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Friday, July 30, 2021


1. What is easy today, was difficult yesterday.

2. A goal without a deadline will never be achieved. Timing is important for winning.

3. People who learn more, earn more.

4. Continuous self-education keep you on top of your game.

5. In life, there’s no sitting on the fence. You’re either getting better or getting worse.

6. Have a role model. Study how they achieve success and follow it.

7. Successful people always have something to learn in every situation.

8. Your true value doesn’t only come from what you say, it comes from what you do.

9. Don’t look at how many times you fail. Look at how many things you learn.

10. Start preparing for the future from today. People who will win tomorrow have started winning from today.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:


1. The first thing you must get right in life is what you want.

2. You achieve peace of mind by connecting yourself to people of positive mind and things.

3. Expectation precedes manifestation. Nothing happens except you make it happen.

4. There’s a great power in you that overcomes obstacles and limitations.

5. The rate at which you achieve your goals is dependent on how frequent you visualize achieving them.

6. To achieve anything, you must summon courage enough to overcome your fear.

7. Belief is a powerful force that makes impossible possible.

8. Value who you are and what you have.

9. When you set big goals, you increase your self-esteem and self-image.

10. Don’t blame people for your life. Accept full responsibility over everything that pertains to your life.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:

Thursday, July 29, 2021

10 LESSONS & BEST IDEAS From BUILT TO LAST By Jim Collins & Jerry I. Porras

1. Great companies don’t start from great ideas. They start from great will and decision.

2. Great leaders build companies on human ideals and values.

3. Two companies with the same product or service must have unique core values if they want to be great.

4. Great companies set their priorities right. They don’t put money first. They put service first.

5. Companies that are built to last always stand on their original truth, while they remain flexible with their plans.

6. Great companies always set lofty goals that usher them into new heights of achievements.

7. Visionary companies always try new things. They are not rigid on the old ways.

8. High selection is part of great companies’ watchword because they are not a place for everyone.

9. Outsiders don’t lead in great companies. It’s only people who are part of the company and have imbibed the culture.

10. Visionary companies focus on competing with themselves and their goals, not with their competitors.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:

10 LESSONS & BEST IDEAS From REWORK By David H. Hansson & Jason Fried

1. In as much as we learn from mistakes, it is learning from success that gives us more success.

2. Planning just gives us an idea of what we should do. It is not a final list of what we must do.

3. Do something different, because you are different.

4. Always have a reason behind everything you do. It would keep you motivated and directed towards your goal.

5. Set your priority right. There are many things that need your attention than you would ever know.

6. Don’t seek to be perfect first. Seek to be consistent and perfection would meet you on the way.

7. Take risks when you supposed to, not when you want to.

8. Start small. Small things are the ones that end up big.

9. You get attention by doing what everyone else is not doing.

10. Don’t create problems for yourself. Most of the things you worry about never happen anyway.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:

Saturday, July 17, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The PARABLE OF THE PIPELINE By Burke Hedges

1. If you only have one source of income, you only have one source of living. Your life can break anytime.

2. To truly become rich, we must break out of the old dogma of go to school, get a certificate and get a job. We need people with more entrepreneurial mindset.

3. Income doesn’t mean wealth. A person with high income might end up poor if he doesn’t save and invest, and acquire assets that appreciate over time.

4. Utilizing opportunity well can make one rich.

5. Leveraging time with the right actions can expedite the process of becoming rich.

6. Today’s sacrifices can grant us good fortunes tomorrow.

7. With today’s technology, there are myriad of opportunities online to build a successful business that can generate a good source of income.

8. Investing in human relationships is a good way to economic abundance.

9. A business that would be successful needs people with the same values and vision.

10. Those who go up don’t push others down, but rather pull them up.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

1. Thoughts are the origin of all things.

2. The energy that drives anything into action is desire.

3. Faith is the inner conviction of what is real that is not yet seen. It is your faith that makes anything you want possible.

4. Specialized knowledge is key in acquiring wealth.

5. Your imagination allows you to create the kind of life and solution that you want in your world. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

6. Decision is the catalyst of execution. Having an idea without a decision is just a mere wish.

7. You’ve got to remain persistence to scale through the hurdles of life.

8. A working master mind group can catapult you to a higher level of success.

9. Transmutation of your sexual energy can raise your mind to a new level of attaining riches.

10. Your subconscious mind is the powerhouse of your mind that is connected to the infinite intelligence and brings to life whatever ideas and thoughts you imprinted on it.

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2) Why You Must Document Your Life:


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1. Failure is a process. It is success in progress.

2. Failure is a navigator. It shows you what doesn’t work.

3. Failure is a coin. It has two sides.

4. Failure provides options and alternatives.

5. Failure is an opportunity. It doesn’t happen all the time.

6. Failure is a teacher. It always has something to teach.

7. Failure is water. It is part of you. You cannot do without it and it’s what gives life value.

8. Failure is a walk to success. You can’t get to success without going through failure.

9. Failure is a filter. It eliminates people who aren’t serious or dedicated enough.

10. You never lose things. You return them.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:


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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The PSYCHOLOGY OF MONEY By Morgan Housel

1. People’s behaviour with money is predicated on many factors that are unique to them.

2. Doing well with money has a little to do with your IQ, but more to do with your EQ.

3. The world is too complex to allow only your actions to determine the outcome; there must be room for luck and risk.

4. Enough is a language of satisfaction. And satisfaction is the road to happiness.

5. Big things often stem from small things that are hardly noticed at the beginning but often seen at the end.

6. Wealth can be attained in different ways, but can only be maintained in one way; some combination of frugality and paranoia.

7. Freedom is the highest dividend money pays. It is what money gets you when nothing else does.

8. True wealth is not seen. It is kept as both tangible and intangible assets.

9. Building wealth is not about how much you are making, but how much you are keeping.

10. The only effective way to navigate the world that is full of odds and uncertainties is to create a room for error or redundancy.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life: 

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The 4-Hour WORKWEEK By Timothy Ferriss

1. Avoid being overloaded with too much information. What you need is relevant, practical information.

2. Outsource menial tasks on your schedule and have more time for your personal development.

3. Create a money-making machine that doesn’t need you to work. Make your income autopilot.

4. Know the kind of life that you want to live and begin to work it out.

5. Live a proactive lifestyle instead of a reactive one.

6. If you don’t define the alternative, you will keep working.

7. Offering fewer options to your customers/clients allows more clarity and less confusion.

8. If you lose money in one way, create another way to recoup your money. You don’t necessarily have to recoup your money the same way you lost it.

9. Hold true to yourself despite criticism and prejudice. You only need one person to support you- you.

10. No need to complain about what you’ve bought if you can’t do anything about it. Put your attention on positive rather than negative.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From ZERO TO ONE By Peter Thiel

1. Zero to one is creating something entirely new. One to n is copying something entirely not new.

2. Creativity and innovation has no formula. Great ideas come from unexpected places.

3. Old ways are no longer working, we must invent new ways of solving our problems.

4. Know what you know and stand by it. Conventional wisdom is not always right.

5. A new way of thinking is an important value that new companies and startups have.

6. Progress comes from domination not competition.

7. In any case, it is better to do something than to do nothing.

8. Rivalry makes us lose our identity and run out of ideas.

9. That you came later doesn’t mean you can’t be the first. Just be the best.

10. The value of a business today is the sum of all the money it would make in the future.

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2) Why You Must Document Your Life:


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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From SECRETS of the MILLIONAIRE MIND By T. Harv Eker

1. The rich don’t complain. They simply focus on what they can do and leave what they cannot do.

2. The rich don’t gamble their way to wealth. They work for it.

3. The rich believe they are in control of their financial situation. The poor believe someone else is in control of their financial situation.

4. The rich start big things in a small way so that they can learn. The poor start small things in a big way so that they can show.

5. The rich focus on opportunities to make gains. The poor focus on obstacles to avoid pains.

6. Don’t settle for the less, there’s more than enough in the world.

7. Wealth doesn’t come with low expectations. It comes with big expectations. Think big.

8. While average people play not to lose, rich people play just to win.

9. Playing to win in any aspect of life requires some level of risk-taking and uncertainties.

10. The rich is paid based on their results. The poor is paid based on their time.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The AUTOMATIC MILLIONAIRE By David Bach

1. To become rich can be sure, but not short.

2. You don’t need to get a high-paying job to become rich.

3. It’s not only big things that take away your money, but many small things that you don’t take note of.

4. Nobody worth paying first except yourself.

5. Pay off your debts. Stop using credit cards and renegotiate your interest rates.

6. Make your savings automatic to avoid any inconsistency.

7. Automate for a rainy day.

8. You can automate owning a home without incurring debt. Use the law of installments.

9. Owners are rich, renters are poor.

10. Give as much as you want to receive. 

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2) Why You Must Document Your Life:

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From RICH DAD POOR DAD By Robert T. Kiyosaki

1. Mistake doesn’t make you a failure, learn from it.

2. Knowledge is the greatest wealth.

3. Working all your life for someone else can lead to continuous financial struggle.

4. Acquire assets, not liabilities.

5. Avoid lack of self confidence and fear.

6. Building wealth might take some big changes. Embrace them.

7. Don’t blame anyone for your problems, solve it.

8. It’s not how much you make, it is how much you save to invest.

9. The rich don’t work for money, but rather have money work for them.

10. Mind your own business and don’t be distracted by what others are doing.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The RICHEST MAN In Babylon By George S. Clason

1. Pay yourself first from all of your income.

2. Control your expenditures; avoid emotional spendings.

3. Accumulate your money by saving it and multiply it by investing it.

4. Protect your money from preventable losses.

5. Make your home a profitable investment.

6. Insure your future income by having a retirement plan.

7. Increase your ability to earn by investing more in your personal development.

8. Pay off your debts.

9. Good luck and wealth follow those who take the right action.

10. To stay wealthy, you must keep learning.

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2) Why You Must Document Your Life:

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The MILLIONAIRE Fastlane By M.J Demarco

1. The process of becoming wealthy is as important as the result.

2. There are many options in creating wealth but not many are fastlane. Create your own fastlane.

3. When you make money, you can make more money.

4. If you want to get more, give more.

5. Only thinking will not make you rich, it must be followed by action.

6. The choice you make is pivotal to your wealth creation.

7. When you chase needs, money follow you.

8. Selfish people don’t attract money, but serious people that solve problems do.

9. Slowlaners minimize their expenses; Fastlaners maximize their income.

10. Slowlaners buy less liabilities; fastlaners buy more assets.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From MONEY: Master the GAME By Tony Robbins

1. To be financially free, you must be keen on saving.

2. If you are good with money, you will enjoy it.

3. Money is a game, you must learn how to play it.

4. Knowledge allows you to get big rewards from small risks.

5. Take advantage of the multiplying power of compounding.

6. Money would not change who you are, but would amplify it.

7. Don’t change the market, change your mindset.

8. Tell yourself a good story about money. Money doesn’t love those who hate it.

9. When you create value for people, you open the door of economic abundance into your life.

10. Before you start anything, have purpose. Purpose defined is success assured.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From UNSHAKEABLE By Tony Robbins

1. Start with savings and invest in index funds.

2. Put the principle of compound interest to work; be consistent with savings.

3. Mutual funds cost more and pay less than index funds. Avoid them.

4. Avoid too much fees, they compound and eat up a significant part of your money.

5. Don’t let fear push you during market falls. It’s normal for market to rise and fall.

6. Diversify as you grow your wealth to increase your income, and decrease your loss.

7. Be rich with your emotions. Don’t be stingy with giving out positive energy to others.

8. Practice gratitude. Be grateful for where you are and where you want to be.

9. Be a cheerful giver. Give what you have in your capacity to give others.

10. Be committed to growth. Get more knowledge and understanding into your mind.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life: 

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The INTELLIGENT INVESTOR By Benjamin Graham

1. Taking decision must come from an informed mind.

2. The right process must be followed to get the right result. Getting the right result requires following the right process.

3. The more irrational the market is, the more the opportunity a disciplined investor has.

4. An intelligent investor looks beyond dividend and considers business performance. Stocks do well in the future because the businesses behind them do well, and stocks don’t do well in the future because the businesses behind them don’t do well.

5. Don’t invest in assets that would not have appreciable increase in value in the future.

6. You can minimize your chances of making mistakes but you can’t totally eliminate it.

7. As an investor, don’t worry about the enemy without because they have less effect. But be wary of the enemy within because they have much effect.

8. For your investment, don’t only dwell on past performance, focus on future projections.

9. An intelligent investor understands that investment becomes more risky with increase in price and less risky with decrease in price.

10. An intelligent investor requires an indication of future stability of a business in addition to the past and present performance.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From PRINCIPLES By Ray Dalio

1. Principles are universal and fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behavior that helps you get what you want out of life.

2. Knowing what you want and what is true would help your decision-making process and the result you get out of life.

3. When everyone thinks something is too sure, it’s already on a high side, and clinging to it could make you fall.

4. There are always risks out there that can hurt you badly, even in the seemingly safest bets, so it’s always best to assume you’re missing something.

5. You cannot be 100% sure on anything. For if you have things that you can control, there would be things that you cannot control.

6. Seek out smartest minds who disagree with you and try to understand their reasoning. Be radically open-minded.

7. The “holy grail” of every investing is to find good unrelated return streams that would reduce your risks without reducing your expected returns.

8. If you put in the right effort, you can get anything you want, but not everything you want.

9. Create your own principle by analyzing your experiences and encounters.

10. The truth, an accurate understanding of the reality, is the bedrock of every right decision-making and outcome.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From How to WIN Friends & INFLUENCE People By Dale Carnegie

1. People don’t like being criticized or condemned no matter how guilty they are.

2. Be genuinely interested in people. Don’t only go after what you want, but add value to them as well.

3. Give honest and sincere appreciation.

4. Make people feel important by valuing them and what they do.

5. Smile and show welcoming gesture when relating with people.

6. Remember people’s names. They would appreciate you more.

7. Be a good listener. Encourage people to talk about themselves.

8. The best way to win an argument is to AVOID IT.

9. Appreciate people’s idea or opinion even if you don’t support it. They might end up supporting yours.

10. Own up to your mistake. People appreciate when you are humble and unprententious.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From EAT THAT FROG By Brian Tracy

1. Define your goals and write them down. Know where you are going before you start the journey.

2. Planning is not only important for execution, it saves your time and energy.

3. Follow 80/20 Rule. Do the 20% activities that would give the 80% of your results.

4. You can’t do everything. But you can do one thing. Do the most important thing.

5. Attention and absolute concentration are vital for your productivity.

6. Hone your skills and become more professional in your work.

7. Identify your strengths and set your goals around them.

8. Build a strong motivation and momentum before you go into doing any task.

9. Break big tasks into smaller pieces that you can accomplish per time and that would give you a sense of progress.

10. The best way to achieve a work-life balance is to work on what is the most important thing to you when you are at work.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The E-Myth Revisited By Michael E. Gerber

1. Your ability to find balance as a new entrepreneur is what makes you succeed in your early days of entrepreneurship.

2. You should not only focus on your product, but pay attention to delivery and customer service.

3. Create a system that makes you work on your business, and not in your business.

4. Anyone can build a great business if they are ready to give it all it takes.

5. Consistency is key in business. It keeps your customers’ trust and make them glued to your business.

6. Let your business be customer-oriented. Find out what they want and offer it to them.

7. Make sure you fulfil every promise you made to your customers. This builds your reputation and makes them feel important.

8. Build your business on systems, not on individuals. People can come and go, but your business will stay.

9. Be focused on the vision and long-term goals of your business. Don’t be caught-up by the mundane things are the present/moment.

10. Don’t limit your business to what only you can do. Engage other people in building and expanding your business.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The LEAN START-UP By Eric Ries

1. Anyone can be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is more of a mindset than a talent.

2. Test the market with a minimum viable product before you take a big leap.

3. Learn as fast as you can, and study the real customer behavior.

4. Keep your plans flexible and be ready to pivot based on the market need.

5. It’s okay to make mistakes. But make every mistake only once.

6. Eliminate wasted efforts by doing only the right things at the right time.

7. Success in business relies on being able to improve the system and adapt to the new changes.

8. Stay lean to allow speed in evolving and pivoting.

9. Communicate your ideas more in action than documenting. Show your customers what they need to see and don’t just tell.

10. Use data and measurements that are relevant to your progress.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From INFLUENCE: The Psychology of Persuasion By Robert B. Cialdini

1. We feel obliged to do to others as they’ve done to us. (the law of reciprocity).

2. Attaching reason to a request increases the success rate.

3. We like to be consistent with what we are committed to. (the law of committment)

4. We are more influenced by what we see other people do than what we don’t see them do. (the law of social proof)

5. The impact from environment could be so subtle at the beginning but clearly seen at the end.

6. When we make choice, we prefer to choose or say yes to people who we like to those who we don’t. (the law of liking)

7. People listen to those who have authority more than those who do not. (the law of authority)

8. We value something more and are more motivated to act when something is in small quantity than when it’s in large quantity. (the law of scarcity)

9. Human beings are pretty much the same in term of their psychology and behavioral pattern.

10. Behind every of our action, there’s always a factor of influence.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From Never Split The Difference By Chris Voss

1. Negotiation happens everywhere there’s communication, and it is what gives communication result.

2. When communicating, be a mirror to the other person and seek to understand them.

3. In any negotiation, how you say something is more important than what you say.

4. To be a good negotiator, you must learn how to identify and influence emotions, instead of denying or ignoring them.

5. You must actively listen and follow your opponent’s words to the point that they will acknowledge what you say IS RIGHT.

6. NO is a powerful word that every negotiator must learn to hear because it will help them to unveil more truths about their opponent.

7. Human behavior is driven by two needs; the need to feel secured and the need to feel in control.

8. When negotiating, don’t compromise on a wrong basis. No deal is better than bad deal.

9. To be an effective negotiator, you must resist succumbing to the pressure of deadlines which are most times, arbitrary.

10. You can always bend the reality to your favor. Overcome fear and go for what your want.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From START With WHY By Simon Sinek

1. Every leader must start with WHY they do what they do if they want to INSPIRE people and not to MANIPULATE.

2. Everybody knows what they do. Many know how they do it. But only few know why they do it.

3. If a leader is not clear about what he does, hardly will anyone else do.

4. People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

5. What keeps people’s loyalty is the clarity of your vision, not manipulation of your passion.

6. Your WHY is your purpose, cause, or belief.

7. Every inspiring leader thinks, acts and communicates from inside out.

8. Knowing your WHY will not only make you successful, but will also maintain your success and scale you above competition and conformity.

9. We always need those who know WHY and those who know HOW to succeed in any business or endeavor.

10. The best companies are not with the best products, but they are with the best way of showing people WHY they should belong to them.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From 48 LAWS of POWER By Robert Greene

1. The easiest way to create a strife is to outshine the master.

2. Power gives you the ability to make other people do what you want out of their own bidding.

3. Your intention in everything is always revealed to the universe. When you show yourself to the world, you stir-up resentment and envy.

4. Pay attention to your words. The more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control.

5. Appearing better and faultless is always dangerous. There’s no need to create unnecessary enemy for yourself.

6. Do not go into argument with anyone, win through your actions.

7. The problem with friends is envy. The problem with enemies is conflict. Friends conceal conflict. Enemies conceal envy.

8. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them and disarm them.

9. Make yourself indispensable, and people would find it hard to be without you.

10. When you need people’s help, appeal to their wants or desires, never to their mercy or gratitude.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The ART of WAR By Sun Tzu

1. Be selective. Know the kind of battle you should fight and the one you should not fight.

2. While planning is good, timing is important. Know when to fight and when not to fight.

3. To win a battle, you have to know yourself and the enemy.

4. Have a plan that stand out among the rest.

5. Disguise your plan from the reach of the enemy.

6. The best way to win a fight is not to fight at all.

7. In every problem, there’s always solution. And solution brings wealth.

8. When one opportunity is maximized, doors are opened for other opportunities.

9. Protracted warfare benefits no nation or people.

10. Attack is the secret of defense. Defense is the planning of attack.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck By Mark Manson

1. You don’t have to be indifferent to be different. You just have to be yourself.

2. Denying negative emotions is not the way to avoid them. It is the way to prolong them.

3. Life is not only about being positive, but being able to appreciate and enjoy every moment of it.

4. The world wants you to give a fuck to things that aren’t important for your life, but important for their business.

5. The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience.

6. There’s no how you will not give a fuck about something. But maturity is when you give a fuck about only things that matter.

7. The point about life is not to get away from problems, but to find the ones you enjoy dealing with.

8. When you don’t give a fuck about trivial things, trivial people who do will not give a fuck about you.

9. Pain, as much as we hate it, it’s useful. It makes us act and brings our attention to what is important.

10. People who are committed to growth always end up becoming exceptional in what they do.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The WAY of the WOLF By Jordan Belfort

1. Trust is the number one word that pulls every customer’s emotional string on whether they will buy a product or not.

2. People buy on emotion and justify with logic.

3. Objections are merely smokescreens for uncertainty and lack of trust.

4. Set the tone of the conversation and direct your prospect by your questions.

5. Direct your words and actions toward building your customer’s trust and increasing level of certainty.

6. In the first few seconds of encounter, you want to express your confidence in yourself and in your product.

7. Don’t only care about what you say, care about how you say it.

8. Your words can move your prospect logically, it is your tonality that moves your prospect emotionally.

9. Your appearance is very important. Dress in a way that is congruent with your profession.

10. When selling to buyers, women connect with attention, men connect with intention.
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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The WAY of the SEAL By Mark Divine

1. Your purpose is not just important for your life, it is the GPS that keeps your life on the right track.

2. Inside every one of us are fixed, unchangeable values that define who we are and who we are not.

3. The best way to avoid distraction is to focus on where you are going.

4. Focus on one thing at a time. The best way to maximize your time is to streamline your task.

5. Do exactly what others won’t do. Explore your inner potential.

6. Confront your fears. Take away negative thoughts and replace with positive thoughts.

7. When you take risk, you break your fear and build your strength.

8. You develop mental toughness by taking control of your thoughts and emotions.

9. Focus on using positive words instead of negative words.

10. Living your best life requires building your character on hardwork.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The 7 HABITS of HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE By Stephen R. Covey

1. Highly effective people spend most of their time on important things and less of their time on unimportant things.

2. The character ethic (which is based on values, inner qualities and principles) is the key to lasting success that distinguishes highly effective people.

3. Highly effective people are committed to learning and integrating life principles into their character.

4. Highly effective people focus on being proactive (which is taking responsibility) than being reactive (shifting responsibility).

5. Things are created twice; first in our minds, and second, in our hands.

6. Highly effective people always begin with the end in mind. They know where they are going before they embark on the journey.

7. Highly effective people focus on win-win outcome in their interaction and relationship with others.

8. Highly effective people expand their sphere of influence by focusing on what they can control.

9. Highly effective people focus on managing themselves than managing their time.

10. Highly effective people invest in relationships by building trust with others and allow room for communication.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From Atomic Habits By James Clear

1. Turn the new habit you want to form into small daily routines.

2. Take small steps and focus on the big picture.

3. Set up conditions and environment that support good habit.

4. Break the new habit you want to form into small, baby steps.

5. Don’t change many habits at the same time. Change one habit at a time.

6. Remove the pressure or compulsion of doing something, and focus on little things you can do at the present.

7. Offer yourself small rewards for achieving small tasks and your brain would be ready to achieve big tasks.

8. You may not have to eliminate bad habits, but you can replace them with good habits.

9. Don’t only focus on what you want to achieve, focus on who you want to become. 

10. You first make your habit, and then your habit makes you.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The MILLIONAIRE Next Door By Thomas Stanley & William Danko

1. The rich rationalize their spending according to what they can afford, not what they can buy.

2. The rich are committed to learning and improving themselves.

3. The rich specialize. They are not jack of all trades.

4. The rich work in the right field. They study the market and solve relevant problem.

5. Most rich are entrepreneurs. They create business that solves problems and meets needs.

6. The rich are early fliers. They leverage on time and invest early.

7. The rich don’t get distracted. They don’t fall for the shining objects around them.

8. The rich are keen on insuring their valuables. They don’t take risk on what can be prevented.

9. The rich appropriate every season. They save during abundance and economize during downturn.

10. The rich don’t spend excessively on liabilities and they abhor incurring bad debts.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The WEALTHY BARBER By David Chilton

1. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it, wait till you can.

2. Save 10% of your income.

3. Leverage on the power of compounding.

4. Be thorough with your financial decisions. Make sure you weigh the benefits and risks before you take action.

5. Don’t be tempted with market fall. Wait for the good time to sell your stock.

6. Diversify your investments and create a multiple sources of income for yourself.

7. If buying a house is expensive, rent cheaper and save the difference in payments.

8. Create an emergency fund for unexpected situations.

9. Have insurance for your valuables. Don’t take risk on what can be prevented.

10. Get a will. Don’t leave allotment of your assets to chance.

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1) 15 Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Book:

2) Why You Must Document Your Life:


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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From Total MONEY Makeover By Dave Ramsey

1. Start by saving $1000 in an emergency fund.

2. Journey to financial freedom is step by step.

3. The first financial problem you have to solve is you.

4. Start paying off your debts, with the lowest first.

5. Apply the snowball effect, put down any amount you can afford to start settling your debts.

6. Have savings that would cover your expenses for at least 3 months.

7. Improve your financial stability by getting more than one source of income.

8. Diligently study the market to know when and where to invest.

9. Plan for your future essential expenses like paying your children’s bills.

10. Settle your mortgage as early as possible.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The WAR of ART By Steven Pressfield

1. The best way to deal with your worst enemy is to deal with yourself.

2. Fear is the culprit of resistance. The more you are fearful, the more you are resisted.

3. Fear points your attention to what you feel important. When you do it, you evolve and become stronger.

4. The greatest risk in life is not to take any.

5. Begin to live the life that you had always being afraid to live, that is connected to your true purpose.

6. Keep up in your game. Don’t settle for the less.

7. Let your dispositions express what you carry inside. Be confident.

8. Be committed to your goals and take your work seriously.

9. Think and treat yourself like a pro, and you will become one.

10. Being unwaivered about fulfilling your purpose makes dealing with resistance easy.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The 10X RULE By Grant Cardone

1. 10X rule is upgrading your thinking and action to the level that defies failure and assures success.

2. Success is a state of mind and a reality of life.

3. There’s no excuse for failure. Success is your duty.

4. Don’t lower your efforts to attain your goals. Give more than what is required.

5. To be average is to settle for failure.

6. Assume responsibility and take massive action for massive results.

7. Don’t seek to compete but dominate your territory.

8. Obscurity is the enemy of success. Go all out and let people know what you do.

9. Never stay on one spot; continue to expand to maintain your success.

10. Fear is a good sign. It pushes you to take action.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From SAPIENS By Yuval Noah Harari

1. Cognitive, agricultural and scientific revolutions shaped the course of human history.

2. Cognitive revolution allows homo sapiens to communicate, unite and master the world.

3. Agricultural revolution allows humans to control production of their food and increased their population.

4. Scientific revolution allows humans to make discoveries and inventions that solve human and world problems.

5. Scientific revolution has continue to bring constant change to the world of humans and things.

6. Scientific projects are sponsored by governments and businesses who have political, economic and military agendas.

7. Empires come initially to unite people and eventually oppress them.

8. Belief in common myths allow millions of strangers to unite and do massive things.

9. Money is one of the most valuable myths that is created on a system of trust.

10. As evolution continues, humans continue to find happiness in what have meaning to them.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From MASTERY By Robert Greene

1. To attain mastery, you must shun multitasking and increase the intensity of your focus on one assignment.

2. Working in your present should be towards your future. Don’t be carried away by the winds of the past blowing into your present.

3. A mentor could help you to solve one of the most difficult problems of life; direction.

4. Your entire being should go into anything meaningful that you do. Stabilize your mind, emotions, and character.

5. Your ability to work with your original mind in a world that operates by a conventional mind is key to your success.

6. Impatience, complacency and grandiosity are some of the greatest enemies of mastery.

7. Don’t separate your work from your life. You should enjoy your work as it is your life.

8. We fight impatience by endurance. When you endure pain, you will enjoy gain.

9. There are many ingredients of success; desire, persistence, faith, confidence and good planning top the list.

10. Your uniqueness is established at birth. You express and make it flourish by your work.

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The LAWS of HUMAN NATURE By Robert Greene

1. We rationalize our irrational behaviors because we don’t know when we are irrational. (The law of irrationality).

2. We are blinded by self that we hardly notice the feelings of others. (The law of narcissism)

3. We are good at acting the image we want others to see, but don’t see through their own eyes. (The law of role playing)

4. There are certain behavior that are deeply engrained in our character. We need conscious effort to address them. (The law of compulsive behavior)

5. We easily see what is around us, but hardly notice what is ahead of us. (The law of shortsightedness)

6. We covet what we don’t have and rarely value what we have. (The law of covetousness)

7. We defend ourselves, even when we are wrong. We seek validation and justification. (The law of defensiveness)

8. We tend to repress our dark side, and elevate our good side to fit in, and be liked by others. (The law of repression)

9. We constantly compare ourselves with one another, even when we don’t know it, and deny our own envy/jealousy. (The law of envy)

10. We are social beings, even the least outspoken among us. So, we can’t help conforming and expressing ourselves. (The law of Conformity)

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10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The ART of SEDUCTION By Robert Greene

1. Every seduction involves a degree of surprise and novelty.

2. Great seducers are good at organizing surprise and never let a relationship become stale.

3. Seduction is a selfless act of getting outside of yourself and connecting with other people to absorb their energy and likeness.

4. Humans get bored with routines and resists seduction once something they awe is figured out.

5. A combination of being interesting, unpredictable, and hard to understand is what makes seducers to hold people’s attention for long.

6. When our emotions are engaged, our perception and reasoning are altered.

7. While trying to seduce, don’t be easy to get. Play hard-to-get, not just because it works, but because you should be.

8. There are nine different types of seducers and their actions are characterized by different strategies.

9. Seducers strategies are centered on human need for love and acceptance. 

10. Anti-seductive behaviors are hinged on self-centeredness and no value for others.

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