay you for solving it. My regards!

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You've Got to Document Your Life!

My vision is for everybody to become author of their own book. I know there are a lot of books published already and so many people are yearning to become an author. Only few people who are talented or those who have broken the barriers of writing setbacks are the ones championing authoring a lot of books that we find on shelves and bookshops. But now, the era has changed. I want everyone to have the mind of having their own book. Not because they will suddenly become a writer even if they are not one, but they would suddenly realize that they are already overdue to have their own book. 

I once challenged someone who thought for him to become an author, he must first be a writer. I said to him- “all that is required for you to be an author is to have something worth documenting and sharing with other people.” And you would agree with me that everyone's life worth documenting and should be shared with other people. Part of what could be shared include an experience that you’ve once had. It could an idea that you once thought about. Or it could be something about your passion, vision or ambition. 

To be an author is not a big deal. In fact, it should be part of our life. We should form the habit of documenting our life. Many of us today cannot remember the names of our grand or great grand parents, talkless of what they did. Why? Because there’s nothing documented about them. How about we begin to change that order? How about we begin to take note of every major event in our lives? How about we begin to help other people live a better life by sharing part of our life with them?

Documenting our life is as important as living our life. If we are living without documenting our life, we would not be remembered. Consider people who have died many years ago and we still remember them very well today. Why? Because something was documented about them that is relevant to us  today. Imagine people like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, and other great scientists and philosophers, many of them have died long time ago, but their names are still very much fresh in our memories because we read something about them. Because their lives and ideas were documented, and they are beneficial to us today. 

What about great books like the Bible? A book that gives tremendous accounts of people and events that have happened thousands of years ago and we still remember and talk about those things today. Many of us wouldn't have known anything about the accounts of creation if not for the Bible. And we know who God and Jesus is, thanks to the Bible. Imagine if the Bible was not written, how are we going to have all these knowledge? Bear in mind that many of those things that happened during those times were not even as significant to those people as they are to us today.  

Don’t you think what you have today can also benefit generations to come? Don’t you think the experiences and ideas that you have today could be source of wisdom for someone sometimes in the future? If you don’t document any of these, how would they benefit from it? It’s high time you focused on the long time impact (- the transgenerational impact of your life) and start documenting your life and ideas. I have thousands of quotes and stories that I’ve written for myself to share my ideas and experiences with people of all ages. I have the habit of documenting my ideas. I also note down my experiences and major events that have happened in my life. All of these are necessary to live a remarkable and noteworthy life. 

If people would appreciate your life as you would want them to, you must show them how to, and that would be from what you have documented about your life. And to document your life is quite easier these days. You can do a voice recording, you can jot down something or type on your notepad, or you can even discuss with someone close to you and ask someone else to record it and later give the voice recordings to those who will help you transcribe it, and so on. The essence of all these is to make sure you capture every important moment of your life and give value to the precious time that you have lived here on earth. My regards.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Brief History Of Human Health

There are essentially four stages of the historical account of what causes or affects human health. At the first stage during the stone age, humans believed the cause of their diseases was evil spirits. They claimed that the evil spirits were in the air, so they called it “bad air”. This was associated with when they have some respiratory diseases that were air-borne and highly contagious such as flu and tuberculosis. 

In the second stage during the industrial age, there was invention of tools and machines, and the first microscope was invented. Then, bacteria was detected as the cause of human diseases. So, humans concluded their diseases are caused by microorganisms in the air. And later other microbes were discovered such as viruses and other pathogenic agents. Then, there was outset of the third stage, in which humans believed that the cause of their diseases is essentially from social and environmental factors; that most of the diseases that they have come from humans close to them. That other humans harbor diseases and transfer to them. 

Also, there is mental and emotional influence on them from other humans which affect their health. Then, the fourth stage came which is personal. Humans believe that they could be the cause of their diseases, and not just other humans or microbes in the air. They believe that they could position themselves either for health or diseases, and no really much external factors have influence on their health as the internal factors that they have control over. From these accounts, we saw upgrade in man’s thinking and understanding of his health. 

Initially, man’s health problem was supernatural (evil spirits in the air), then later became natural (microbes in the air), then later became social (problems from other human beings), then later became personal (problems from within- internal conflicts). Among these stages, the last stage, which is personal is the most important, because it makes us understand that our health is essentially a personal thing, and not a general thing as we had always believed. By ourselves, we can decide where we want to live, how we want to live, what we want to eat, when we want to eat, where we want to go, what we want to do, and so on. We can literally decide anything we want, all by ourselves. And these are things that on the long run affect our health. 

The choices that we make every day directly or indirectly have effect on our health. Instead of being bothered or concerned about things that we don’t have control over, we rather pay attention and understand things that we have control over so that we’ll be able to even control things that we don’t have control over. If we take care of the choices that we make every day and make sure they align with the guidelines of good health, we would see the result in our life. 

Consider someone who drinks two bottles of beer every day or smokes one packet of cigarettes every day, he doesn’t need someone to tell him that that choice he's making every day would have adverse effect on his health on the long run. The little choices we make every day would always have concerted outcome in our life eventually. Things that we do to our body, whether big or small would always have effect on it. The foods and drinks that we put into our body, the activities that we go through every day, whether active or inactive, even the words and thoughts that we conceive and the people that we decide to associate with, would all have effect on our health. So, it's important to always take conscious decision of everything we do and not to think they are too small enough to affect our health. 

Do You Know This About Your Health?

Do you know how well nature listens to you when you speak? Do you know how well your body listens to you when you speak? I’m about to share something very important with you. Take a moment and think of the last person you spoke with physically. You remember how the conversation went. Whether the person was one of your family members or friend, or just an acquaintance, you expressed yourself in words to the person. 

Now, imagine in all the conversation, when you spoke and expected the person to respond, he/she didn’t. How would you feel? And this is someone close to you, no dispute, no disagreement, the person just decided not to respond to you. Of course, you would say that’s not possible. The person would surely respond. Even if the person is angry, they would still respond and anger is a response on its own. I want you to just think of how your spoken words were able to affect and influence the person you were talking to and how they responded to you. Now, that’s the same way your body responds when you speak to it. 

If you always look at your body as your closest buddy, then you will know how to speak good words to it. All your body cells can hear you when you speak and they know when you speak to them. Take for instance, when you have headache, you may think that’s normal because you’ve been having it and you know which drugs to take, but would you tell your body to receive good health and relief you of the pains? What makes you feel pain is there's something wrong in the system and that's why you are not comfortable. Perhaps it could be neuronal irritation, discomfort, lack of blood supply and so on. 

Therefore, when you tell those cells to receive health from your spirit, everything would begin to take shape, and the cells would stop processing pain sensations and start processing relief. It’s all biological processes and many of them are controlled by your thoughts. So, the way you think is very important. If you think health, health would come. If you think it’s normal for you to have pain, pain would stay. It’s all your choice. Many of us don’t know yet the power we have within us to control and decide whatever we want. We just think many things are out of our control. 

Because you don’t have access to medical diagnostic machines doesn’t mean you can’t diagnose and heal yourself. Your mind can screen and heal every part of your body. When you are worried about what’s going on in your body, stick your mind to good thoughts. Think good health. Because that’s what you have. The appearance of sickness in your body is not the truth. The truth is that you have health. And you can draw from it any time you need it. 

At first, you may struggle with holding the truth of good health in your mind, when there’s appearance of sickness. But with time, you would get used to it and overcome the barrier in your mind. Yes, it takes time to convince your mind and make you access your divine health. But with consistence and results, your mind would be convinced and you would live a happy life. This principle is applicable to many other important things in your life such as your finances, success, joy, happiness, and all the beautiful life that you had always wanted.

Your Life Is A Principle

Your life is a principle.
That means it is everything you know principle to be. Principle is a universal law that is independent of location, time and space. It is a truth that does not change. It is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let’s see how your life is a principle. First, your life is a universal law. It means it is the same everywhere. Location is not a limitation. It is your understanding of this that makes you succeed anywhere you are. Whether you live in the north, south, east or west, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what you know. But you would say –“environment contributes to our success and affects what we would become in life.” Yes I agree. But do you know you can create your own environment anywhere? Location doesn’t limit you in creating the kind of environment you want. It is what you know and apply that helps you to create the kind of environment you want. 

We’ve seen this times and times again in the lives of successful people. They changed their lives in the same location where other people are complaining. If it is just location that makes anyone great, everybody in a particular location would be great without an exception. But that’s not the case. What we found out is that, even in the richest countries around the world, we still have people who are poor, or not living that kind of life that they want. So, it’s definitely not a problem of location, but environment. Now, you want to know the kind of environment I’m talking about. It is simply everything around you that affects you; things that you continuously hear and see; things that continuously enter your mind and interact with it; things that continuously affect your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Those are the things that form your environment. 

Your environment is not limited to only things that you can see like your physical environment, but it also include many things that you cannot see. You have mental and spiritual environments. Even though, these three environments interact and sometimes influence one another, they are individually important in how they contribute to the success you achieve in life. We would discuss more about those environments later. But let’s quickly look at how you can create your own environment despite any location you are in. This starts from being carefully selective of what enters your mind from your physical location. It means you can select what you hear and see; the people you interact with, the friends you keep, the places you go, the books you read, and the things you hear and so on. 

If you are in a place where people are doing what you don’t agree with, you can decide not to join them. It won’t mean you will fight with them, it only means you know what you want for yourself and you should owe nobody apology. People can’t tell you what to believe or what not to believe. They can’t come to your mind and start supervising everything going on there. So, you have power over your mind and what you believe. This is very important. Because it is what you believe that creates your life. It’s enough to hear anything. If you don’t agree, throw it away immediately in the dustbin and don’t allow it to enter your mind. If it has entered, create a new thought that would throw the old thought out. 

When you understand the power of your thoughts in creating your life, you will carefully select what you hear and see. There are so many junks and distractions in the world today. Everybody has got something to say and tell you how to live your life. But your ability to carefully select what you hear and see would go a long way in giving you the kind of life that you want to live. Remember, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So, if you want to change your life, change what you think. And since what you think comes from the environment, you want to create the right environment for yourself. You create your own environment when you carefully select what you hear and see. So, what do you hear? You hear words from people- from family, friends, TV, media and so on. This is where your association comes in. You want to carefully select who are your friends, because their words would affect you. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. People that you continuously associate with, affect your life after a while, positively or negatively. At first you may not know it because the effect is so subtle and insidious that it must be thorough to detect. But if you pay close attention and always do continuous assessment of yourself, you would know whether your life is progressing or regressing with the companies that you keep. 

Have you noticed there are times you just suddenly remember one of the words of your friend, or someone close to you like your roommate or housemate? You wonder why you remember such words because you were not paying attention when they were saying it. But it doesn’t matter, your brain is a programming machine and it responds to everything around you. There are many words you won’t remember, yes, but it doesn’t mean they are not there. It may only take some time for your brain to search them out. We have such a powerful machine. It is the working of our brain that turns on our conscious mind. If our brain is not working, we would lose consciousness or awareness of our physical environment. So, our physical environment continuously interact with our mental environment. 

If you can control what you hear and see, you can control what goes into your mind. And if you can control what goes into your mind, you can decide the kind of thoughts your mind produces, and if you can decide the kind of thoughts your mind produces, you can ultimately decide the kind of life you would live. Now, for creating your environment, this would also mean that you would find materials that would take you in the direction of what you want. You would get books that would help you to create the kind of environment that you want. You would find people who have the same desire or passion that you have and are going or have gone to where you want to be. This would also help you to reduce negative influences and increase positive influences. You wouldn’t want to go to events or occasions that you know won’t profit you, neither will you force yourself to do something because people want you to do it. You want to make sure you take total responsibility for your life and you don’t want to put blame on anyone if anything goes wrong. 

To control things that you have the capacity to control would help you to control things that you don’t have the capacity to control. You know what you think over time would become your life. So, as you control what you think, you control your life. Have you heard many people complain about their lives? They complain about what is going on; how the government is bad, how the economy is bad and everything that would make them feel sorry for themselves. But all of these don’t matter when you know what to do. It’s not government or politicians that should make your life better. It is you. It is not location that should favor you. It is you that should make wherever you are favorable and create the kind of environment that you want. And that’s all I’ve been sharing with you. So, when you understand that your life is a principle, which means it is a universal truth that can be lived anywhere, then you know you have signed in for success and happiness in life. 

Let’s look at the second feature of principle. Principle is not limited by time and space. It means your life is not limited by the factor of time and space. If you discover your purpose today, it would not change tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if you are 9 years old, or 40. All that is important is that your life is the same yesterday, today and forever. You can, and you should keep growing in the knowledge of who you are and what you have. You can’t know too much of yourself. When Jesus was saying- “seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.” Many people don’t know what he was talking about. They thought he was talking about religious activities and trying to please God, but what he was talking about is what is inside of you, because the kingdom of God is in you. He said it himself- “For the kingdom of God is not here or there, but the kingdom of God is in you.” So when you discover what is in you in its rightness and fullness, all other things of life would be added unto you. This is not far from what we have seen in the lives of great men and women. They discovered first who they are and then manifested it to the world and they became people of influence. A tree doesn’t call on people to come and pluck its fruits. It simply keeps growing and manifest itself and people come on their own accord to come and pluck its fruits. Even birds and arboreal animals also find their abode on it. If you would discover and manifest who you are, the world would discover you by itself and fame and riches would follow you. Remember, your life is a principle. 

The mentality of doing everything fast has made many people to always jump the process and start looking for the result. They don’t want to work, but they want the outcome of the work. They don’t want to spend time, but they want to spend money. How’s that possible? What produces money? Is it not investment of time? When you invest your time into discovering and developing yourself, you’d become a person of value and the world would seek after you. Instead of looking for money, invest your time on yourself and become a person of value and money would look for you. 

Your life has transcended the limitation of time and space, which means, it is not limited to where you are at the present moment. You are also not limited to this earth. You will keep living even after you’ve left this earth and of course you want to make sure that you live your best life here. You don’t want to leave here and start regretting of how many things you should have done. So, it’s better to avail yourself of the opportunity that you have with you now. And if you are fulfilled on earth, your life would be celebrated, even after you’ve left because life is not limited by time and space. People value lives that made impact on earth. They celebrate people who express their gifts and manifest who they are with all the genuineness of their heart. Why do you just want to be doing activities without being focused on what your life is all about? Life is not about activities. Life is about purpose. There is a purpose for your life. And that’s the reason why you are here. You want to find that purpose and begin to express it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve heard one thousand and one things, the only one thing that is needful is you fulfilling your purpose. There are many things associated with it, yes I know. But you don’t want to lose focus of what you’ve got to do here because of what you are doing now. Activities can surround your purpose, but you should not leave your purpose and be running after activities. 

Some people would tell you they know what they want, they know where they are going, and they know what they want to do. But if you just try to ask them, they would tell you things that you’ve always been hearing. They would tell you things that are not specific and not in line with their purpose. They just know that’s the right thing to do. For instance, someone would tell you they want to help the orphans, widows, and the less privileged when they have enough money. That doesn’t sound specific. How about they understand that those things are byproducts of living a purposeful life and not purpose themselves. What everybody is doing cannot be your purpose. If not, why are you here in the first place? Is it not because you have something different to deliver to the world, that’s why you are here? And that’s your purpose. The creator didn’t make duplicates. You are unique on your own, likewise your purpose. Imagine a tree that says its purpose is for people to come and pluck its fruits. But that’s just a byproduct of it growing well and manifesting itself as a tree. While it’s growing, it’s not saying its purpose is for people to come and pluck its fruits but to fully express itself as a tree. Apart from its fruits, it has got many other benefits. You discover and fulfil your purpose and every other thing would fit into it. 

Let’s look at another feature of principle. Principle is a universal truth. Your life is a universal truth. It means all of the creation attest to your existence and therefore would be happy to support your enjoyment and fulfillment. The clause is, if things that you do are in harmony with them. What are the things that you do? What you think, what you feel and how you act. Pay attention to the things that you think, because they would determine what and how you will feel. Also, pay attention to what you feel because it would determine how you will act, which on the long run will become your habit and way of life. If what you do (thoughts, feelings and actions) are in harmony with the universe, you will have all that you want. To expand it further, you will let your thoughts, feelings, and actions be positive. I know in the beginning it might be hard, but keep doing, it would get better and easier. You may not feel good always, but you should stay positive. You don’t want to allow negative thoughts that would down your spirit, and put you in a state of depression. But you want to encourage yourself and believe all would be well. This would energize you and help you to follow your thought with action. Belief is a force that enacts possibilities. If you believe, you will receive. 

Don’t doubt positive things and don’t lower your expectations on good things. If you are in pains, declare health to your body and take action. If you are poor, confess abundance and go to work. If you are failing, know that you are walking your way into success. Every challenge that comes your way has a purpose. You don’t just want to go through it, but you want to learn from it. Because that is the wisdom that would help you and others in the future. The universe has all of the good things that you want. But what will unleash those things to you is your belief. And belief doesn’t take place in a negative mind. Positive mind creates belief and allows positive things to happen. Negative mind creates fear and allows negative things to happen. Don’t allow negative mind. But keep positive mind, so that you can enjoy the kind of life and success that you want. 

Let’s consider another important thing about principle. Remember we said principle is a universal truth, it doesn’t change. Now, there are many principles. And they differ in potency and functionality. We have big principles and small principles or more potent principles and less potent principles. Among the top big principles is your life. Whenever any of the big or more potent principles is at work, the small or less potent principles are suspended. Let me give you an example, whenever the principle of aerodynamics is at work, the principle of gravity is suspended. So, a heavy object like aircraft can comfortably fly in the sky without fallen into the ground. Also, whenever the principle of floatation is at work, heavy objects like ships can float on water without being drown or capsized. In the same manner, whenever your life is at work, some principles and methods can be suspended. So, what that would mean is that your life is unique and there are some things that would be applicable to your life and there are some things that would not. And that is why you should not follow methods, but understand your life principle. Remember what Jesus said you should seek first- The kingdom of God, which is in you. So, the better you understand your life, the better you will enjoy it. 

You know some people can apply certain methods in their lives, and it would work, but that may not be applicable to you, because your life is a principle on its own right. Have you noticed that sometimes, some things happen to you that don’t happen to others and some things happen to others that don’t happen to you? Why? Sometimes we call those things luck, fate or miracle. But the truth is that your life is a principle that has its own unique ways and methods. It has its own peculiarities that would always differentiate it from others. So, depending on the situation, you wouldn’t say you are unfortunate if something you didn’t like happened to you and not others or something good happened to others and not you. It just shows that your life is a principle and it’s unique. I’m not talking about cases when you have to do the right things to get the right results. I’m talking about exceptions, which most times, confuse many of us. Therefore, your experiences will be unique. Your methods, ways, destiny would all be different from other people. So, don’t feel sorry for yourself for what you didn’t cause or can’t control. 

Sometimes, I hear some people complain about where they are born, the race they belong, their body type or gender, the environment they live in and so on. And I wondered if they had caused those things. I know if everyone of us were to choose all of these, nobody would choose something bad for themselves. But fortunately, they cannot. But the creator chose the best for everyone because all of those things are important for everyone’s purpose. In as much as we don’t want to live or be born in certain parts of the world, if we are born in those places, there’s a reason. And that reason is strongly attached to our purpose. 

If you are born a woman, don’t complain about all you have to go through to live your life. Because that is important for your purpose. The peculiarity of our gender makes it automatically easy for us to do some things and leave other things. As a woman, you know the ability to conceive and carry a child in your womb is what you are naturally endowed with and to nurture and care for beings are what you are happy to do, even though you go through stress and pains. You wouldn’t say your gender is not important for your purpose, even though your purpose is not limited to those things. Science has proven to us that most of our behaviors as men and women are associated with our sexual hormones which are peculiar to our individual sex. Also, these hormones influence the way we think, feel and act. So, if all of these things are present and we all can testify to their effects in our body, how are we going to say that our sex or gender is not important? It’s definitely important and must be well understood and that of our opposite sex, so that we can enjoy a happy and fulfilled life. And other factors that differentiate and peculiarize us as individuals must also be put into account of what makes our life a principle that must be discovered and manifested to the world. 

Kiev, Ukraine. 

15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book

Wonder if having a book would ever be a reality for you. Wonder if you would be able to surmount all the challenges of putting your thoughts and ideas together. Wonder if you would ever have the time, energy and sacrifice required to write your book.
 All of these are common challenges. And you are not alone. Studies have showed that out of 100 people that say they want to write their book, only 5 eventually did. What happened to the remaining 95? Maybe you know. But let me tell you that you have more reasons to have your own book than not to. Being an author is not a laborious task as many of us have thought. It is an achievement that has simple requirements. Let me show you some of those requirements. 

First, you must have an idea that worth sharing. Second, you must have something you are passionate about. And third, you must have an experience that you feel could help people. I'm sure you have one of those requirements, if not all of them. Age is not a barrier when it comes to having your own book; whether you are at ten or sixty, once you have any of those requirements, you are good to go. 

And by the way, let me inform you that you don’t need to be a writer before you can be an author. You don’t need to learn how to write a book before you can be an author. An author is a person who has a book. It doesn’t matter whether he was the one who wrote it or not. What is important is that the original idea in the book is his’ and it’s his brainchild. So, you don’t have to worry yourself on when or how you will start learning how to write when you are already overdue for having your own book.

While there’s no problem with learning how to be a good writer, being an author is not limited to writing as I’ve established. So, what you need to do is to organize your thoughts and ideas. If you want to have your own book, ask yourself these questions; What do I want it to be about? What am I passionate or concerned about? Do I have some noteworthy experiences or memories? This could be pointers to what your book should be about. And of course you also want it to be what people would like to read. So, you can channel it towards meeting your readers’ needs. 

After you are convinced on what you want to write about, then you begin to put down all the words connected to that main idea or topic that you want your book to be about. Then, you are one step closer to having your own book. You can do voice recordings of what you know about those topics and later transcribe them. And you can engage writers and editors to put the ideas together for you and make it your book. If you have difficulty going through any of these processes, you can write me an email ( or put down your comment. Right now, let’s see the reasons why you must have your own book. 


1. You have a unique life that should be documented for the benefit of others. 

2. The only lasting way your word can remain on earth after you’ve gone is through your book. 

3. It can reach many places that you may not have access to. 

4. It breaks the barriers of communication and language; like if you are not good with verbal communication or if people don’t speak your language, it can be translated to other languages). 

5. Your book increases your level of influence and impact. 

6. Many people would know you through your book. 

7. Your book is a good advertising or publicizing tool if you are into business or any field. 

8. People see you as an authority in the area where you author a book. 

9. You’ll inspire, motivate, challenge, or encourage people through your book. 

10. Your book is a way of trapping down your knowledge and ideas that you have at the moment, which may not be there after a while. 

11. You write your book once, and you reap the benefits many times. 

12. Your book would help you save resources in reaching out to many people. 

13. When you write your book, you’re giving part of your life to people- it could be your experience, ideas, knowledge, opinion or story. 

14. Your book can solve problem, create value or meet people’s need. 

15. Your book gives you opportunity to know more, do more, and be more. 

An author is a person who has a book in his name, not just a person who writes. –S.O PIENS 

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Suggested Articles: 

1) Why You Must Document Your Life:

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

How To Solve Human Needs

We know human needs are unlimited. From the times past, up until now, human needs have not reduced in any way. Though some might have changed but not eliminated. For instance, humans still need food, air, water, shelter, security, love and relationship or companionship, success and so on. out of all these, some needs are basic, i.e, they are ultimately required for survival. While some are advanced, they are ultimately required for success and fulfillment. 

Be that as it may, humans have found different ways to meet their needs. And it’s only those who have devoted their time in meeting those needs that are at the helms of affairs and run the world wealth. Wealth is not difficult to create if you know human needs and how to solve them. Of course many know human needs, but only few know how to solve those needs. 

Take for instance, we know humans eat every day. And not only humans, but also all living things. However, there’s a way to meet that need if you want to. You’ve got to know when people want food, not just when they need it, because they would always do. But people buy what they want, not what they need. So, you want to know when they want the food. This is very important and is applicable to every other needs. It’s important to understand how humans think and why they behave the way they do. Start by paying attention to yourself and people around you. You would learn a lot. And from there you would be able to know what people want and how to meet their needs. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why Must You Read?

To understand the gravity of this question, let’s start with another question- Why must you eat? Though the answer may be obvious, but let’s dig deeper. You eat to get energy and nutrients. Energy and nutrients, for what? For work! Your body works day and night. It doesn’t stop working, even when you are sleeping. Every cell in your body is engaged in one metabolic activity or the other. So, this compels them to need energy. But, let’s go further. Why must your body work? To keep you alive. If your body doesn’t work, you won’t be alive. Okay, let’s go a little bit further. Why must you be alive? To add value to life; to be a blessing to the earth. Can we go further? Why must you be a blessing to the earth? To prevent the earth from deteriorating. To keep and protect it (as the first man, Adam was instructed). And to make the earth a lovely place. 

You originally came from heaven, and so you have all the traits of heaven. But when you came here on earth, you were brainwashed to believe that you are just as normal as other living creatures. Your contribution should just be normal - be for yourself, your family and your close friends. No reason to look at the world as a whole and see what value you can add to humanity or better still, deploy your gifts and manifest the reason why you were created. Back to our original question, Why must you read? I used food because it’s the closest illustration and allegory I could use. You read because you want to acquire knowledge. Many read because they want to acquire certificates. But that’s not enough. Such people have ridiculed the value of reading, wasting their time and energy. No wonder there are many graduates who are not educated, because they only acquire information to pass exams and not to become part of them that would allow them to add value to the world. 

When you read, you acquire knowledge, for what? Knowledge is food to your mind, just like normal food to your body. It provides your mind energy and nutrients. But make sure it’s good and relevant knowledge, otherwise it could be a poison to your mind, just like the way you eat wrong food, it becomes problem in your body. So, good knowledge supposed to nourish and energize your mind. And this is for what? For work! You’ve got to engage your mind and spirit to work. Many people think we only do physical work. They don’t know we also do mental and spiritual works. And as a matter of fact, both mental and spiritual works are more important by far than the physical work. The more mental and spiritual works you do, the less physical work you do. 

Let’s focus on mental work. Mental work is fully engaging your mind for maximum productivity. What do you do with your mind? To think or process thoughts. You essentially use your mind to think. What is thinking? Thinking is the process by which you put different data together in your mind to solve a problem. It is your ability to ask intelligent questions and find the right solutions. It is your ability to bring different thoughts in your mind together to form a wholesome truth, a workable idea or plan that engenders value or proffers solutions. When you do this, you do mental work. 

There are many problems in our world today that are waiting for solutions. Problems cannot be exhausted. As one is solved, another one is created. So, they don’t stop coming. And that’s good for our world. Because that’s what makes us valuable and useful on earth. Problems are burgers that intelligent minds feed on to make them shine. If you want to solve problem, you’ve got to engage your mind in thinking. You’ve got to take your time, do research for knowledge and energize your mind so that it can be strong enough to work. 

Lazy minds can’t do tough work because they lack knowledge. Needless to say, they are never productive and would never have result in life. Leaders are readers because they always want to expand their minds and do better in what they do. When you solve problems through mental work, you add value to the world. When you add value to the world, you bring heaven on earth, and fulfill your purpose and glorify your father in heaven. 

Just before I close, here’s another important thing that reading does to your mind. Reading enhances your creative imagination. When you read, you create pictures of what you read in your mind. That gradually exercise your brain muscle and you become more and more proficient with connecting and extrapolating information and facts, coupled with creating pictures and ideas in your mind. As time goes on, you become smarter and more intelligent and that would enhance your problem-solving skills and ideas-creating ability.

Why Agriculture?

Why Agriculture? What is the idea behind it? Does everyone need to practice it? First, let’s define what agriculture is. Agriculture is the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals for human or animal use. So, agriculture allows us to leverage on the law of nature. It allows us to multiply whatever we’ve farmed. 

Every one of us must cultivate the habit of practicing agriculture. Why? Because everyone of us eats. If you eat, you should know how what you eat is made. Agriculture gives you that opportunity. It was the first work that man started doing on earth after he was created. It was done by Cain and Abel. They practiced the two forms of agriculture- planting of crops and rearing of animals, respectively. 

Here are some benefits of practicing agriculture. First, there’s access to fresh, organic food. Second, there’s access to cheap food, because food is available and in abundance. Farming is not expensive, and it’s almost free because you leverage on the law of nature. You have the ability to control what you eat, when you eat and how you eat. That would also reduce the cost of buying food from the market, so the price would come down and more food would be available for few people who would want to buy from the market. 

Farming could be a good source of income if you have enough to sell. It would also allow you to stay healthy and live longer because you would bypass the process of transport and post-harvest storage that could have spoilt or contaminated the food. It would also encourage you to be more hard working and utilize the natural resources available such as sunlight and rainfall for your benefits. 

Next, farming offers you a good way to recycle all your food wastes and conserve your resources. For instance, food remnants and spoilt food can be taken by your poultry birds or other animals that you rear. Animals like cattle, sheep and goats can help you take care of the plants and weeds in your surroundings. Fish in your fish ponds can help you take care of fish gills and intestines that you remove from the fish that you grow or bought. Also, bio-fuel can be generated from woods and plants. Farming has a way of helping you to exercise and move your body. 

Plants and trees in your surroundings are good source of fresh air and healthy environment. They also prevent hazards caused by whirlwinds and tornadoes. There’s also less greenhouse effect and maintenance of good temperature within our earth. Juices, leaves, spices and herbs from plants and different parts of animals are a good source of medicine. You have access to health-promoting substances because of agriculture. There’s also less corruption and social menace in the society because more people would have access to food and feel less hungry and angry. That could also stabilize people’s emotions and foster more love among individuals. 

As the world population increases, we know one thing is certain- demand for food would also increase. And what would that mean? It would mean that we have to increase our food production. And that would be through farming. Right now, there’s increase in hunger level in some countries around the world and a lagging gap between what is produced and what is consumed. So, we must all rise to this challenge and fill-in the gap. Since we know food is what we will always need, we must find a way to continuously make it available without making it a burden for anyone. Everyone must be responsible for their own food. 

There are many things you are responsible for; not only your life, but also what keeps you alive -such as your health, what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you know, where you belong, where you live, how you live and so on. The moment you take your responsibility from what the government should do for you, to what you should do for yourself, that’s when you begin to set yourself free from being disappointed, dependent and despondent. 

It’s not enough to find a white-collar job; you must also get a good farming to do. If you can’t do it where you live, you can find somewhere to do it. You can also hire people if distance is a barrier. And for those who don’t have land, they can lease it from individuals or government. Lands are available everywhere. And once your good intentions are known, you should be able to have access to good land to practice your agriculture. My regards

Are You Ready To Work?

Read this only if you are ready to work. Work is not a job, but you can make a job your work. Work is not what you do to keep yourself busy, but you can be busy with your work. Let me tell you what work does- Work adds value. Everything that you can see around you right now is a product of work. Let’s start from the clothes that you wear. Some people worked to produce those clothes. What about your gadgets, furniture, plastics, kitchen utensils, house, cars, and all of the things that you use? They are all products of work. If work wasn’t done, none of those things would have been produced. And those things add value to you. You use them, you work with them and they make your life better and easier. Imagine if there’s no work, then there won’t be anything that worths value. So, work allows us to add and create value. 

Whatever you do today that can add value to the environment- either people or things, can be termed as work. If you are good at talking and you can express yourself, turn it to work. If you can sing, dance, play instruments, write, cook, draw (do artistic works), care, act and all of the things that you can do, you can turn them to work by making them add value to humanity. And what do you get in return when you do these things? Value! You get value back in return when you add value. Most times, it comes in pecuniary form. 

If you go to the market to get any of those products I mentioned before, do you get them for free? No! You pay for them. Why? Because those things are value and you must give value (money) back in return. That's the law of exchange and that’s the whole concept about how to make money. You simply exchange value. So, when you turn whatever you do to work, it adds value. When it adds value, you make money. It can be immediate or later. But it’s certain that you’ll get your returns. It’s a law. When you give out something, you must take something back in return. Many times we don’t pay attention to it, but that’s the way life works. 

For you to work, you need two things; time and energy. Every work that you see came from those two things. Let’s talk about time. Time is what you have when you are alive. You do nothing without time, because everything works under the jurisdiction of time. This piece you read now, you use your time. So, time is what you have. How about energy? Energy is what gives you the ability to do work. Energy is what makes you appreciate time. Time creates the platform, energy creates the ability. The two must be present to do work. 

For instance, you may have time to do something, but so tired to do it. At that moment, you have time, but no energy. In another occasion, you may have so much energy to do something, but realize that you are short of time. So, to produce work, there must be investment of both time and energy. If you are ready to work, begin to invest your time and energy into things that you love and add value. If you want to change anything or have some desires or goals, there must be some works that have to be done. Find out those works and begin to implement them. You can start small. You can start now. And make sure you keep going. Greatness is yours.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How I Started My Food Business

From the beginning, doing business wasn’t my thing because I can’t just imagine myself doing business. Where would I start. What do I know about business. And besides, from the default knowledge I have about business, I know people who run business are strict people who don’t joke with their money or business and I know my nature is not like that. I can’t be strict on people or always being too formal or business-minded. I just knew in my mind that it wasn’t my thing. I believed if I started a business, I would give away my products or goods when people are in need and wouldn’t care about the money. I know I’m a generous and loving person who wouldn’t afford to lose care for people over business. 

All of these were my thoughts and mindsets, not until I had a great breakthrough with my ideologies. For the first time, I understood that business is not about my personality or nature, it is a principle. It has no respect for persons or place. Wherever you are, whoever you are, business is the same all over the world. And it also doesn’t matter who is doing it. If you know how to run a business, you can be successful at it, even more than the people who are teaching it. The principle of business first of all is the principle of give and take; the principle of transaction. If nothing is given, nothing is taken. They say nothing ventured, nothing gained. Baggage in, baggage out. When you put in something, you will get out something. 

The principle of transaction in business allows value to be traded or exchanged in the bid to make profit. The profit can be in different forms. It can be pecuniary; in terms of monetary gains and it can be intangible in terms of support, social value and human capital. But there’s always a final goal with every business. No business is established just for the sake of doing a business, but to engage in productive transactions. So, how exactly did I start my business? And how did I overcome those limiting beliefs? There was a day I woke up in the middle of the night and started meditating. I do this most of the time, even sometimes during the day when I need to fix some things. While I was meditating in the midnight, I asked a question within me that “What exactly can I do to make money?” 

That time was a difficult time for me because my mom was the only one sponsoring me and she also has my siblings to cater for. So, that time, things were difficult that she couldn’t send me any money and I was without food for many days. One of my friends who observed that I didn’t have money bought me some food items and asked me why I didn’t tell him what was going on. I always don’t like putting my own burden on other people and I believed that whoever would help would help without me asking for it. Though, this might not be applicable for everyone and not in all circumstances. But that time, that was my belief. So, I told him I wouldn’t want to bother him with what is going on with me. Though, I knew he wasn’t happy about it. I appreciate the love and support but I just prefer to be myself and learn whatever I’ve got to learn in that situation. 

So, while I was meditating and asking that question, an answer came almost immediately -“go start a food business”. I was like – how would I start? I know a lot of my friends have commended my food before and told me that I know how to cook, but I had always reject that in my mind – thinking it’s because they are my friends and the food that I cook should not be sold or no one would buy it. When there are people who are professionals at cooking, what am I doing there? All of these were self-limiting beliefs I had created in my mind to fight against that idea coupled with my wrong mindset about business. 

Eventually, I had to surmount courage to start anyhow. I started with beans. I knew there were many people who wanted to eat beans but couldn’t afford the stress of cooking it for long hours and have the exact taste they wanted. So, I got little money and went to go and buy pressure cooker which can make the cooking faster and easier. When I got the pressure cooker, I cooked my first beans. The beans burnt very well. I didn’t know the technique on how to use it. I washed the pot and cooked another beans the following day, the result was much better, I didn’t allow it to burn as was before. I made sure I lowered the heat well and allowed the pressure within the pot to cook the beans. This was how I started gradually and began to introduce the beans to people. 

I would prepare it and put it in small plates as samples that I would give people for testing. And a lot of people liked it. I was surprise at those comments because I would wonder what’s the big deal out of what I’ve done? There are even some of my buyers who have become so addicted to the beans that they can’t do without it in a week. So, gradually I was reaching out to more and more people and I also printed my business card which I was giving to everyone I saw. But after I gave out the sample of my food and my business card and a lot of people told me they liked the beans, something interesting happened that taught me a big lesson in my business. After I got all the nice comments and gave people my business card so that they can call me anytime they want food or even at least for my support on anything about food, I didn’t get any response. No one called me. I waited and waited. What’s going on? I asked myself. Was it that these people were just deceiving me when they told me the food was nice or they just wanted me to feel happy to appreciate my effort of trying to make a living or do a business? Different questions flooded my mind. I said –anyways, I’ve got to find out what is really happening. 

So, I decided to go out and meet a lot of them. Many of them were students and they live in the hostel. So, I went to one of the hostels where there were most of the students. When I got there, I started going from room to room and meeting with the students. I was shocked at the result that I got. I realized that many of these students had been waiting for me to bring food to them. I was like- but I gave them my contact, why didn’t they call me? If you understand human nature that people don’t remember you until you remember them and people won’t come to you if you don’t first go to them. 

Now, this happens in different ways, but the principle is the same. For you to be known in your business, you must first let people know you. You must bring yourself to the mind of people all the time. Let them have your image in their minds all the time, so that they would remember you more and contact you. But if you expect that they should remember after just one contact would mean close-to-zero probability. People know you after you’ve known them. And people value what you give to them after you have valued what they give to you. 

So, the action or process starts from you. If you don’t do anything, nothing remains undone. I learned this very well in my business and since that time, I had never wait on people anymore to do anything, I would just go ahead to meet them. Imagine how much opportunities we miss when we don’t reach out to people. When we expect them to come to us while they are there waiting for us. We need to be proactive and make the move towards everything that concerns our progress and success. This is one of the key principle in business that I learned in the early days of my business. I know there are still many more things to share, but this is just the idea/highlight of how I started my food business.