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Monday, December 10, 2018

Masculinity -(Addendum)

Masculinity (also called manliness or manhood) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with boys and men. Masculinity is made up of both socially defined and biologically created factors. This makes it distinct from the definition of the biological male sex, as both men and women can exhibit masculine traits and behaviors. People who exhibit a combination of both masculine and feminine characteristics in equal measure are considered to be androgynous.
Traits traditionally cited as masculine include courage, independence, and assertiveness, though traits associated with masculinity vary depending on location and context, and are influenced by a variety of social and cultural factors. In some non-English speaking cultures, certain concepts or inanimate objects are considered masculine. The counterpart to masculinity is femininity.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

I Must Not Lower My Standard!

I was on my way out, I remembered I needed to put something in my bag, then I hurriedly entered the room and suddenly stumbled on a paper stuck to the wall. What’s this? I read “I must never lower my standard for anyone or anything.” It was an inscription of my roommate. I wouldn’t understand what the guy meant. Few days later, I had my experience. I was in a hostel to sell my food. I met one of my guys who lives in the hostel and he joined me to start meeting people in their rooms. Fifteen minutes after, no one had bought food. What’s happening? I questioned myself. I told the guy to go back to his room. I wouldn’t want him to be frustrated with people’s response and attitude. 

Then I began to go into the rooms one after the other, not minding whether they are Africans or not. Then I started from the highest floor. As I was moving through the rooms, I met a Mongolian girl. Hello! Hi! She responded with smile, I’m selling rice, very nice and tasty. Will you like to buy? I said. Hummm, I’m not sure, she replied with curiousity. But can I have a taste? She added. Of course you can. I replied. Then she got spoon and opened the pack to have a taste. She took the first spoon. Humm, yummy! She quietly spoke in surprise. And took the second spoon. It’s very nice, she added, astounded!

Then I said, it’s yours. Go and enjoy the rest. But I don’t want to buy it. She replied. But why? I asked. I just don’t want to buy it, She replied. Is it because you don’t have money or you want me to give you at a lower price? I asked. I just don’t want it. She replied. That was how we were throwing it back and forth. I was dazed. Then I said you know what, since you’ve eaten part of the food, you take it. But I was not happy because the girl looked like she was going to buy it. That was why I allowed her to have a taste. And she confirmed that the food was good. If she had told me she doesn’t have money, that would have been a different case. I wouldn’t mind paying for her. But for the fact that she just replied she didn’t want the food already closed the case. But I was forcing it on her. I eventually left the food with her and went away unsatisfied. 

Then I moved to the other floors of the hostel. I knocked at a door, an Arab guy came out. Hey man, how are you doing? I asked, greeting the guy. I’m good, he replied. Do you speak English? I asked. He said yes I do. I’m selling a very nice, tasty rice, and I’m sure you would like to have some taste, I said. Then another guy from inside the room yelled out, oh this is not the right room, go to the next room. But the food is not only for Africans, I prepared it for all nationalities and everyone that has eaten the food really love it. I’m sure you guys would like to have some taste. I replied them with smile. Humm, ok, give us 3 plates, they requested. Then, I did. Later, they requested for one more. I gave them. I was happy. Then I moved to the next room. There, were African guys. They bought 3 plates. Wow! I was full of surprises. But is it not in this same hostel that the selling was not moving some minutes ago? but just meeting the right people changed the whole thing. 

As I was about to take my leave from that place, I checked my phone, and I saw one of my guys’ message; “we’re waiting for food sir.” I was shocked. But the food is almost finished though, I soliloquized. Then I quickly called him. The food only remained 2 plates, I said. Please start coming now, and don’t sell it again! The guy yelled out in agitation. They’ve been waiting for food as well. Then I thought of how I’ve wasted one plate of food with the Mongolian girl I had met earlier when I felt the market was not going. I had lowered my standard by just forcing the food on her, even though she told me she doesn’t want. I felt so bad. And now, here are guys who want to buy the food, even for any price. I was so sad. It was as though I had lost a huge amount of money. Then I got an important lesson that I must not lower my standard or force myself on anyone who doesn’t want or like me no matter what, but know and be rest-assured that there are many more people out there who are in dare need and are looking for what I have. Peace.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Physical Environment

How much can we say about physical environment? Should we start from the air that we continuously breathe in? Or we take it from the water that we forever drink that takes a huge percentage of our body weight? Or we begin to dive into all the varieties of foods that we eat that have so much effect on our health and many more things like atmospheric temperature that directly affect our body temperature whether we’ll be cold or hot, or where we live, where we work, and where we meet people or buy things and so on? So much to say. 

Anyway, the journey has already started. All those were mentioned to trigger some thought processes and give you a tip of an iceberg of things that go on around us that we most times lose consciousness of but are very vital to our health. The physical environment essentially comprises all the things around us that are not living but affect our living. They are things that we can see or we cannot see with our naked eyes. Just as mentioned, though the air cannot be seen, it's impact can be felt on our body and it’s important for our health. The atmospheric temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation, waves, geothermal heat and other forces and energies around us, that can’t be seen, but their significant impact on our health can't be denied. 

Have you ever been outside in a cold weather, unprepared and you found yourself inappropriately dressed? If you had to stay long, your plan would immediately change and you will want to find a way out because you wouldn’t want the cold weather to have adverse effect on your health. Likewise when it’s summer time, the weather is so hot that you could feel like staying inside cold water. But these are just manipulations of temperature around us, yet have so much effect on our health and lifestyle. What about the water you drink? What about the clothes you put on? What about the food you eat? What about the place you work or study? And what about the places you meet people for events and so on? All these and many more form the components of our physical environment. There's so much to say, but let's take a pause here. Be healthy where you are. Be healthy with what you eat and drink. And be healthy with where you go. Have a great moment.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"I’m So Hungry Right Now!"

What if I tell you I'm so hungry right now? I just need to put something in my mouth to resuscitate those dying taste buds in my tongue. It was yesterday I ate so well that I overloaded my tummy till I went for bowel movement, not knowing that today has nothing to do with yesterday. At that time, I wouldn’t ever imagine that I would ever be hungry again. There’s just something about food that would keep us connected to it no matter what. Yes, we gain energy and nutrients from food, but apart from that, the desire and the feeling are so enormous that nothing else matters again when we are really hungry. Couple of times, I had hoped that no matter what, I would control my hunger, I would wait till I’m back from my trip or whenever I want to, not because I was fasting but just to control the desire to eat. I was so shocked at what I saw. I realized it wasn’t the way I had thought about it. I know significant part of hunger is psychological, and we can manipulate it. But that’s at the beginning part, not the later part when the feeling is so intense. The moment the feeling is getting more and more crazy, you probably might not have control over it again unless you want to starve yourself to death. 

The strong feeling of hunger is important for our survival because that’s how we can search for food and get the appropriate nutrients and energy into our body. Next time you are hungry, don’t be angry, just get something to eat if you are not fasting. But, what if you don’t have anything to eat? You can meet people who have or can help. There’s no crime in asking for what you don’t have, and you don’t need to feel ashamed about it. Better still you can talk to your close friends or family members who can help. It’s better to stay alive and live your dreams than to kill yourself because of hunger. If you don’t have resources, you can make a short and long term plans. You already have the big resources with you- your time and life

Short term plan is to offer yourself to help people. A lot of people around us need help in one way or the other. With the time you have, you can offer yourself to help people, and with that, people can give you something back in return. But don’t let your focus be money. Let it just be to add value or help people, you will see how things will work around for you. The long term plan would be to think of the area you are good at and start working on developing yourself in that area. If you develop your gift well enough, people will come and buy it at any cost only you can give it. I hope you are no longer hungry. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Miscellaneous 2

1. Sometimes we think we've worked too hard that we want to play or we think we've played too hard that we want to work. Either ways, balance is essential in life.

2. I have seen it over and over again; nothing happens except you make it happen. 

3. "Everybody is writing a book", Yes, everybody should write their book. The only way we know you live on earth is to keep your word in a book. If you have not written your own book, you can start planning one. I've written two books already available on Amazon, and more are still counting.

4. To maintain a girlfriend is more expensive than to marry a wife. Guy, go and marry! Advice from an experienced brother.. Lol

5. Don't only do physical work, do mental work. Don't only do mental work, do spiritual work. Don't only do spiritual work, do fulfilling work. Fulfillment is the end game to every work.

6. I often wondered why many African leaders always boast of how much money they have but not how much value they add. Money without value is rubbish.

7. We will soon realize that most things that we pursue in life are not necessary. Only smart people will know things that matter in life. 

8. When you think too much about enemies, you end up becoming enemy yourself.

9. Before, I didn't know why women carry mirror and makeups in their bags. But now, I know. If you know, you know.. lol

10. No human technology can turn 9 month pregnancy to 9 days. No invention can make 30 storey skyscraper in 30 days. We need time.

11. The earlier you separate yourself from the world system, the better you start living your life.

12. A lady has no business running after a guy. If she does that, she's lost him. A man doesn't want you to run after him. He wants to chase after you. So it can be part of his achievements.

13. There are times when we need some words of encouragement, some words of hope and love. We may be going through ups and downs in life, and difficulties and challenges. But He that created us is with us. He didn't leave us alone. You will come out of those situations.

14. Before, I didn't know why fathers love their daughters, but now I know. If you know, you know.. Lol

15. When we do too many things at the same time, we end up doing nothing at the end of the day.

16. Religion has taught us to remember God on Sundays and Fridays and to see some as believers and others as unbelievers. But God said - I am The Life that you live. If you are alive, I am.

17. If I make money to make others unhappy. How am I sure that the money will make me happy?

18. Many people run with passion. Only few people run with vision. 

19. Before, I didn't know why women love pictures. But now, I know. If you know, you know.. Lol.

20. About 450million people in the world suffer from mental illness that could easily be prevented. You and I can help.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

What Is The Bible?

Couple of weeks ago I was in a conversation with someone, then all of a sudden the tone of the conversation changed, I just got an answer to an important question in my spirit. What is the bible? I’m sure many will want to give religious answer or become fanatic about it that they lose out of the simplicity of the question. This is not to be religious or want to defend God, but to understand something important. The bible, though over the years has been attached to religious settings or only for Christians or believers, but for me, it’s a book of life, a life guide, and a book of principles and laws.

Now, how can we simplify this in a way that we can understand? Let’s illustrate it this way; The bible is a set of alphabets of a particular language, in this case, heavenly or kingdom language. When you want to study a language, usually you start with learning the alphabets. Everything you would ever need about the language is predicated on the alphabets, all the words are from the alphabets, the phrases, the sentences and everything about the language come from the alphabets. Now, you don’t stop at learning the alphabets and say you've known everything about the language, even though everything about the language is from the alphabets, but you go ahead and start learning the words, the sentences, the grammatical rules and constructions. You go ahead to learn the language words from simple to complex. The alphabets might not make sense on their own until they are used to form words, and then sentences. 

Every word in a language comes from the alphabets of that language. Now, one thing about language is if you studied the alphabets well, you will know when you see a word from another language. However, someone can learn how to speak a language or just know it without necessarily starting from learning the alphabets. But such person might not be able to differentiate the language from other languages because they didn't start from the alphabets. That might be what happened with people who know the truth but can't differentiate it from falsehood because they've not studied the bible. All the matters and issues of life have their origin from the bible. Whether one is a Christian or not, it doesn’t matter. The blueprint of life is in that book. Science, technology, inventions, business, arts, communications, music, and so on all originated from that book. You may wonder how, but that’s the truth. 

All the foundation of whatever is being created, innovated and produced today all came from the wisdom of that book. It’s a book of all the alphabets of life. People use it to form different words and sentences. Those are products, ideas, services, skills, innovations and so on. They all came from that book of alphabets of life, the bible. If you don’t believe, check anything around you right now, and you’ll see that the principle that produced that thing is from the bible. For instance, a chair or table; the furniture came from wood, wood came from plants. When you read the bible you know where plants came from. Everything we’ll ever found here are made from the earth; plants, animals, minerals and every other things here on earth. When you read the bible, you know where the earth came from. 

Now, to succeed here on earth, you can’t stop at knowing the bible and think you’ll succeed here on earth. You must move to learning the words, the sentences. That’s why you don’t read the bible to become a medical doctor, but you go to medical school, even though we understand that all the knowledge came from the bible, the book of alphabets, but we’ve got to advance and begin to put the alphabets together to form words and sentences, that’s only when it has become meaningful and useful. 

Imagine if you don’t have clothes on your body. Imagine if you don’t have shelter. Imagine if there’s no means of transportation from one place to another. Imagine if you can’t eat good food. All these products came from people who have mastered their skills, crafts, professions and so on to produce something good for humanity. They could use the raw materials from nature to produce beautiful things that are now valuable to us today. That’s why you must also advance your knowledge. But we know the basis of all knowledge came from the book of all alphabets, the bible. The bible is the book of foundation of life and everything about it. Peace. 

Start Working!

Everybody is doing their work. Why won’t you do your work? Everybody is facing their business. Why won’t you face your business? The plants are growing new leaves. They are working. The animals are reproducing new offsprings. They are working. The sun is producing new light everyday. The seas and oceans have not gone to rest. Neither has the air or wind retired of circulating themselves around the world. The insects are multiplying. Why won’t you be productive? Why won’t you work? Imagine the plants say they won’t work anymore. Imagine the animals say they won’t work anymore. Then you as human would die soon. Because your livelihood is dependent on these things. Work is essential for life. Working is important for living. If you are not working, you are not living. What differentiate living things from non-living things is work. Work makes you relevant. Work makes you valid. Work gives you your worth. Start working! Check up article on 'Types of Work'.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Because You Didn't Know God

You asked what else could you do if not to do what others are doing? You wondered where else you could go if not to go where others have gone. Because you didn’t know God. What other option is available for me? In a strange land where there’s no job, nothing to do apart from doing what is not convenient for you to do, but what can somebody do now? There’s so much financial pressure and responsibilities on things to use money for? 

So, what do I do? How do I go about it? Because you didn’t know God. God has more than one thousand and one ways to bale you out of any situation and provide a solution for you, but because of our limited minds and the way we ignore God in most things we do, we often forgot God is not a man that has options that become exhausted or left with one choice, but at everytime, he’s always got many options and availabilities. God relates with us according to the level of our understanding and development of our minds. If our minds are not developed, we will not be able to relate with him. That’s why he always want us to grow and develop so we’ll be able to comprehend whatever he’s communicating to us.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Social Health; Preventive Health 5

*Do you have friends? Do you have a family? Do you know anyone? Does anyone knows you? This episode will be devoted to Social health. It is one of the vitals of health.
*What is Social Health? Social health is the state of being comfortable with yourself in relation to others. As far as your life is concerned, you are the priority.
*While we can easily control other forms of health because they are internal. Social health seems to be more difficult because it is external. We relate more with people than we relate with things on earth.
*We are happy when people we love are happy. We are sad when people we love are sad. We do things, not just because of ourselves but because of people around us.
*Socioeconomic factors such as where we live, where we work, our education and income level, and our relationships with people, all affect our health more than the microbial agents around us that cause infections.
*Have you found out that it's not only drugs that treat infections? It's not only surgery that heals wounds? And it's not only labour that brings out babies? It's the connections, the emotions, and the expressions between Doctors and the patients that did. Social health brings mental and physical health.
*You will think you own people until the One that owns them make you understand that you are just like them. Detach yourself from owning people. They are not your property. Be healthy with relating with people. That's the way to go.
*God created us as social beings, not to depend on one another but to relate with one another. The relationship is for fulfilling our purpose not for misusing our purpose.
*How do we solve major problems in our world? By going back to our families. Every individual came from a family. The basic structural and functional unit of any society is family.
*I'm an African, so I don't relate with an Asian. I'm a Nigerian, so I don't relate with a Ghanian. I'm a Yoruba, so I don't relate with an Ibo. I'm a Christian, so I don't relate with a Muslim. I'm a Pentecostal, so I don't relate with a Catholic. I'm this, so I don't relate with that. So, our differences have separated us from people. We've lost opportunities, values and respect because of these wrong mindsets. But part of social health is our ability to relate well with people despite our differences. Our differences should not separate us but elevate us.
*Money is always affecting human relationships, because we understand it in different ways. But here is a simple solution- Know what you are living for.
*Here is beautiful! We can make it heaven. Different people. Different nations. Over 7.6 billion of us. I'm not sure only one person can enjoy everything here alone. Life is beautiful, thank God good people are here.
*How lovely to be with your family. That's where you belong. You share your thoughts, ideas, feelings, fears, joys, and different things of life with them. Have good time with your family. They are people who destiny has brought you together and they contribute to your health.
*Our experience with people tends to affect our relationship with other people. People are not the same. But people can be related the same, from a good heart.
*Sometimes we live with people who are not our best friends. They come as roommates, housemates or neighbours. We have conflicts. We have issues. We think they are not healthy to us. And we want to find way out. But here's a fact, they will always make us better if we learn to love.
*It's people that build roads. It's people that build economies. It's people that build securities. It's people that build infrastructures. It's people that build good healthcare. It's people that build systems and structures, not God, not angels, but people.
*Things that we do to people most times are things that we cannot take by ourselves. What puts us in check is discipline. We must discipline our thoughts and actions toward people if we will not keep regretting on our actions.
*How much can we say about how people around us have contributed to our health. Many have suffered health breakdown after divorce, disappointments, death of loved ones, excommunications, public defamation, dehumanization, intimidation, bullying, and all sorts of innuendos. Life here is shorter than being lived in pains and agony. Decide to enjoy it.
*Some people have told me why they've become so callous and wicked. They said people misbehaved to them. And I asked "will you go to hell because people misbehaved to you?
*Politics is part of social health. Playing bad politics on citizens can affect their health. But good politics can improve their health. France is an example.
*Yes, as humans we like public approval. We want people to celebrate us. But I hope your life is not dependent on it. So that when people will no longer see you, you can be yourself. Most people don't know who you are. They only see what you have.
*Research has shown us that people who are more socially healthy have less stress hormones in their body than people who are not. Good relations with people affects good health.
*While many people are still struggling with type I civilization, the world is getting to type II civilization where more than half of people in the world will be useless. The idea is simple- If you are not adding a unique value to the world, you will not be needed here.

Food Health; Preventive Health 4

*Food is my business. My business is food.
*Norman Borlaug, the father of green revolution saved many lives from starvation because of his innovative ideas on mechanized farming which brought massive food production. We need that in Africa.
*Take food out of poverty, poverty is half-solved. The problem of poverty is lack of productivity. People become more productive when they eat good food.
*Ofada rice is indigenous to Africa from Southwest Nigeria. It's an unpolished rice high in fiber and essential fatty acids. It helps reduces risks for heart disease, stroke and hypertension. It also improves bowel movements, reduces blood cholesterol level and risks for type 2 diabetes. It helps with migraine treatment and body weight reduction. You sure wonna have a taste if you've never tasted it before. That's what we do @Graces FOODS, we bring you home taste that you can't resist. Here is Ofada rice with fresh stew and plantain. Enjoy!
*Food supplies us energy to drive life processes. But eating without working or exercising is an easy way to die. Nature doesn't allow you to pile up energy in your body as fats. It compels you to use it for working. If you're not working, you should not be eating or better still, reduce it.
*I have found food in medicine. And I have found medicine in food. This took me 10 years of my life to understand.
*The only medicine God gave man was food. And the only poison devil gave man was food. Life and death are in food.
*If someone is intelligent, ask the kind of food they eat. If someone is beautiful, ask the kind of food they eat. If someone is sound, ask the kind of food they eat. Food is the least thing we suspect for these features yet plays very important roles.
*Nutrient value of a food is the least thing we want to think about when we are hungry. Quantity satisfies hunger. Quality satisfies appetite.
*Food safety and food security are parts of the hallmarks of development of any developed nation. The first is about protection of food. The second is about provision of food.
*How many times should I eat in a day? And what quantity of food? It depends on individuals. But the bottom line is- eat only when you are hungry. That's only when your body needs food. Eating without hunger puts excess calories in your body.
*Eating good food is not a luxury. It's an investment on your health. It's better to eat little good food than to eat bulky bad food.
*Simple food hygiene; Wash your hands. Clean your food. Clean the utensils and cutleries. And eat in a good environment. Wrong food in the tummy can spoil the day.
*The food is ready; Vegetable soup with assorted meats and Wheat swallow. Highly nutritious with vitamins, minerals and proteins. You can't afford to miss yours @GracesFOODS. Enjoy!
*There are over 250,000 to 300,000 species of edible plants in the world. We only eat 150 to 200 of them. What happens to the rest? Don't stay with only one food, explore others too. Health is in those plants.
*Every time food is wasted, I think of people who have no food to eat. Why should someone die of hunger when you can give them food? Make someone happy today.
*Sugar can cause diabetes when it's too much. Salt can cause hypertension when it's too much. Fats can cause obesity when it's too much. Water can cause metabolic imbalance when it's too much. Air can cause lung hyperinflation when it's too much. Anything can cause problem when it's too much. Too much of anything is not good for health.
*What should I eat in the morning? Light, energy-giving food with more liquids. What about afternoon? Moderate, bodybuilding food with normal liquids. And evening? Very light, energy-giving food with less liquids. Fruits and Vegetables should be present in all.
*Even if my wife can cook, I will still cook for my family. Food shouldn't be a problem in our families.
*Today has been "foody"; preparing all kinds of foods. You know hunger cannot enter stomach and another thing enters. That's adage from elders. Let's enjoy life with good food. Try something new this weekend.
*Hi friends, Happy new week. Some said they are looking for money. Others said they are looking for jobs. I said I'm looking for the hungry. I'm not only running food business, I'm running life business. If you are hungry, you can contact me please.
*Guess what, today was 'food shopping day'. Yes, we eat. We grow. We multiply. We fill the earth. And we fulfill purpose. Thank God for the good food. Thank God for the good life. 

30 Things You Didn't Know About Cooking Food

Everybody likes eating food, but not everybody likes cooking food. If you love cooking food like I am, here are 30 things you may want to know about cooking food, Enjoy!
1. If you want to cook good food, you need good time.
2. One ingredient can make your food better or worse.
3. Cooking brings out the aroma in your food.
4. Cooking teaches you patience and time-keeping.
5. You may not always like the way your food will turn out. Winks*
6. There is always room for improvement with every cooking.
7. One extra minute of cooking can make the difference on your food.
8. Experience teaches you how to cook food better.
9. When you cook food for people, expect different comments; Too much salt, too little salt. Too much pepper, too little pepper. All because of individuals taste buds.
10. Experience teaches you how to better use cutleries and kitchen equipment.
11. When you cook for both men and women, expect more comments from women. Women have more sensitive taste buds.
12. If you have not tried an ingredient or cooking item before, don’t use it for the first time when you are doing an important cooking. The outcome may shock you positively or negatively.
13. The best cooking recipe is to cook by yourself. You will always know it better than anybody can teach you.
14. You will always have part of your cooking utensils in a place where you regularly cook.
15. If you cook regularly, you will always find easier and better ways of cooking.
16. If you always cook one particular food, you will keep getting better at it.
17. If you are not a good observer of time, time can easily pass you by when you are cooking.
18. The more the attention you give to what you are cooking, the better the result.
19. When cooking, it’s better to put on dress that will make you comfortable.
20. When people are hungry, their judgment about food is impaired. Better judgment comes from people who are not totally hungry and totally full.
21. True taste of food is known when it's just prepared.
22. Your nose and taste buds are parts of your cooking equipment, so take care of them.
23. For every cooking, there’s always the main ingredients and the supplementary ingredients. The main ingredients form the major part of the food, you can’t do without them. The supplementary ingredients form the minor part of the food, you can do without them.
24. The main ingredient of a particular food can be a supplementary ingredient of another food.
25. The health of the person that cooks food is very important for the food.
26. Washing and cleaning are parts of cooking.
27. Hot food doesn’t know professional cook, so take care when handling food at high temperatures.
28. Wearing perfume to cook is a waste of time. The aroma of the food will overwhelm the fragrance of the perf.
29. Sometimes you spend longer or shorter time on cooking than you expect.
30. If you are a good cook, you can be selective with the kind of food you eat from outside. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

You Are A Genius - This Is Why (9 Types Of Intelligence You Didn't Know)

Have you ever thought of yourself being intelligent? This article will show you how. Everyone of us is intelligent in our own right. Let’s define what intelligence is. Intelligence is the ability to use knowledge, learning, and reasonings to solve problems. It is the ability to use imagination, thoughts, ideas and strategies to solve problems or create new concepts. Perhaps you might have reproved yourself of not knowing as much as your friends do. But this article will put an end to your unhealthy struggle. Your friend might be good with Math, but you with Language. Another might be good with expressions, but you with impressions. It’s all depends on perspectives. We live from different angles of life best-fit for us. Here are 9 types of intelligence you might not know about. Check which one or more of them you have.

1. Naturalist Intelligence; You are nature-smart. You have the ability to discretely discriminate living things, both plants and animals, as well as sensitivity to other features of nature.

2. Musical Intelligence; You are sound-smart. You have the capacity to discern different pitches, rhythm, tones, and timbre. You are aware of notes and sounds others may miss.

3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence; You are number/reasoning-smart. You can effectively calculate, analyze, and quantify data. You can easily carry out mathematical operations. You can also use abstract, inductive and deductive reasonings, and symbolic thoughts to function in relationships, strategy games and experiments.

4. Existential Intelligence; You are life-smart. You are sensitive to important things of life. You are capable of tackling deep questions about human existence, and life after death.

5. Interpersonal Intelligence; You are people-smart. You have the ability to understand and interact effectively with people. You have good verbal and non-verbal communications. You are sensitive to people’s moods, feelings, temperaments, motives and behaviours.

6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence; You are body-smart. You have the capacity to handle objects and use variety of physical skills with your body. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through the mind-body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craft people exhibit this intelligence well.

7. Linguistic Intelligence; You are word-smart. You have the ability to think and use words. You can use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers. People with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

8. Intra-personal Intelligence; You are self-smart. You have the capacity to understand yourself, thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and execution. This intelligence is not only for self, but also for human conditions in general. Some people may be shy, but they are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated.

9. Spatial Intelligence; You are picture/image smart. You have the ability to think in three dimensions. The core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and creative imagination.

Hopefully, you’ve got the idea and discovered which of the intelligence you possess. However, you can always acquire as more as you wish, if you can put yourself through the training and practice. Happy Moments.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Three Mighty Men

Here come Dr. Philip, Dr. John and Engr. Elvis, the three mighty men. First of all, all the mighty men across the globe congratulate you guys for taking a bold step into greatness, a journey of new beginning. We celebrate you. And we pray for overflowing blessings of God in your homes. Dr. Philip got married to his beautiful wife on 16th of June, followed by Dr. John on 18th of August, and Engr. Elvis on 25th of August. All in 2018. We are so blessed this year. And we see this as a sign of new beginnings and greater things ahead. Congratulations MMVs! We wish you guys Happy Married Life. Blessings!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

You Didn't Know What God Has Done For You

Just because God is not a noise maker doesn’t mean He’s not a news maker. Just because He’s not a newscaster doesn’t mean He’s not a way maker. I’m sure if you are to start counting all He has done for you, you will lose count in your head. If you are to start thinking of how He has baled you out of difficult situations and don’t even know how you’d escape but eventually you did and now you’ve forgotten all He’s done for you. That’s why you’ve not known the value of what He has done for you. You've not seen how He has helped you. You've not known how He has skipped evil off your head. You've not acknowledged His presence that wiled away demonic essence. Oftentimes we take a lot of things for granted until we lose them. Howbeit, God is not interested in we losing what He has given us. But to always appreciate and acknowledge them no matter how little they are. I see you going higher and higher in life. Blessings. 

Locate Your Place; Create Your Space

Tina just came back from her ten-hour marathon work. She’s so tired and exhausted. She can no longer feel her head on her neck. She just wonna collapse on the bed and sleep off. Her last meal was in the afternoon. She wouldn’t just want to eat anything now. She just wanted to rest and refresh her overworked brain. So she had a ten-hour marathon sleep, 11pm to 9am, after which she staggered to the rest room to ease herself, came back to the room with fleep of sleep on her eyelids and fell asleep again for the next 5 hours. After this, she eventually woke up, still lying on the bed. She took her phone and checked all the messages on social media and about 13 missed calls on her phone. She tried to return few calls and ignored the rest. 

But these thoughts about her hectic work and several bills she needs to pay just kept ringing in her mind that her heart would not stop beeping her chest. What am I gonna do, this stress is too much, she soliloquized. While she’s thinking about this, her overburdened work that she would start off again next tomorrow, Monday, was on her mind. Again, thoughts about the clients she fixed appointments with and those that she needs to close, all flooded her mind. be continued!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

What Breaks My Heart

My heart just got broken. I wept and wept. I became so worried and downhearted. You won’t believe what I just heard. Sometimes I imagined how many heart attacks God would have suffered ever since he created man. And I wondered if it is man that created God or God that created man. A product knows nothing about itself until information comes from the manufacturer. What are we doing here? Who brought us here? How come we found ourselves here? And so on. Everybody is running after money. Only few walk through life with purpose. Many are aimless and visionless. 

Sometimes I’ve had time to talk with people; I would ask, how’s your program or plan tomorrow like? Most response I got is that- "actually I don’t know". It seems some people have left their life to chance and luck. They are living upgraded version of slavery; a state where they own their body but have no control over their mind and life. What breaks my heart? Malfunctioning human beings. What breaks my heart? Wastage of life and resources. I'm sure it hurts God more than it hurts any man. It pains him everyday seeing his images malfunctioning on earth. 

After it costs him his whole life to redeem man to himself, man still fail to acknowledge and receive the gift of God that money has failed to buy. Man preferred to run after what has been bought for him and start fighting for it. I wonder whether it's ignorance or foolishness. It's high time man returned back to his creator and began to walk in his purpose and his creator's agenda for him. That's only way he's living and that's the only reason why he's here and for how long he should be here. My regards. 

15 Methods Of Preserving Foods

Every now and then, we have challenge with food spoilage. Organisms like bacteria, fungi and yeasts look for suitable environment to cause food spoilage and waste our foods. But we can always get rid of them by making the food environment uncomfortable for them to thrive. Here are 15 methods to preserve your food.
  1. Pickling
  2. Drying
  3. Salting
  4. Smoking
  5. Freezing
  6. Brining
  7. Canning
  8. Sugaring
  9. Frying
  10. Vacuum sealing
  11. Immersion in alcohol
  12. Cold storage and Refrigeration
  13. Boiling
  14. Pasteurizing
  15. Nuclear irradiation                   

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Oh, How I love Those Days

I remember those days when I would come back from school and my mom or my elder sister would have cooked some nice meals. Oh my goodness! The aroma at the entrance of the house was enough to satisfy any hunger. I always come back home from school hungry. So, it’s an easy answer to my prayer that my mom or my sister would be home to cook some nice meals. Sometimes, my sister would want to pull my leg and told me she hasn’t cooked anything that she’s been busy all day. Those were days when she would have cooked earlier so that all the aroma in the house would have disappeared before I come. Those times when she told me, I would feel so angry 'cos I wouldn't know where to start. You know ‘an hungry man is an angry man'. Those times when she told me, sometimes she would look so serious that you hardly believed if she was joking or not. Then later, she would just from no where brought out the well cooked rice and beans with fish stew. Oh my good God, I would feel so good. It’s always amazing and exciting. Oh my sister and my mom, I remember you guys today..lols. Thanks for all you did. You guys really saved my life from hunger and starvation . Thanks a million.

Monday, July 30, 2018

15 Things That Happen After Eating

Oftentimes, we experience some aftermaths after pulling down the mountain of some nice meals. Here are 15 things that could happen after eating.

1. Feeling like sleeping: This happens to us most times, we want to sleep after eating, especially high-carbohydrate diets. Decreased circulation of blood within the brain (because of blood supply to the intestines) and increased serotonin secretion brought about this occurrence.
2. Feeling like going to toilet: This is common if you eat regularly or eat after a long fast. Arrival of food in the stomach stimulates the intestines to release the already-digested food that has been turned into faeces. We don't defecate the food we just ate, we only release the ones already digested to allow space in the intestines for the new ones.
3. Feeling full; this could be like your tummy will break: This happens when we overeat, perhaps because of the way we're hungry. We, sometimes, eat more than what our body can carry at that time.
4. Feeling strong and energized: We know food gives us energy and nutrients. Most times after eating, we feel strong and energized.
5. Feeling weak and lose control: This could be a paradox. But, it happens sometimes that our whole body is weak especially after taking a heavy meal. If it continuously affect you, you may want to stop taking such diet.
6. Feeling like doing nothing: Sometimes after eating, we could just feel like we should have some moments of doing nothing, absolutely nothing!
7. Feeling like food is no longer interesting.
8. Feeling like going for a walk.
9. Feeling like watching a TV Show.
10. Feeling like reading a novel or an interesting book.
11. Feeling like talking with our friends.
12. Feeling like sitting at home.
13. Feeling like we shouldn't be hungry anymore.
14. Feeling like taking water: This is common. We feel more satisfied with taking water after eating. It aids digestion and prevents constipation.
15. Feeling like you don't want to eat any more: Of course that's why you just finished eating, unless you're not satisfied with what you just ate. 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

10 Soups From Graces FOODS

Whether you are an African, European, or American, you can't wait to have a taste of these soups. They are so yummy and nutritious. Among many others, here are 10 soups from Graces foods that will tingle your taste buds and thrill you away with nice aroma and undeniable home taste, Enjoy!

1. Beans soup

2. Vegetable soup

3. Okra soup

4. Afang soup
5. Groundnut soup

6. Egusi soup

7. Banga soup

8. Ogbono soup

9. Pepper soup

10. Ewedu soup

Contact us: 
Facebook & Instagram: Graces FOODS
Mobile: +380933064513

Monday, July 23, 2018

15 Things You Didn't Know About Food

Life is attached to food. Nature will always connects us back to food every time we are hungry. Food is what we talk or think about virtually every time. Here are 15 things you didn’t know about food.

1. There is no food that provides all the nutrients that humans need, except the breast milk.
2. Food cannot only be ingested, it can also be injected.
3. Digestive tract prevents spoilage of food by releasing bile and intestinal juices.
4. Foods for adults can kill babies.
5. Humans are born craving sugar.
6. Every food is a potential poison when taken in wrong amounts.
7. The most popular food in the world is pasta.
8. Honey is the only food that will never rot. It can last 3000 years.
9. Every food contains water. So if you don’t take water while you eat, your body can still digest the food.
10. China, India, United States and Brazil are the four countries that produce most foods in the world.
11. The world most popular vegetable is potato, followed by tomato.
12. Airplane food isn’t very tasty because of our senses of smell and taste that decrease by 20 to 50% when we are in the air.
13. Eating fast foods regularly has the same effect as hepatitis on the liver.
14. Eating banana regularly can help fight depression.
15. There are two reasons that qualify anything to be food; 1. It must be edible. 2. It must be nutritious to the body.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

What Should I Be Grateful For?

"God has not answered my prayers yet, things are not working for me yet, but rather getting worse everyday. It’s better not to be alive than to be alive and be useless. I don’t know the kind of life I have. I’m totally frustrated.” If you are in these shoes, I could relate. There was a time I almost committed suicide when I’ve reached the height of my frustration. But today, the story is different. Things have changed. Please understand that nothing is permanent. Things, whether good or bad, will undergo change. Nothing will remain the same forever. Whatever you are passing through right now is not going to remain the same, it must change. Change is a force that makes nothing to remain the same. The problem most people have in the world today is that their inability to adapt to change  is what leads to frustration. They complain, condemn and criticize as if they have control over people or situations. But what they don’t understand is that, the only place where they have control is inside, which has got nothing to do with the outside. The way things work is that outside conforms with what is inside. And since we have control inside, we can control what is outside by controlling what is inside. Having the mindset or thought that “what should I be grateful for” is a wrong mindset that will make things worse. It’s coming from an ungrateful heart that can’t see good in any situation. Rather, everything is bad, nothing is good. But if you change what is inside, you will start seeing change with what is outside. Shukran, Masalamah!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Miscellaneous Episodes

  1. Life is miscellaneous; Different people, different things. If you don't prepare for the excesses, you will make too much expenses. This month will be on different topics everyday. 
  2. Over the years, religion has put God in a confinement. But God said "I'm not where you put me, I'm in all creation and for all creation. I'm all in all." 
  3. Labour and favour, which one is better? Both! Favour doesn't have value without labour. Labour doesn't stand you out without favour. Labour is man's component. Favour is God's component. Both are important. 
  4. To fail is to know how not to do it. To succeed is to know how to do it. If you don't know how not to do it, you won't know how to do it. Failure brings you a step closer to success. 
  5. Can you picture where you will be in the next 5, 10, 15 years? Let's see if what you are doing now can take you there. 
  6. I had always got mad at people for not appreciating the good I'd done for them, until I realized that the good is just for me. It doesn't matter whether people appreciate you or not. Your good is coming back to you. 
  7. Opportunities are with us every time. It takes wisdom to recognize them. If you have life, you have opportunity. If you have time, you have opportunity. Opportunity open doors for more opportunities. 
  8. God doesn't want you to be better than your fellow human being. He wants you to be better with your fellow human being. 
  9. She needs to make her hair, fix her nails, take care of her skin, get new clothes, buy new shoes and bag, get new pads, underwears and cosmetics. She won't also forget her jewelries, perf and body accessories. And if she's married, take care of her husband and children. Humm, to be a woman is expensive. 
  10. For the simple, attaining success is a miracle. For the wise, attaining success is a process. One sees responsibility. Another sees irresponsibility. 
  11. Actions speak louder than voice. But most times actions are misinterpreted. It is better to understand people by their words followed by their actions, than to assume their actions without their words. 
  12. We can only know more of God. We cannot know all of God. 
  13. The height of foolishness in life is unwillingness to learn. We will always have something to learn, no matter what! 
  14. Locate your place. Create your space. Your place is where you have your space. If you don't locate your place, you can't create your space. Your place is important for your space. An article is coming on this. 
  15. There are so many thoughts that put fear and troubles in us every time. We become reckless and disturbed. The only antidote is faith. Faith in what God has said and the finished work of Christ. 
  16. You know that feeling you have when you've not found what you are looking for, but you know that thing exists. 
  17. Working hard on a job gives you stress. Working hard on your work gives you strength. 
  18. You know that feeling you have when you are so worried about something and you just heard that voice- "Don't worry". 
  19. You will always find faults with anyone. No one is perfect here. The best of all is love. Love covers all sins. 
  20. Emotions are not expression of weakness. They are expression of nature. If you are not emotional, you are not relational.

Sexual Health Episodes; Preventive Health 3

1. Sexual health is focused on having a healthy mindset and behaviour towards everything that pertains to human sexuality. Many are sexually sick but cover it up with a cloak of hypocrisy. Sorry, I'll burst your bubbles.

2. "He just used me and dump me, what a wicked generation of men do we have?" A lady yelled out in anger. But sex was not gonna keep him, it was rather gonna kill you. You know wrong sex life can ruin your life.

3. Early morning penile erection (morning wood) is absolutely normal for a normal man. It keeps the penis active. If you are not healthy sexually, you are not healthy generally.

4. Sexual libido varies from individuals. While there's no problem with high libido, there's problem with ignorance, because every sexual mistake will be the devil. But there's a way sexual energy can be channeled to something better.

5. Sex is the strongest of all human feelings. The reason is simple; to keep man together, and replenish the earth. But it becomes a big fight to restrain from sex when one is sexually addicted. There's a simple solution, It's found in my new book- "Sex, As it is!" Watch out!

6. I know you have something to fix on your body. But that's not a problem. It can be fixed. But don't throw yourself on anybody for sex. If someone would not value you before sex, they will not value you after sex.

7. Men spend 43 minutes everyday staring at a woman. I wonder what they are looking for. Women, don't worry. They are looking for what they don't have that they think women have, womb. On their way there, they found sex. Hey men, don't go wrong way. Look after your own.

8. What do you have to say about LGBT? Somebody: It's a sign of end time. Me: Which one is a sign of beginning time? LGBT is an issue with sexual orientation not just a casual presentation.

9. While there are many cases of unreported rape, over 120 million girls worldwide have experienced sexual assaults at some point in their lives. Many of them have ended up being mentally, physically or sexually traumatized. This is violation against women's rights. Sex should not be by force. It should be by choice.

10. Part of sexual health is having right mindset about opposite sex. Most times cultures and traditions have dominated our opinions on how we relate with other people. It's important we understand our differences and appreciate them. Our differences are not for superiority. They are for complementarity.

11. Parents should be ready to answer questions; From "Mom, what's this?" to "Mom, how do I control it?" sex-related questions. We are in a jet age where children learn things fast and information flies everywhere. You wouldn't want your children to catch wrong junks from outside. Let them know the truth from you. It will free them from wrong stuffs.

12. It's good to keep our sex secrets. Yes, it's good to hide from people what we go through in the dark but come out as a superstar. But it's better to be genuine with ourselves and with people around us. I want to see a man who has never struggled with sexual urge or had some sexual temptation and I will show you a man who can pretend more than the devil. If you are going through any sexual challenge, you are not alone. Don't feel ashamed to share it with someone who can help. That will really go a long way.

13. The desire for food is close to the desire for sex. If you can control your desire for food, you can control your desire for sex.

14. What drives sex outside marriage is lust. What drives sex inside marriage is love. Lust is expressed outside marriage. Love is expressed inside marriage.

15. Is it true that some women see some men as sperm donors? If that is true, then, whose fault? A woman has no value for a man who is just after sex. A man has no value for a woman who is just after money. Sex is abused when it becomes a transaction, even in marriage.

16. Attention please, someone is asking "Why should we have sex only in marriage? Or Why should I wait till I'm married before I have sex?" The person wants strong arguments. Please put your answers as comment or inbox me. Thank you.

17. More than 95% of sex outside marriage is for pleasure. More than 95% of sex inside marriage is for treasure. We miss out the purpose of sex when we have it outside marriage. Sex is a wrong prescription outside marriage. We can't overlook the side effects. An article is coming on "Why sex should only be in marriage".

18. You wished you had never made that sexual mistake, but you did. No problem, learn from your mistake and move on. You might not be able to change what has happened to you. But you can be able to change what will happen to you.

19. There was a time when I could fall for a woman's dress. There was a time when I could fall for a woman's voice. There was also a time when I could fall for a woman's body. But now I'm above all that, not because the desire is no longer there, but because my aspire has gone beyond my desire.

20. Some men are dying everyday because of sex. Their wives have refused to understand what they need. But there are many cases of married men abusing girls up and down. You know one problem can lead to many problems. Let's solve sex problem in our marriage.

21. Someone asked me, "How do you control your sexual urge?" I thought it was a simple question until I had to answer. It took me 3days to answer. The answer is in my new book- "Sex, As it is!" An article is coming on "How to control and channel your sexual energy".