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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

10 Lessons & Best Ideas From The Magic of Thinking Big By David J. Schwartz

1. Have I-can-do-it attitude and the how to do it will develop in your mind.

2. Don’t give yourself excuses. Focus on what you can do and do it.

3. Don’t entertain thoughts of fear. Build confidence with your action.

4. Engage your creative thinking in solving problems. Find new ways of doing things.

5. Dress the way you want to be addressed. Look the way you want to be looked.

6. You cannot underestimate the impact of your environment on you and your success.

7. Your attitude is a reflection of who you are. If you want to change yourself, change your attitude.

8. Be generous in your actions and expressions toward people.

9. Don’t waste time on too much analysis. Take action and keep learning.

10. Be positive and open-minded. See good in every situation.

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